What does the poverty rate measure?
Describe three potential problems in interpreting the measured poverty rate.
> Swit, Inc.’s comparative balance sheet at January 31, 2013, and 2012, reports the following (in millions): Requirements: Three situations about Swit’s issuance of stock and payment of dividends during the year endedJ
> Assume the Dogan Copy Center ended the month of July 2012 with these data: Requirement: Prepare the income statement and the statement of retained earnings of Dogan Copy Center, Inc., for the month ended July 31, 2012. Payments of cash: Acquisition
> Glass, Inc., began 2012 with $83,000 in cash. During 2012, Glass earned net income of $430,000, and adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations totaled $75,000, a positive amount. Investing activities used cash of $420,000, and
> Most, Inc.’s comparative balance sheet at January 31, 2013, and 2012, reports the following (in millions): Requirements: Three situations about Most’s issuance of stock and payment of dividends during the year ended
> Coffee Shop Doughnuts has current assets of $280 million; property, plant, and equipment of $430 million; and other assets totaling $170 million. Current liabilities are $170 million and long term liabilities total $300 million. Requirements: 1. Use the
> You are studying frantically for an accounting exam tomorrow. You are having difficulty in this course, and the grade you make on this exam can make the difference between receiving a final grade of B or C. If you receive a C, it will lower your grade po
> Summarized versions of Sanchez Corporation’s financial statements follow for two recent years. Requirement Complete Sanchez Corporation’s financial statements by determining the missing amounts denoted by the letters
> The following data come from the financial statements of The Water Fun Company at the year ended May 31, 2013 (in millions). Requirements 1. Prepare a cash flow statement for the year ended May 31, 2013. Not all the items given appear on the cash flow
> The assets and liabilities of Post Fir as of December 31, 2012, and revenues and expenses for the year ended on that date follow. Beginning retained earnings was $114,000, and dividends totaled $36,000 for the year. Requirements 1. Prepare the income
> Reva Hamlet is a realtor. She organized her business as a corporation on September 16, 2013. The business received $90,000 from Hamlet and issued common stock. Consider these facts as of September 30, 2013. a. Hamlet has $20,000 in her personal bank acco
> The manager of Salem News, Inc., prepared the company’s balance sheet as of April 30, 2012, while the accountant was ill. The balance sheet contains numerous errors. In particular, the manager knew that the balance sheet should balance,
> Compute the missing amount (?) for each company—amounts in millions. Which company has the ▶ Highest net income? ▶ Highest percent of net income to revenues? Topaz Corp. Loiselle Co. Berger Inc.
> Assume that the A division of Truett Corporation experienced the following transactions during the year ended December 31, 2013: a. Suppose division A supplied copy services for a customer for the discounted price of $260,000. Under normal conditions, it
> Summarized versions of Nachos Corporation’s financial statements are given for two recent years. Requirement Determine the missing amounts denoted by the letters. 2012 2011 (In Thousands) $ k Income Statement Revenues. $15,500 Cos
> Compute the missing amount in the accounting equation for each company (amounts in billions): Which company appears to have the strongest financial position? Explain your reasoning. Assets Liabilities Owners' Equity Fresh Produce $ ? $20 $17 Margie
> The following data come from the financial statements of The Big Wave Company for the year ended May 31, 2013 (in millions): Requirements 1. Prepare a cash flow statement for the year ended May 31, 2013. Not all items given appear on the cash flow stat
> The assets and liabilities of Post Oak, Inc., as of December 31, 2012, and revenues and expenses for the year ended on that date follow. Beginning retained earnings was $114,000, and dividends totaled $37,000 for the year. Requirements 1. Prepare the
> Carla Hilton is a realtor. She organized the business as a corporation on December 16, 2013. The business received $55,000 cash from Hilton and issued common stock. Consider the following facts as of December 31, 2013. a. Hilton has $16,000 in her person
> The manager of Image Maker, Inc., prepared the company’s balance sheet as of March 31, 2012, while the accountant was ill. The balance sheet contains numerous errors. In particular, the manager knew that the balance sheet should balance
> Compute the missing amount (?) for each company—amounts in millions At the end of the year, which company has the ▶ Highest net income? ▶ Highest percent of net income to revenues? Ruby Corp. La
> Assume that the A division of Harrold Corporation experienced the following transactions during the year ended December 31, 2013: a. Suppose division A supplied copy services for a customer for the discounted price of $250,000. Under normal conditions, i
> The stockholders’ equity of Verkovsky Company at the beginning and end of 2012 totaled $21,000 and $23,000, respectively. Assets at the beginning of 2012 were $25,000. If the liabilities of Verkovsky Company increased by $12,000 in 2012, how much were to
> Refer to the data in Exercises 1-36B and 1-37B. In Exercises 1-36B and 1-37B Assume a Croyden Copy Center ended the month of July 2013 with these data: / Requirement Prepare the statement of cash flows of Croyden Copy Center, Inc., for the month ended
> Refer to the data in Exercise 1-36B. In Exercise 1-36B Assume a Croyden Copy Center ended the month of July 2013 with these data: / Requirement Prepare the balance sheet of Croyden Copy Center, Inc., at July 31, 2013.
> Assume a Croyden Copy Center ended the month of July 2013 with these data: / Requirement Prepare the income statement and the statement of retained earnings of Croyden Copy Center, Inc., for the month ended July 31, 2013.
> This and similar cases in succeeding chapters are based on the consolidated financial statements of Amazon.com, Inc. As you work with Amazon.com, Inc., throughout this course, you will develop the ability to use the financial statements of actual compani
> What components of GDP (if any) would each of the following transactions affect? Explain. a. A family buys a new refrigerator. b. Aunt Jane buys a new house. c. Ford sells a Mustang from its inventory. d. You buy a pizza. e. California repaves Highway 10
> One day, Barry the Barber, Inc., collects $400 for haircuts. Over this day, his equipment depreciates in value by $50. Of the remaining $350, Barry sends $30 to the government in sales taxes, takes home $220 in wages, and retains $100 in his business to
> The participation of women in the U.S. labor force has risen dramatically since 1970. a. How do you think this rise affected GDP? b. Now imagine a measure of well-being that includes time spent working in the home and taking leisure. How would the change
> A farmer grows wheat, which she sells to a miller for $100. The miller turns the wheat into flour, which she sells to a baker for $150. The baker turns the wheat into bread, which she sells to consumers for $180. Consumers eat the bread. a. What is GDP i
> Consider the following data on U.S. GDP: a. What was the growth rate of nominal GDP between 2002 and 2012? (Hint: The growth rate of a variable X over an N-year period is calculated as 100 × [(Xfinal/Xinitial) 1/N − 1].)
> Consider an economy that produces only chocolate bars. In year 1, the quantity produced is 3 bars and the price is $4. In year 2, the quantity produced is 4 bars and the price is $5. In year 3, the quantity produced is 5 bars and the price is $6. Year 1
> Below are some data from the land of milk and honey. a. Compute nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator for each year, using 2013 as the base year. b. Compute the percentage change in nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator in 2014 and 2015 fro
> A person who buys a life insurance policy pays a certain amount per year and receives for his family a much larger payment in the event of his death. Would you expect buyers of life insurance to have higher or lower death rates than the average person? H
> Describe the ultimatum game. What outcome from this game would conventional economic theory predict? Do experiments confirm this prediction? Explain.
> The government is considering two ways to help the needy: giving them cash or giving them free meals at soup kitchens. a. Give an argument, based on the standard theory of the rational consumer, for giving cash. b. Give an argument, based on asymmetric i
> State whether each of the following statements is true or false. Explain your answers. a. “All Giffen goods are inferior goods.” b. “All inferior goods are Giffen goods.”
> Define signaling and screening and give an example of each.
> Five roommates are planning to spend the weekend in their dorm room watching movies, and they are debating how many movies to watch. Here is their willingness to pay: Buying a DVD costs $15, which the roommates split equally, so each pays $3 per movie.
> Three friends are choosing a TV show to watch. Here are their preferences: a. If the three friends try using a Borda count to make their choice, what would happen? b. Monica suggests a vote by majority rule. She proposes that first they choose between
> Three friends are choosing a restaurant for dinner. Here are their preferences: a. If the three friends use a Borda count to make their decision, where do they go to eat? b. On their way to their chosen restaurant, they see that the Mexican and French
> What is moral hazard? List three things an employer might do to reduce the severity of this problem.
> Some AIDS activists believe that health insurance companies should not be allowed to ask applicant if they are infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. Would this rule help or hurt those who are HIV-positive? Would it help or hurt those who are not
> A case study in this chapter describes how a boyfriend can signal his love to a girlfriend by giving an appropriate gift. Do you think saying “I love you” can also serve as a signal? Why or why not?
> Suppose that the Live-Long-and-Prosper Health Insurance Company charges $5,000 annually for a family insurance policy. The company’s president suggests that the company raise the annual price to $6,000 to increase its profits. If the firm followed this s
> Each of the following situations involves moral hazard. In each case, identify the principal and the agent and explain why there is asymmetric information. How does the action described reduce the problem of moral hazard? a. Landlords require tenants to
> When recording devices were first invented more than 100 years ago, musicians could suddenly supply their music to large audiences at low cost. How do you suppose this development affected the income of the best musicians? How do you suppose it affected
> Jim buys only milk and cookies. a. In year 1, Jim earns $100, milk costs $2 per quart, and cookies cost $4 per dozen. Draw Jim’s budget constraint. b. Now suppose that all prices increase by 10 percent in year 2 and that Jim’s salary increases by 10 perc
> This chapter discusses the importance of economic mobility. a. What policies might the government pursue to increase economic mobility within a generation? b. What policies might the government pursue to increase economic mobility across generations? c.
> List three policies aimed at helping the poor, and discuss the pros and cons of each.
> Table 3 shows that the percentage of children in families with income below the poverty line far exceeds the percentage of the elderly in such families. How might the allocation of government money across different social programs have contributed to thi
> The nation of Ectenia has twenty competitive apple orchards, which sell apples at the world price of $2 per apple. The following equations describe the production function and the marginal product of labor in each orchard: Q = 100L − L2 MPL = 100 − 2L
> Define compensating differential and give an example.Give two reasons why more educated workers earn more than less educated workers.
> What conditions lead to highly compensated superstars? Would you expect to see superstars in dentistry? In music? Explain.
> Give three reasons a worker’s wage might be above the level that balances supply and demand.
> Pam earns more than Pauline. Someone proposes taxing Pam to supplement Pauline’s income. How would a utilitarian, a liberal, and a libertarian each evaluate this proposal?
> This chapter discusses companies that are oligopolists in the market for the goods they sell. Many of the same ideas apply to companies that are oligopolists in the market for the inputs they buy. a. If sellers who are oligopolists try to increase the pr
> Consider trade relations between the United States and Mexico. Assume that the leaders of the two countries believe the payoffs to alternative trade policies are as follows: a. What is the dominant strategy for the United States? For Mexico? Explain. b
> A basic finding of labor economics is that workers who have more experience in the labor force are paid more than workers who have less experience (holding constant the amount of formal education). Why might this be so? Some studies have also found that
> A minimum-wage law distorts the market for low-wage labor. To reduce this distortion, some economists advocate a two-tiered minimum-wage system, with a regular minimum wage for adult workers and a lower, “subminimum” wage for teenage workers. Give two r
> Consider two of the income security programs in the United States: TANF and the EITC. a. When a woman with children and very low income earns an extra dollar, she receives less in TANF benefits. What do you think is the effect of this feature of TANF on
> At some colleges and universities, economics professors receive higher salaries than professors in some other fields. a. Why might this be true? b. Some other colleges and universities have a policy of paying equal salaries to professors in all fields. A
> Define marginal product of labor and value of the marginal product of labor.Describe how a competitive, profit-maximizing firm decides how many workers to hire.
> What determines the income of the owners of land and capital?How would an increase in the quantity of capital affect the incomes of those who already own capital? How would it affect the incomes of workers?
> How does an immigration of workers affect labor supply, labor demand, the marginal product of labor, and the equilibrium wage?
> Explain how the wage can adjust to balance the supply and demand for labor while simultaneously equaling the value of the marginal product of labor.
> Give two examples of events that could shift the supply of labor, and explain why they do so.
> Synergy and Dynaco are the only two firms in a specific high-tech industry. They face the following payoff matrix as they decide upon the size of their research budget: a. Does Synergy have a dominant strategy? Explain. b. Does Dynaco have a dominant s
> Your enterprising uncle opens a sandwich shop that employs seven people. The employees are paid $6 per hour, and a sandwich sells for $3. If your uncle is maximizing his profit, what is the value of the marginal product of the last worker he hired? What
> College students sometimes work as summer interns for private firms or the government. Many of these positions pay little or nothing. a. What is the opportunity cost of taking such a job? b. Explain why students are willing to take these jobs. c. If you
> Give two examples of events that could shift the demand for labor, and explain why they do so.
> Explain how a firm’s production function is related to its marginal product of labor, how a firm’s marginal product of labor is related to the value of its marginal product, and how a firm’s value of marginal product is related to its demand for labor.
> Smiling Cow Dairy can sell all the milk it wants for $4 a gallon, and it can rent all the robots it wants to milk the cows at a capital rental price of $100 a day. It faces the following production schedule: Number ofRobots …………….……………………Total Product 0
> The poverty rate would be substantially lower if the market value of in-kind transfers were added to family income. The largest in-kind transfer isMedicaid, the government health program for the poor. Let’s say the program costs $10,000 per recipient fam
> Tell the story of the prisoners’ dilemma. Write down a table showing the prisoners’ choices and explain what outcome is likely. • What does the prisoners’ dilemma teach us about oligopolies?
> Suppose that labor is the only input used by a perfectly competitive firm. The firm’s production function is as follows: Days of Labor ………………………………….Units of Output0 days 0 units 1 …………………………….…………………….…………….………….7 2 ……………………………….………………….……………….……….13 3
> The New York Times (Nov. 30, 1993) reported that “the inability of OPEC to agree last week to cut production has sent the oil market into turmoil . . . [leading to] the lowest price for domestic crude oil since June 1990.” a. Why were the members of OPEC
> If the members of an oligopoly could agree on a total quantity to produce, what quantity would they choose?If the oligopolists do not act together but instead make production decisions individually, do they produce a total quantity more or less than in y
> Give two examples other than oligopoly that show how the prisoners’ dilemma helps to explain behavior.
> Explain the costs and benefits of reducing inflation to zero. Which are temporary and which are permanent?
> What are the pros and cons of in-kind (rather than cash) transfers to the poor?
> What is the prisoners’ dilemma, and what does it have to do with oligopoly?
> A large share of the world supply of diamonds come from Russia and South Africa. Suppose that the marginal cost of mining diamonds is constant at $1,000 per diamond and the demand for diamonds is described by the following schedule: Price …………………………….Qu
> This chapter considers the economics of discrimination by employers, customers, and governments. Now consider discrimination by workers. Suppose that some brunette workers do not like working with blonde workers. Can this worker discrimination explain lo
> Little Kona is a small coffee company that is considering entering a market dominated by Big Brew. Each company’s profit depends on whether Little Kona enters and whether Big Brew sets a high price or a low price: a. Does either playe
> Two athletes of equal ability are competing for a prize of $10,000. Each is deciding whether to take a dangerous performance-enhancing drug. If one athlete takes the drug, and the other does not, the one who takes the drug wins the prize. If both or neit
> Suppose there are two possible income distributions in a society of ten people. In the first distribution, nine people have incomes of $30,000 and one person has an income of $10,000. In the second distribution, all ten people have incomes of $25,000. a.
> Show the effect of each of the following events on the market for labor in the computer manufacturing industry. a. Congress buys personal computers for all U.S. college students. b. More college students major in engineering and computer science. c. Comp
> Draw some indifference curves for pizza and Pepsi. Explain the four properties of these indifference curves.
> Draw the budget constraint for a person with income of $1,000 if the price of Pepsi is $5 and the price of pizza is $10. What is the slope of this budget constraint?
> Explain how an increase in the wage can potentially decrease the amount that a person wants to work.
> Leadbelly Co. sells pencils in a perfectly competitive product market and hires workers in a perfectly competitive labor market. Assume that the market wage rate for workers is $150 per day. a. What rule should Leadbelly follow to hire the profit-maximiz
> Draw a budget constraint and indifference curves for pizza and Pepsi. Show what happens to the budget constraint and the consumer’s optimum when the price of pizza rises. In your diagram, decompose the change into an income effect and a substitution effe
> Pick a point on an indifference curve for wine and cheese and show the marginal rate of substitution. What does the marginal rate of substitution tell us?
> Draw a consumer’s indifference curves for wine and cheese. Describe and explain four properties of these indifference curves.
> A case study in the chapter describes a phone conversation between the presidents of American Airlines and Braniff Airways. Let’s analyze the game between the two companies. Suppose that each company can charge either a high price for tickets or a low pr
> When Alan Greenspan (who would later become chairman of the Federal Reserve) ran an economic consulting firm in the 1960s, he primarily hired female economists. He once told the New York Times, “I always valued men and women equally, and I found that bec
> A consumer has income of $3,000. Wine costs $3 per glass, and cheese costs $6 per pound. Draw the consumer’s budget constraint with wine on the vertical axis. What is the slope of this budget constraint?
> This chapter uses the analogy of a “leaky bucket” to explain one constraint on the redistribution of income. a. What elements of the U.S. system for redistributing income create the leaks in the bucket? Be specific. b. Do you think that Republicans or De
> Can an increase in the price of cheese possibly induce a consumer to buy more cheese? Explain.