Which of the following compounds are polar? Select "polar" or "nonpolar" for each compound.
Polar Nonpolar ICl5
Polar Nonpolar PBr5
Polar Nonpolar SeCl4
Polar Nonpolar KrCl4
Polar Nonpolar KrCl2
Polar Nonpolar TeF6
Polar Nonpolar BrF3
> The molecular geometry of the PF4+ ion is _____. Draw the lewis structure.
> What is the molecular geometry of PF4?
> The following hydrogenation reaction, draw the correct organic product and select the correct IUPAC name for the organic reactant. Pt + H H Select the correct IUPAC name for the organic reactant. (Z)-3-ethyl-2-butene (E)-3-methyl-2-pentene (E)-3-met
> Give the mechanism for the following Hydrogenation reactions: the a. Polle Hz b. Pale CH3 He C. Ra-Ni
> Fill in the missing organic products or reactants for the following hydrogenation reactions. b. H2 Pt catalyst
> The balanced reaction between HCl and sodium benzoate is given and what volume of 1 M HCl is required to react with 3.74 g of sodium benzoate?
> Predict the shapes of a. IO4- b. IF4- c. TeF6 d. SiO4 e. ICI2 Include the lewis structure
> 1. Draw the full Lewis structure and bond-line structure of benzoic acid. Using the pKa table on the next page, list the approximate pKa of benzoic acid. Explain the structural feature(s) of benzoic acid that cause its acidity 2. Draw the acid-base reac
> The procedure called for reacting 2.00 g of sodium benzoate (13.9 mmol) with 5 mL of 3M HCl. a. Calculate how many mmols of HCl was added if exactly 5 mL of the acid was used. b. Based on the amounts of sodium benzoate and HCl used, which reactant is the
> Based on the pKa of benzoic acid and the pKa of HCl, what do you hypothesize will happen in terms of reaction equilibrium? a. the equilibrium will favor the starting materials (sodium benzoate and HCl) because HCl has a lower pKa b. the equilibrium will
> What are sodium benzoate and HCL mechanism and the equation is? Explain through le Chatelier principle and acid-base reaction?
> Explain the purpose of adding 6 M HCl to the aqueous layer with sodium benzoate. Draw the reaction between sodium benzoate and HCl.
> Label each of the following molecules as cis or trans. Br H,C OH Br
> Name the following molecules. Label the molecules below as either cis or trans and either E or Z where appropriate. CI CI F. F. /-
> Which enzymes of the glycolysis pathway catalyze irreversible reactions, and why are they irreversible?
> 12. Which steps of reactions in glycolysis are irreversible? 13. Which reaction is the first committed step of reaction in glycolysis?
> 1. What is glycolysis? Give a brief overview of glycolysis. 2. Name the enzymes involved in and write the chemical reaction of irreversible reactions of glycolysis.
> Draw the Lewis structure for the ethylene (C2H4) molecule. Be sure to include all resonance structures that satisfy the octet rule.
> Select the irreversible reactions of glycolysis. conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate by phosphoglucose isomerase conversion of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate by hexokinase conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphos
> Draw the Lewis structure and label the functional group. Table 1: Lewis structures & Functional groups for Simple Organic Compounds Formula Lewis Structure (with at least ONE functional group (from Table 15.1 - CIRCLED & labelled) Example: - Aldehyd
> Complete the Lewis structures for the following resonance forms of C2H5NO. Be sure to include formal charges. Circle the resonance structure that is the LEAST important contributor to the resonance hybrid. Explain your choice. C-NH, — с HC H3C - NH,
> Draw the Lewis structure for acetamine C2H5NO. Acetamine molecules have one carbonyl group and one amino group. Be certain you include any lone pairs.
> To draw the Lewis Structure of C2H5NO
> Draw the main Lewis structure of NOF. Draw nonbonding electrons using the dot notation, and bonding electrons as a bond.
> NOTE: Most likely you answered no above (it's OK if you said yes). Methane is not a flat molecule, as the structural formula seems to indicate. The structural formulas we have been drawing usually do not accurately represent the actual three-dimensional
> What is the correct way to draw the lewis structure and why? C2H5NO
> Locate the centroid of the plane area shown. PROBLEM 5.2 10 in -9 in. Locate the centroid of the plane area shown. 12 in S in. PROBLEM 5.3 NI 90 mm 135 mm Locate the centroid of the plane area shown. 270 mm
> A sample of C2H5NO contains 46.2 grams of C2H5NO. How many miles of O are present?
> Draw a Lewis diagram for C2H5NH2
> Draw at least three different resonance structures for each of the following compounds. You will need to draw a Lewis Dot structure first. Include all formal charges for each resonance structure. a. C2H5NO (one carbonyl group) b. Benzene (C6H6) c. N2O
> Name the following compound: Question #2 - Name the following compounds: ОН O OH HO Question #1 – Name the following compound: H. Question #2 – Name the following compounds: о он OH H Question #3 – Name the following compound: о
> Name the following compound: Br Question 08 - Name the following compound: Br Question 89 - Name the following compound: Question 10 - Name the following compound: Question 11 - Name the following compound: Question #12 - Name the following compound:
> The pKa of propanoic acid is 4.85. What is the pH of a 0.125 M aqueous solution of sodium propanoate? Why is the answer 8.97?
> If a propanoic acid/propanoate buffer is 0.022 M in propanoic acid and has a pH of 5.21, what is the molar concentration of the propanoate ion? The pKa of propanoic acid is 4.89.
> Trisulfur, S3, is one form that elemental sulfur can have. Draw the Lewis structure of S3. How many double bonds are there on the central sulfur atom? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 4
> Circle and label the functional groups in the molecules below: SH
> Label the functional groups in the molecule. alkoxy group carbonyl group - carbonyl group thiol group NH hydroxyl group LOH - hydraxyl group alkoxy group thiol group HS amide group amine group carbonyl group NH - amine group halo group halo group ami
> What is the product of the following reaction? Explain. NBS hu NBS ROOR HBr ROOR
> Which of the following molecules contain sphingosine? Select all that apply. Molecule A A HO-CH-CH=CH CH2 CH2 CA, CH2 CH2 °CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 Molecule B CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH-NH-C-CH, CH, CH, CH, CH, CH, CH, CH, C Molecule C
> Determine the products formed in each reaction. .CCH CCH CCH D H CH H,C H c1 a1 CCH CHCH,CHCH (CH,CHCCHCH, (CH,CH)CCCCH,CH, b b1 A. CI HC CO H,C H ec=CCH,CH B. (CH3CH2);CCI CI HC CO C. H D
> Determine the products formed in each reaction. If there is no reaction, label the reaction as "no reaction". [1] LDA no reaction (2] CH;CH,I to Nal of (1] LDA [2) CH;CH2I of (1] NaOEt 2] CH,CH 131 HO OEt
> Write the formula for each ionic compound below, and circle if the compound is Ionic or Molecular. If the compound is ionic, circle if it is water soluble. Circle If Ionic, water soluble? Compound Formula Ionic or Molecular Yes or No 1 manganese(IV)
> Classify the following compounds according to their type as ionic or molecular, respectively. PCl5, KBr, AlCl3 molecular, ionic, ionic ionic, ionic, ionic ionic, molecular, molecular molecular, ionic, molecular
> A. Kr Draw the Lewis dot structure for Kr. B. P Draw the Lewis dot structure for P. C. B Draw the Lewis dot structure for B. D. Na Draw the Lewis dot structure for Na.
> Which compound below exhibits resonance? In other words, which has resonance structures when the Lewis dot structure is drawn? a. NaF b. H2O c. NO31- d. C2H2 e. PF3
> Lewis structure, number of electron regions, hybridization, electric geometry, number of lone pairs, molecular geometry, bond angles and polar or non-polar for trisulfur S3
> Classifying Ionic versus Covalent / Lewis Dot Structures of Atoms Classify the following compounds as ionic ([metal or ammonium ion) + (non-metal or polyatomic ion]), covalent (nonmetal+ nonmetal). CaCl2 CO2 H20 BaSO4 K20 NaF NazCO3 CH4 SO, LiBr MgO
> Determine the overall charge on each complex. 1. tetrachlorocuprate(II) 2. tetraaquadichlorochromium(III
> A. Is SiH4 polar or nonpolar B. Is SCl2 polar or nonpolar C. Is BeBr2 polar or nonpolar D. Is NOCl polar or nonpolar E. Is AlBr3 polar or nonpolar
> Rank the following carbocations in order of decreasing stability. Rank the following carbocations in order of decreasing stability. (CH)„ċCH,CH, CH,CH,CH-CH H CH,CH=CCH, 2 2>1>4> 3 3>4 > 2>1 2>1>3>4 4 > 3 >2>1
> Draw these Lewis structures: methanol, acetic acid, dimethyl ether.
> Which of the following choices describes the most likely product and mechanism of the following reaction conditions? Which of the following choices describes the most likely product and mechanism of the following reaction concitions? OMs ,E2 OH Sub
> The reaction below is most likely going through which mechanism? (SN1, SN2, E1, or E2) The reaction below is most likely going through which mechanism? (SN1, SN2, E1, or E2) OH HBr Br KCN CN Br
> Which of the following choices describes the most likely product and mechanism of the following reaction conditions? Which of the following choices describes the most likely product and mechanism of the following reaction conditions? Which of the fol
> Which is the most likely first step in the mechanism for this reaction? 20 H3O* + H2O + H2O + H2O 1. + H2O
> Draw the 3D structure for each molecule and state the hybridization of each central atom. a. ICl2- b. IF2+ c. SnI2
> Which is the most likely first step in the mechanism for this reaction? H-Br
> Sketch the defect structure formed when NiO is doped with NiCl2 (CI replaces O2- in the lattice).
> Hydrogen 02 Oxide Lewis Structure AsCls Name Lewis Structure BrFs Name: Lewis Structure VSEPR: Name XeF2 Lewis Structure Name Hydrosen Oxide Lewis Structure AsCis Name: Lewis Structure Name: Lewis Structure VSEPR: Name: XeF2 Lewis Structure
> Provide a Lewis structure and a condensed structure for the following skeletal line structures. LEWIS STRUCTURE: CONDENSED STRUCTURE:
> reatment of an aqueous solution of NiCl2 with the ligand H2NCHPhCHPhNH2 gives a blue complex (μeff = 3.30μB). Upon heating, it loses water to form a yellow, diamagnetic compound. Draw the Lewis structure of the ligand and clearly identify the donor atom(
> The molecule shown below is Doxaprost, an orally active bronchodilator a. Circle and label all the functional groups which occur in this molecule (Hint: you are looking for 4) b. Are there any locations in this molecule where cis- or trans- arrangements
> Label the molecules below as cis or trans. HO HO OH OH но ÓH ÓH
> Label the following molecules as being cis or trans HO но. Br
> Label the following molecules as being cis or trans HO Br Br
> Label each molecule as either cis or trans. Draw both the cis and trans structures for 1,3 -Difluorocvclohexane using dashes and wedges. Br Br Br A. В.
> Draw the structure for IF2 -. Determine the molecular and electron geometry of the ion. What is the hybridization of the central atom?
> Label the molecules as cis or trans. Br Br A) Br B) D) Br CI does not apply does not apply does not apply does not apply cis trans cis trans trans cis trans cis
> Draw the Lewis structure, find the total electron regions, determine the electronic geometry, # of bonding and non-bonding regions, and lastly, the molecular geometry for the following: 1. GaI3 2. PCl2F3 3.BrF3 4. SF6 5. (SnF6)2-
> Lewis Structure for: PO4 -3 GaI3 Cl3CCF3 COCl2 SnF6-2 SnF2
> 2. Label the conformation of the molecule as either cis or trans 3. Label the following molecules as either chiral or achiral Et OH CI (Bu 'Me Br HO Et NH2 Me Br
> Label the following molecules as being cis or trans. CI
> Determine the overall charge on each complex. a. hexachloroplatinate(IV) b. triamminetriiodocobalt(III) c. diaquadichloroethylenediaminecobalt(III)
> What is the pH of a solution of 0.054 M propanoic acid? The pKa of propanoic acid is 4.87.
> Which of the following chairs is galactose (Fischer projection drawn)? Are these structures drawn in the alpha- or beta- configurations? ON OH Ow OH но ON OH он HO HO II II IV
> CuO, ionic or molecular KI, ionic or molecular PCl3, ionic or molecular
> Dehydration of 2-methyl-2-pentanol forms one major and one minor organic product. Draw the structures of the two organic products of this reaction. Major Product Minor Product ;ÖH H. H2SO4 H. H H 2-methyl-2-pentanol H H. H
> Select the molecule or ion with the INCORRECT hybridization for the central atom. a. IF2- sp b. 1F4+ sp3d c. IBr4- sp3d2 d. AsF3 sp3 e. Cl2CO sp2
> Which of the following processes are exothermic? A. Rubbing alcohol feels cold on the skin B. Molten metal solidifies C. A match burns
> Is water a good buffering system? Please explain.
> Draw the Lewis dot structure for NaF CaO K2O
> Which of the following processes are exothermic? Select all that are True. crystallization vaporization melting sublimation
> Hydrazine, N2H4, is a base with base strength constant Kb = 10-6.10 M, i.e. for the equilibrium: The equilibrium constant is K = 10-3.15 for the reaction: 4c. Calculate the acid dissociation constant, Ka', for acetic acid, CH3COH NH4 + H2O NHs +
> For a particular isomer of C8H18, the following reaction produces 5113.3 kJ of heat per mole of C8H18(g) consumed, under standard conditions. What is the standard enthalpy of formation of this isomer of C8H18? 25 C,H,„g) + 2 o,g) → sco,g) + 9H,O[g)
> Draw the Lewis dot structure for NaF.
> Which compound matches the IR spectrum? wavelength, micrometers 7 8 2.6 2.8 3 3.5 4 4.5 5.5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 100 80 60 40 20 3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 wavenumber, cm1 dipropyl ether 1-hexen-3-ol Which compo
> 12. Select the best reagents for the reaction below. он + enantiomer он 1) Hg(OAc)2, Hz0; 2) NaBH, O H;SO4, H20 O 1) 0,; 2) DMS O 1) Os04; 2) NaHSO,, H20 1) RCO,H; 2) H,0* Testbank, Question 014 Select the best reagents for the reaction below.
> 10. Select the best reagents for the reaction below. 11. Select the best reagents for the reaction below ? -Br A. NaOtBu HBr В. C. H2SO4 NaOH D. E. NaSH \OH + enantiomer Он A. 1. OsO4; 2. NaHSO3, H20 1. Hg(OAc)2, H20; 2. NaBH4 1. RCO3H; 2. H30* H2SO
> Give the geometry, molecular shape about the central atom and hybridization for each central atom of: 1. H2C=C=CH2 2. IF2- 3. PCl4- 4. HONO2
> Write the formula for each ionic compound below, and circle if the compound is Tonic or Molecular. If the compound is ionic, check if is water soluble or water insoluble. Name Formula Circle If lonic, circle Lonic or Molecular soluble or insoluble ca
> Is water a good buffer? Why or why not?
> Determine whether the following molecules are polar or nonpolar: a. NBr3 b. OCS c. XeF4
> Name the following alkenes using systematic names. H3C CH3 H3C H. CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH2 H3C CH3 Br. CH2 CH2 CHa
> Explain why CO2 is nonpolar, but OCS is polar.
> Hydrazine, N2H4, is a base like ammonia. it reacts with an acid such as H2SO4acid according to the equation: What mass of Hydrazine will react with 231.0mL of 0.220 M of sulfuric acid? N2H4(aq) + H2SO4(aq) N2H5*(aq) + SO4 2
> Molecule H Lewis structure Hybridization TeF6 Number of valence electrons Number of σ and π bonds 0: n: Number of bonded atoms on central atom Molecule H Lewis structure Hybridization TeF. Number of valence Number of o and n ele
> Classify the following compounds according to type as ionic or molecular, respectively: NF3, HBr, HgCl2 a. molecular, ionic, molecular b. molecular, molecular, ionic c. molecular, ionic, ionic d. ionic, molecular, molecular
> Consider the following chemical compounds. Classify each as either an IONIC or a MOLECULAR compound. ionic/ molecular NO ionic/ molecular CaSe ionic/ molecular HCl ionic/ molecular LiI ionic/ molecular LiCl ionic/ molecular HF
> Some chemical compounds are listed in the first column of the table below. Each compound is soluble in water. Imagine that a few tenths of a mole of each compound is dissolved in a liter of water. The important chemical species that would be present in t
> How do you find the hybridization for these molecules? CH3CH2OH, CH3COOH, CH3CN, CH3OCH3, IF2(-), SO4(2-)