Which of the following reactions cannot occur?
(a) p + p ( p + p + p-
(b) n ( p + e- + v-e
(c) μ+ ( e+ + ve + v-μ
(d) π- ( μ- + v-μ
> The 14C isotope undergoes beta decay according to the process given by Equation 29.15. Find the Q value for this process. Equation 29.15:
> A 200.0 - mCi sample of a radioactive isotope is purchased by a medical supply house. If the sample has a half - life of 14.0 days, how long will it keep before its activity is reduced to 20.0 mCi?
> Find the threshold energy that the incident neutron must have to produce the reaction: 10n + 24He ( 12H + 13H.
> A radioactive sample contains 3.50 μg of pure 11C, which has a half - life of 20.4 min. (a) How many moles of 11C are present initially? (b) Determine the number of nuclei present initially. What is the activity of the sample (c) Initially and (d) After
> A particular radioactive source produces 100. mrad of 2 - MeV gamma rays per hour at a distance of 1.0 m. (a) How long could a person stand at this distance before accumulating an intolerable dose of 1.0 rem? (b) Assuming the gamma radiation is emitted u
> Why would a fusion reactor produce less radioactive waste than a fission reactor?
> A patient swallows a radiopharmaceutical tagged with phosphorus - 32 (1532P), a β- emitter with a half - life of 14.3 days. The average kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is 7.00 x 102 keV. If the initial activity of the sample is 1.31 MBq, determin
> An x - ray technician works 5 days per week, 50 weeks per year. Assume the technician takes an average of eight x - rays per day and receives a dose of 5.0 rem/yr as a result. (a) Estimate the dose in rem per x - ray taken. (b) How does this result compa
> A “clever” technician decides to heat some water for his coffee with an x - ray machine. If the machine produces 10. rad/s, how long will it take to raise the temperature of a cup of water by 50.8 C? Ignore heat losses during this time.
> A 200. - rad dose of radiation is administered to a patient in an effort to combat a cancerous growth. Assuming all the energy deposited is absorbed by the growth, (a) Calculate the amount of energy delivered per unit mass. (b) Assuming the growth has a
> A person whose mass is 75.0 kg is exposed to a whole - body dose of 25.0 rad. How many joules of energy are deposited in the person’s body?
> In terms of biological damage, how many rad of heavy ions are equivalent to 100 rad of x - rays?
> (a) Determine the product of the reaction 37Li + 24He ( ? + n. (b) What is the Q value of the reaction?
> Complete the following nuclear reactions: (a) ? + 147N ( 11H + 178O (b) 37Li + 11H ( 24He + ?
> Natural gold has only one isotope, 19779Au. If gold is bombarded with slow neutrons, e- particles are emitted. (a) Write the appropriate reaction equation. (b) Calculate the maximum energy of the emitted beta particles. The mass of 19880Hg is 197.96675 u
> Consider two reactions: (1) n + 12H ( 13H (2) 11H + 12H ( 23He (a) Compute the Q values for these reactions. Identify whether each reaction is exothermic or endothermic. (b) Which reaction results in more released energy? Why? (c) Assuming the difference
> Why do nearly all the naturally occurring isotopes lie above the N = Z line in Figure 29.3?
> (a) Suppose 105B is struck by an alpha particle, releasing a proton and a product nucleus in the reaction. What is the product nucleus? (b) An alpha particle and a product nucleus are produced when 136C is struck by a proton. What is the product nucleus?
> One method of producing neutrons for experimental use is to bombard 37Li with protons. The neutrons are emitted according to the reaction (a) Calculate the mass in atomic mass units of the particles on the left side of the equation. (b) Calculate the ma
> Identify the unknown particles X and X’ in the following nuclear reactions: (a) X + 24He ( 1224Mg + 01n (b) 23592U + 01n ( 3890Sr + X + 201n (c) 211H ( 12H + X + X’
> A beam of 6.61 - MeV protons is incident on a target of 1327Al. Those protons that collide with the target produce the reaction (1427Si has a mass of 26.986721 u.) Neglecting any recoil of the product nucleus, determine the kinetic energy of the emergin
> A wooden artifact is found in an ancient tomb. Its carbon - 14 (146C) activity is measured to be 60.0% of that in a fresh sample of wood from the same region. Assuming the same amount of 14C was initially present in the artifact as is now contained in th
> In the decay 23490Th ( AZRa + 42He, identify (a) The mass number (by balancing mass numbers) and (b) The atomic number (by balancing atomic numbers) of the Ra nucleus.
> A 3H (tritium) nucleus beta decays into 3He by creating an electron and an antineutrino according to the reaction Use Appendix B to determine the total energy released in this reaction.
> 6628Ni (mass = 65.9291 u) undergoes beta decay to 2966Cu (mass = 65.9289 u). (a) Write the complete decay formula for this process. (b) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the emerging electrons.
> Determine which of the following suggested decays can occur spontaneously: (a) 2040Ca ( e+ + 1940K (b) 14460Nd ( 24He + 14058Ce
> Find the energy released in the alpha decay of 23892U. The following mass value will be useful: 23490Th has a mass of 234.043583 u.
> When an electron and a positron meet at low speed in empty space, they annihilate each other to produce two 0.511 - MeV gamma rays. What conservation law would be violated if they produced one gamma ray with an energy of 1.02 MeV? (a) Energy (b) Momentum
> The mass of 56Fe is 55.9349 u, and the mass of 56Co is 55.9399 u. Which isotope decays into the other and by what process?
> Complete the following radioactive decay formulas: (a) 512B ( ? + e- + v- (b) 23490Th ( 23088Ra + ? (c) ? ( 714N + e- + v-
> Identify the missing nuclides in the following decays: (a) 21283Bi ( ? + 24He (b) 3695Kr ( ? + e- + v- (c) ? ( 24He + 14058Ce
> On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck northwest Japan. The tsunami that followed left thousands of people dead and triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, releasing radioactive isotopes 137Cs and 134Cs, among oth
> Chromium’s radioactive isotope 51Cr has a half - life of 27.7 days and is often used in nuclear medicine as a diagnostic tracer in blood studies. Suppose a 51Cr sample has an activity of 2.00 μCi when it is placed on a storage shelf. (a) How many 51Cr nu
> A building has become accidentally contaminated with radioactivity. The longest - lived material in the building is strontium - 90. (The atomic mass of 3890Sr is 89.9077 u.) If the building initially contained 5.0 kg of this substance and the safe level
> A freshly prepared sample of a certain radioactive isotope has an activity of 10.0 mCi. After 4.00 h, the activity is 8.00 mCi. (a) Find the decay constant and half - life of the isotope. (b) How many atoms of the isotope were contained in the freshly pr
> After a plant or animal dies, its 14C content decreases with a half - life of 5730 yr. If an archaeologist finds an ancient fire pit containing partially consumed firewood and the 14C content of the wood is only 12.5% that of an equal carbon sample from
> After 2.00 days, the activity of a sample of an unknown type radioactive material has decreased to 84.2% of the initial activity. What is the half - life of this material?
> Tritium has a half - life of 12.33 years. What fraction of the nuclei in a tritium sample will remain (a) After 5.00 yr? (b) After 10.0 yr? (c) After 123.3 yr? (d) According to Equation 29.4a, an infinite amount of time is required for the entire sample
> A neutral atom is designated as 4018X. How many (a) Protons, (b) Neutrons, and (c) Electrons does the atom have? Answer: By convention, 1840X contains 18 protons and has a mass number of 40 so that 40 = Nprotons + Nneutrons and Nneutrons = 22. By c
> The half - life of 131I is 8.04 days. (a) Convert the half - life to seconds. (b) Calculate the decay constant for this isotope. (c) Convert 0.500 μCi to the SI unit the becquerel. (d) Find the number of 131I nuclei necessary to produce a sample with an
> A drug tagged with 4399Tc (half - life = 6.05 h) is prepared for a patient. If the original activity of the sample was 1.1 x 104 Bq, what is its activity after it has been on the shelf for 2.0 h?
> Radon gas has a half - life of 3.83 days. If 3.00 g of radon gas is present at time t = 0, what mass of radon will remain after 1.50 days have passed?
> Calculate the binding energy of the last neutron in the 2043Ca nucleus. Hint: You should compare the mass of 2043Ca with the mass of 2042Ca plus the mass of a neutron. The mass of 2042Ca = 41.958622 u, whereas the mass of 2043Ca = 42.958770 u.
> Two nuclei having the same mass number are known as isobars. (a) Calculate the difference in binding energy per nucleon for the isobars 1123Na and 1223Mg. (b) How do you account for this difference? (The mass of 1223Mg = 22.994127 u.)
> The peak of the stability curve occurs at 56Fe, which is why iron is prominent in the spectrum of the Sun and stars. Show that 56Fe has a higher binding energy per nucleon than its neighbors 55Mn and 59Co. Compare your results with Figure 29.4. Figure 2
> What fraction of a radioactive sample has decayed after three half - lives have elapsed? (a) 1/8 (b) 3/4 (c) 7/8 (d) None of these
> True or False: A radioactive atom always decays after two half - lives have elapsed.
> Why is a neutron stable inside the nucleus? (In free space, the neutron decays in 900 s.)
> Which of the following reactions cannot occur? (a) p + p- ( 2( (b) ( + p ( n + π0 (c) π0 + n ( K+ + ∑- (d) π+ + p ( K+ + ∑+
> If the Q value of an endothermic reaction is -2.17 MeV, the minimum kinetic energy needed in the reactant nuclei for the reaction to occur must be (a) Equal to 2.17 MeV, (b) Greater than 2.17 MeV, (c) Less than 2.17 MeV, or (d) Exactly half of 2.17 MeV.
> Which of the following are possible reactions? (a) 01n + 23592U ( 14054Xe + 9438Sr + 2(01n) (b) 01n + 23592U ( 13250Sn + 10142Mo + 3(01n) (c) 01n + 23994Pu ( 12753I + 9341Nb + 3(01n)
> Suppose the decay constant of radioactive substance A is twice the decay constant of radioactive substance B. If substance B has a half - life of 4 h, what’s the half-life of substance A? (a) 8 h (b) 4 h (c) 2 h
> Find the nuclear radii of the following nuclides: (a) 12H (b) 2760Co (c) 19779Au (d) 23994Pu.
> The atomic mass of an oxygen atom is 15.999 u. Convert this mass to units of (a) Kilograms and (b) MeV/c2.
> A pair of nuclei for which Z1 = N2 and Z2 = N1 are called mirror isobars. (The atomic and neutron numbers are interchangeable.) Binding - energy measurements on such pairs can be used to obtain evidence of the charge independence of nuclear forces. Charg
> Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for (a) 2H, (b) 4He, (c) 56Fe, and (d) 238U.
> Find the average binding energy per nucleon of (a) 1224Mg and (b) 3785Rb.
> An alpha particle has twice the charge of a beta particle. Why does the former deflect less than the latter when passing between electrically charged plates, assuming they both have the same speed?
> At the end of its life, a star with a mass of two times the Sun’s mass is expected to collapse, combining its protons and electrons to form a neutron star. Such a star could be thought of as a gigantic atomic nucleus. If a star of mass 2 x 1.99 x 1030 kg
> (a) Find the speed an alpha particle requires to come within 3.2 x 10-14 m of a gold nucleus. (b) Find the energy of the alpha particle in MeV.
> Singly ionized carbon atoms are accelerated through 1.00 x 103 V and passed into a mass spectrometer to determine the isotopes present. The magnetic field strength in the spectrometer is 0.200 T. (a) Determine the orbital radii for the 12 C and the 13 C
> An alpha particle (Z = 2, mass = 6.64 x 10-27 kg) approaches to within 1.00 x 10-14 m of a carbon nucleus (Z = 6). What are (a) The maximum Coulomb force on the alpha particle, (b) The acceleration of the alpha particle at this time, and (c) The potentia
> Consider the 2965Cu nucleus. Find approximate values for its (a) Radius, (b) Volume, and (c) Density.
> Using 2.3 x 1017 kg/m3 as the density of nuclear matter, find the radius of a sphere of such matter that would have a mass equal to that of Earth. Earth has a mass equal to 5.98 x 1024 kg and average radius of 6.37 x 106 m.
> Find the radius of a nucleus of (a) 24He and (b) 23892U.
> In order to minimize neutron leakage from a reactor, the ratio of the surface area to the volume must be as small as possible. Assume that a sphere of radius a and a cube both have the same volume. Find the surface - to - volume ratio for (a) The sphere
> A typical nuclear fission power plant produces about 1.00 GW of electrical power. Assume the plant has an overall efficiency of 40.0% and each fission produces 200. MeV of thermal energy. Calculate the mass of 235U consumed each day.
> Assume ordinary soil contains natural uranium in amounts of 1 part per million by mass. (a) How much uranium is in the top 1.00 m of soil on a 1 - acre (43560 - ft2) plot of ground, assuming the specific gravity of soil is 4.00? (b) How much of the isoto
> Identify the particle decays in Table 30.2 that occur by the electromagnetic interaction. Justify your answer. Table 30.2:
> According to one estimate, the first atomic bomb released an energy equivalent to 20. Kilo-tons of TNT. If 1.0 ton of TNT releases about 4.0 x 109 J, how much uranium was lost through fission in this bomb? (Assume 208 MeV released per fission.)
> A K0 particle at rest decays into a π+ and a π-. The mass of the K0 is 497.7 MeV/c2 and the mass of each pion is 139.6 MeV/c2. What will be the speed of each of the pions?
> Find the energy released in the fission reaction 01n + 23592U ( 3888Sr + 13654Xe + 12 01n
> The sun radiates energy at the rate of 3.85 x 1026 W. Suppose the net reaction 4p + 2e- ( α + 2ve + 6( accounts for all the energy released. Calculate the number of protons fused per second. Note: Recall that an alpha particle is a helium - 4 nucleus.
> The reaction π- + p ( K0 + Λ0 occurs with high probability, whereas the reaction π- + p ( K0 + n never occurs. Analyze these reactions at the quark level. Show that the first reaction conserves the total number of each type of quark and the second reacti
> A π - meson at rest decays according to π- ( μ- + v-μ What is the energy carried off by the neutrino? Assume the neutrino has no mass and moves off with the speed of light. Take mπc2 = 139.6 MeV and mμc2 = 105.7 MeV. Note: Use relativity; see Equation 26
> The oceans have a volume of 317 million cubic miles and contain 1.32 x 1021 kg of water. Of all the hydrogen nuclei in this water, 0.0156% are deuterium. (a) If all of these deuterium nuclei were fused to helium via the first reaction in Equation 30.4, d
> (a) Show that about 1.0 x 1010 J would be released by the fusion of the deuterons in 1.0 gal of water. Note that 1 of every 6500 hydrogen atoms is a deuteron. (b) The average energy consumption rate of a person living in the United States is about 1.0 x
> The fusion reaction 12D + 12D ( 23He + 01n releases 3.27 MeV of energy. If a fusion reactor operates strictly on the basis of this reaction, (a) how much energy could it produce by completely reacting 1.00 kg of deuterium? (b) At eight cents a kilowatt -
> A 2.0 - MeV neutron is emitted in a fission reactor. If it loses one - half its kinetic energy in each collision with a moderator atom, how many collisions must it undergo to reach an energy associated with a gas at a room temperature of 20.08 C?
> If film is kept in a box, alpha particles from a radioactive source outside the box cannot expose the film, but beta particles can. Explain.
> Determine the number of (a) Electrons, (b) Protons, and (c) Neutrons in iron (5626Fe).
> 1. The number of regions created when constructing a Venn diagram with three overlapping sets is______________. 2. (a) When constructing a Venn diagram with three overlapping sets, region_______ is generally completed first. (b) When constructing a Venn
> 1. The set of all the elements in the universal set that are not in set A is called the_____. of set A 2. The set containing all the elements that are members of set A or of set B or of both sets is called the of _______ set A and set B. 3. The set conta
> 1. If all the elements of set A are also elements of set B, then set A is a(n) _____ of set B. 2. If all the elements of set A are also elements of set B, and set A ≠set B, then set A is a(n) subset of set B. 3. The expression for determining the number
> 1. The most common place-value system is the decimal number system that uses a base of ______. 2. When we write 789 as (7 × 102) + (8 ×10) + (9 × 1) the number is written in ______ form. 3. In the numeral 234, the 2 represents 2 ______. 4. In the numeral
> 1. A number is a quantity, and it answers the question “______?” 2. A symbol used to represent a number is called a(n) _______. 3. The system of numeration that we presently use is the system______. 4. The Egyptian hieroglyphic system and the Roman nu-me
> 1. When the conclusion of an argument necessarily follows from the given set of premises it is a(n)__________ argument. 2. When the conclusion of an argument does not necessarily follow from the given set of premises it is a(n)____________ argument. 3.
> 1. Statements that have exactly the same truth values in the answer columns of their truth tables are called_______________ statements. 2. De Morgan’s laws state that (a) ((p ( q) is equivalent to___________ , and (b) ((p ( q) is equivalent to___________
> 1. The conditional statement p (q is _______ only when p is true and q is false. 2. In the conditional statement p(q, (a) The lower-case letter p represents the_________ . (b) The lower-case letter q represents the_______ . 3. The biconditional statement
> 1. A set that can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself is called a(n) _____________ set. 2. A set that is finite or can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with the set of counting numbers is called a(n) _______
> 1. In the numeral 2345, the 5 is called the__________. 2. In the numeral 2345, the 2 represents 2 (__________ . 3. In the numeral 2345, the 3 represents 3 (_______. 4. Computers and other electronic devices make use of the following numeration systems:
> 1. A collection of objects is called a(n) ______. 2. Three dots placed in a set to show that the set continues in the same manner is called a(n)______ . 3. The three ways a set can be written are ______, _______, and _______. 4. A set that contains no e
> 1. In base 5, 35 + 45 = _______. 2. In base 6, 26 + 56 = ______ . 3. When subtracting in base 5, when we borrow, we must borrow one group _____of from the preceding column. 4. When subtracting in base 8, when we borrow, we must borrow one group ______ of
> 1. A conjunction,(, is used to represent switches in a(n) _____ circuit 2. A disjunction,(, is used to represent switches in a(n) _____ circuit. 3. When a switch labeled as p is open, a switch labeled as is / _____ . 4. Two circuits are equivalent if t
> 1. The validity of a syllogistic argument can be determined using a(n) ______ diagram. 2. If an Euler diagram can be drawn only in a way in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises, the syllogistic argument is a(n) ______ argument. 3. I
> 1. The negation ( p will always have the ______truth value of p. 2. The conjunction p ( q is true only when both p and q are _______. 3. The disjunction p ( q is false only when both p and q are ______. 4. A truth table for a compound statement with (a)
> 1. When determining the product 39 ( 73, using duplation and mediation, (a) the 39 is first by 2, and then (b) the 73 is . 2. When using duplation and mediation, when you divide the number on the left by two you disregard the_________ . 3. When determini
> Let p: The house is owned by an engineer. q: The heat is solar generated. r: The car is run by electric power. Translate each statement into symbols. Then construct a truth table for each compound statement and indicate under what conditions the compound
> Let p: The house is owned by an engineer. q: The heat is solar generated. r: The car is run by electric power. Translate each statement into symbols. Then construct a truth table for each compound statement and indicate under what conditions the compound
> Fast Food The following table illustrates the 10 countries that spent the most money, per person, on fast food in 2012. The table also shows the total amount of money spent on fast food for each country. (a) By looking at the data provided, is it possibl