Write the query that will show the invoice number, the invoice amount, the average invoice amount, and the difference between the average invoice amount and the actual invoice amount. (Figure P8.8)
FIGURE P8.8 Invoice amounts compared to the average invoice amount
. /
> SELECT CUS_CODE, MAX(LINE_UNITS*LINE_PRICE) FROM CUSTOMER NATURAL JOIN INVOICE NATURAL JOIN LINE WHERE CUS_AREACODE = ‘615’ GROUP BY CUS_CODE; What indexes would you recommend for the query you wrote in Problem 30, and what SQL commands would you use?
> SELECT CUS_CODE, MAX(LINE_UNITS*LINE_PRICE) FROM CUSTOMER NATURAL JOIN INVOICE NATURAL JOIN LINE WHERE CUS_AREACODE = ‘615’ GROUP BY CUS_CODE; Assuming that you follow the recommendations you gave in Problem 29, how would you rewrite the query?
> Using Table 11.4 as an example, create two alternative access plans. Use the following assumptions: a. There are 8,000 employees. b. There are 4,150 female employees. c. There are 370 employees in area code 615. d. There are 190 female employees in area
> SELECT CUS_CODE, MAX(LINE_UNITS*LINE_PRICE) FROM CUSTOMER NATURAL JOIN INVOICE NATURAL JOIN LINE WHERE CUS_AREACODE = ‘615’ GROUP BY CUS_CODE; Assuming that you generate 15,000 invoices per month, what recommendation would you give the designer about th
> SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_QOH, P_PRICE, V_CODE FROM PRODUCT WHERE P_QOH < P_MIN AND P_MIN = P_REORDER’ AND P_REORDER = 50; ORDER BY P_QOH; What indexes you would recommend? Write the commands to create those indexes.
> SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_QOH, P_PRICE, V_CODE FROM PRODUCT WHERE P_QOH < P_MIN AND P_MIN = P_REORDER’ AND P_REORDER = 50; ORDER BY P_QOH; Use the recommendations given in Section 11-5b to rewrite the query to produce the required results more effi
> Write a query to produce the total number of hours and charges for each of the projects represented in the ASSIGNMENT table. The output is shown in Figure P7.23. Figure P7.23 Total hour and charges by project PROJ NUM SumOfASSIGN HOURS SumOfASSIGN C
> SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_QOH, P_PRICE, V_CODE FROM PRODUCT WHERE V_CODE = ‘21344’ ORDER BY P_CODE; How should you rewrite the query to ensure that it uses the index you created in your solution to Problem 25?
> SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_QOH, P_PRICE, V_CODE FROM PRODUCT WHERE V_CODE = ‘21344’ ORDER BY P_CODE; What index would you recommend, and what command would you use?
> SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_PRICE, PRODUCT.V_CODE, V_STATE FROM PRODUCT P, VENDOR V WHERE P.V_CODE = V.V_CODE AND V_STATE = ‘NY’ AND V_AREACODE = ‘212’; ORDER BY P_PRICE; Write the commands required to create the indexes you recommended in Problem 22
> Assume that you have 10,000 different products stored in the PRODUCT table and that you are writing a Web-based interface to list all products with a quantity on hand (P_QOH) that is less than or equal to the minimum quantity, P_MIN. What optimizer hint
> Using Table 11.4 as an example, create two alternative access plans.
> SELECT V_CODE, V_NAME, V_CONTACT, V_STATE FROM VENDOR WHERE V_STATE = ‘TN’ ORDER BY V_NAME; What type of I/O database operations would be most likely to be used to execute that query?
> SELECT V_CODE, V_NAME, V_CONTACT, V_STATE FROM VENDOR WHERE V_STATE = ‘TN’ ORDER BY V_NAME; Assume that 10,000 vendors are distributed as shown in Table P11.18. What percentage of rows will be returned by the query? Table P11.18 Distribution of Vendors
> Using the data in the ASSIGNMENT table, write the SQL code that will yield the total number of hours worked for each employee and the total charges stemming from those hours worked. The results of running that query are shown in Figure P7.22. Figure P7.
> SELECT V_CODE, V_NAME, V_CONTACT, V_STATE FROM VENDOR WHERE V_STATE = ‘TN’ ORDER BY V_NAME; What indexes should you create and why? Write the SQL command to create the indexes.
> SELECT P_CODE, P_QOH*P_PRICE FROM PRODUCT WHERE P_QOH*P_PRICE > (SELECT AVG(P_QOH*P_PRICE) FROM PRODUCT) Should you create an index? If so, what would the index column(s) be, and why should you create that index?
> SELECT P_CODE, SUM(LINE_UNITS) FROM LINE GROUP BY P_CODE HAVING SUM (LINE_UNITS) > (SELECT MAX(LINE_UNITS) FROM LINE); Should you create an index on P_CODE? If so, write the SQL command to create that index. If not, explain your reasoning.
> SELECT P_CODE, SUM(LINE_UNITS) FROM LINE GROUP BY P_CODE HAVING SUM (LINE_UNITS) > (SELECT MAX(LINE_UNITS) FROM LINE); Should you create an index? If so, what would the index column(s) be, and why would you create that index? If not, explain your reas
> Given the following query SELECT P_CODE, P_PRICE FROM PRODUCT WHERE P_PRICE >= (SELECT AVG(P_PRICE) FROM PRODUCT); Should you create an index? Why or why not? Figure P11.7 The Ch11_SaleCo ER Model CUSTOMER INVOICE LINE INV NUMBER %3 FK1 Cu
> Assuming that pessimistic locking with the two-phase locking protocol is being used, create a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction described in P
> Write the SQL code to calculate the ASSIGN_CHARGE values in the ASSIGNMENT table in the Ch07_ConstructCo database. (See Figure P7.1.) Note that ASSIGN_CHARGE is a derived attribute that is calculated by multiplying ASSIGN_CHG_HR by ASSIGN_HOURS. Figure
> Assuming that pessimistic locking is being used, but the two-phase locking protocol is not, create a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction describ
> Create a simple transaction log (using the format shown in Table 10.13) to represent the actions of the two previous transactions.
> ABC Markets sell products to customers. The relational diagram shown in Figure P10.6 represents the main entities for ABC’s database. Note the following important characteristics: •A customer may make many purchases, e
> Suppose that your database system has failed. Describe the database recovery process and the use of deferred-write and write-through techniques.
> Using a simple example, explain the use of binary and shared/exclusive locks in a DBMS.
> What DBMS component is responsible for concurrency control? How is this feature used to resolve conflicts?
> Describe the three most common problems with concurrent transaction execution. Explain how concurrency control can be used to avoid those problems.
> Assuming that pessimistic locking with the two-phase locking protocol is being used, create a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction described in P
> Assuming that pessimistic locking is being used, but the two-phase locking protocol is not, create a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction describ
> Suppose you are a manufacturer of product ABC, which is composed of parts A, B, and C. Each time a new product is created, it must be added to the product inventory, using the PROD_QOH in a table named PRODUCT. And each time the product ABC is created, t
> Write the SQL code that will list only the distinct project numbers found in the EMP_2 table. Figure P7.9 The contents of the EMP_2 table EMP NUM EMP LNAME EMP_FNAME EMP_INITIAL EMP_HIREDATE JOB_CODE EMP_PCT PROJ_NUM 101 News John 08-Nov-00 502 5.0
> Starting with a consistent database state, trace the activities that are required to execute a set of transactions to produce an updated consistent database state.
> You have been assigned to design the database for a new soccer club. Indicate the most appropriate sequence of activities by labeling each of the following steps in the correct order. (For example, if you think that “Load the database” is the appropriate
> In a construction company, a new system has been in place for a few months and now there is a list of possible changes/updates that need to be done. For each of the changes/updates, specify what type of maintenance needs to be done: (a) Corrective, (b)
> Write the proper sequence of activities in the design of a video rental database. (The initial ERD was shown in Figure 9.9.) The design must support all rental activities, customer payment tracking, and employee work schedules, as well as track which emp
> Using the same procedures and concepts employed in Problem 1, how would you create an information system for the Tiny College example in Chapter 4?
> Suppose you perform the same functions Noted in Problem 2 for a larger warehousing operation. How are the two sets of procedures similar? How and why are they different?
> Suppose you have been asked to create an information system for a manufacturing plant that produces nuts and bolts of many shapes, sizes, and functions. What questions would you ask, and how would the answers to those questions affect the database design
> The ABC Car Service & Repair Centers are owned by the SILENT car dealer; ABC services and repairs only SILENT cars. Three ABC Car Service & Repair Centers provide service and repair for the entire state. Each of the three centers is independently managed
> Write the query that will write Oracle sequences to produce automatic customer number and invoice number values. Start the customer numbers at 1000 and the invoice numbers at 5000.
> Write the query to show the invoice number, the customer number, the customer name, the invoice date, and the invoice amount for all customers with a customer balance of $1,000 or more. (Figure P8.7) FIGURE P8.7 Invoice of customers with a balance over $
> Write the SQL code that will produce a listing for the data in the EMP_2 table in ascending order by the bonus percentage. Figure P7.9 the contents of the EMP_2 table EMP NUM EMP LNAME EMP_FNAME EMP_INITIAL EMP_HIREDATE JOB_CODE EMP_PCT PROJ_NUM 10
> Write a query to display the lowest average cost of books within a subject and the highest average cost of books within a subject. (Figure P8.67) Figure P8.67 Lowest and highest average subject costs Lowest Avg Cost Highest Avg Cost 66.62 89.95
> Write a query to display the book number, title, subject, author last name, and the number of books written by that author. Limit the results to books in the Cloud subject. Sort the results by book title and then author last name. (Figure P8.66) Figur
> Write a query to display the book number, title, subject, average cost of books within that subject, and the difference between each book’s cost and the average cost of books in that subject. Sort the results by book title. (Figure P8.
> Write a query to display the author ID, first and last name for all authors that have never written a book with the subject Programming. Sort the results by author last name. (Figure P8.64) Figure P8.64 Authors that have never written on programming
> Write a query to display the book number, title, and cost of books that have the lowest cost of any books in the system. Sort the results by book number. (Figure P8.63) Figure P8.63 Least expensive books
> Write a query to display the patron ID and the average number of days that patron keeps books during a checkout. Limit the results to only patrons that have at least 3 checkouts. Sort the results in descending order by the average days the book is kept
> Write a query to display the average number of days a book is kept during a checkout. (Figure P8.61) Figure P8.61 Average days kept Average Days Kept 4.44
> Write a query to display the patron ID, last name, number of times that patron has ever checked out a book, and the number of different books the patron has ever checked out. For example, if a given patron has checked out the same book twice, that would
> Write the query that will generate only the records that are unique to the CUSTOMER_2 table. (Figure P8.6) Figure P8.6 Customers unique to the CUSTOMER_2 table CUST_LNAME CUST_FNAME McPherson Anne Kowalski Jan Chen George
> Write a query to display the patron ID, first and last name of all patrons that have never checked out any book. Sort the result by patron last name then first name. (Figure P8.59) Figure P8.59 Patrons that never checked out a book PAT ID PAT FNAM
> Write the SQL code to find the average bonus percentage in the EMP_2 table you created in Problem 8. Details from Problem 8: CREATE TABLE EMP_2 ( EMP_NUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL UNIQUE, EMP_LNAME VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, EMP_FNAME VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, EMP_I
> Write a query to display the author ID, author last name, book title, checkout date, and patron last name for all the books written by authors with the last name “Bruer” that have ever been checked out by patrons with
> Write a query to display the book number, title, and number of times each book has been checked out. Limit the results to books that have been checked out more than 5 times. Sort the results in descending order by the number of times checked out, and t
> Write a query to display the book number, title, and number of times each book has been checked out. Include books that have never been checked out. Sort the results in descending order by the number times checked out, then by title. (Figure P8.56) Figu
> Write a query to display the book number, title, author last name, author first name, patron ID, last name, and patron type for all books currently checked out to a patron. Sort the results by book title. (Figure P8.55) Figure P8.55 Currently checked ou
> Write a query to display the author ID, first and last name, book number, and book title of all books in the subject “Cloud”. Sort the results by book title and then by author last name. (Figure P8.54) Figure P8.54 Bo
> Write a query to display the book number and the number of times each book has been checked out. Do not include books that have never been checked out. (Figure P8.53) Figure P8.53 Times checked out BOOK NUM Times Checked Out 5236 12 5235 9 5240 52
> Write a query to display the patron ID, full name (first and last), and patron type for all patrons. Sort the results by patron type, then by last name and first name. Ensure that all sorting is case insensitive. (Figure P8.52) Figure P8.52 Sorted patr
> Write a query to display the patron ID, book number, patron first name and last name, and book title for all currently checked out books. (Remember to use the redundant relationship described in the assignment instructions for current checkouts.) Sort t
> Write a query to display the author last name, first name, book title, and year for each book. (Figure P8.50) Figure P8.50 Author name and book title AU LNAME AU FNAME BOOK TITLE BOOK YEAR Durante Reba Beginner's Guide to JAVA 2012 Walsh Neal Datab
> Write the query that will show only the duplicate customer records. (Figure P8.5) Figure P8.5 Duplicate customer records CUST LNAME CUST FNAME Ortega Juan
> Write the SQL code that will produce a virtual table named REP_1. The virtual table should contain the same information that was shown in Problem 16. Details from Problem 16: Figure P7.16 The query results for Problem 16 PROJ_NAME PROJ_VALUE PROJ_BA
> Write a query to display the author ID, book number, title, and year for each book. (Figure P8.49) Figure P8.49 Authors of books BOOK YEAR AU ID BOOK NUM 273 BOOK TITLE 5235 Beginner's Guide to JAVA 2012 383 5236 Database in the Cloud 2012 5237 Mas
> Write a query to display the author last name, author first name, and book number for each book written by that author. (Figure P8.48) Figure P8.48 Books written by author AU LNAME AU FNAME BOOK NUM Reeves Benson 5237 Reeves Benson 5253 Beatney Sal
> Write a query to display the book number, title with year, and subject for each book. (Figure P8.47) Figure P8.47 Book title with year BOOK NUM BOOK BOOK SUBJECT 5235 Beginner's Guide to JAVA (2012) 5236 Database in the Cloud (2012) Programming Clo
> Write a query to display the patron ID, patron full name, and patron type for each patron. (Figure P8.46) Figure P8.46 Patron and patron type РАT ID Patron Name PAT TYPE 1160 robert carter Faculty Faculty Faculty Student 1161 Kelsey Koch 1165 Cedri
> Write a query to display the patron ID, book number, and days kept for each checkout. “Days Kept” is the difference from the date on which the book is returned to the date it was checked out. (Figure P8.45) Figure P8.
> Write a query to display all rows in the PATRON table. Figure P8.44 Ch08_FACT ERD CHECKOUT PATRON PK Check Num PK Pat ID FK1 Book_Num FK2 Pat_ID Check_Out_Date Check_Due_Date Check_In_Date ---H- Pat_FName Pat_LName Pat_Type BOOK AUTHOR РК Book Num P
> Create a trigger named trg_cust_balance that will automatically update the CUSTOMER table’s CUST_BALANCE when a new CHARTER row is added. Use the CHARTER table’s CHAR_TOT_CHG as the update source (Assume that all charter charges are charged to the custom
> Create a trigger named trg_pic_hours that will automatically update the PILOT table when a new CREW row is added and the CREW table uses a ‘pilot’ CREW_JOB entry. Use the CHARTER table’s CHAR_HOURS_FLOWN to update the PILOT table’s PIL_PIC_HRS only when
> Create a trigger named trg_char_hours that will automatically update the AIRCRAFT table when a new CHARTER row is added. Use the CHARTER table’s CHAR_HOURS_FLOWN to update the AIRCRAFT table’s AC_TTAF, AC_TTEL, and AC_TTER values. Table P8.34 Attribute
> Modify the PILOT table to add the attribute shown in the following table. Table P8.40 The New Attribute for the PILOT Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type PIL_PIC_HRS Pilot in command (PIC) hours. Updated by adding the CHARTER
> Using the EMPLOYEE, JOB, and PROJECT tables in the Ch07_ConstructCo database (see Figure P7.1), write the SQL code that will produce the results shown in Figure P7.16. Figure P7.1 Structure and contents of the Ch07_ConstructCo database Figure P7.16 Th
> Write the query that will generate a combined list of customers to include the duplicate customer records. (Figure P8.4) Figure P8.4 Combined list of customers with duplicates CUST LNAME CUST FNAME Smith Jeanne Ortega Juan McPherson Anne Ortega Juan
> Write the command required to update the CHAR_TOT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for each model (copied from the MODEL table.) Numeric CHA
> Write the command required to update the CHAR_TAX_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for each model (copied from the MODEL table.) Numeric CHA
> Write the command required to update the CHAR_FLT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for each model (copied from the MODEL table.) Numeric CHA
> Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_FLT_CHG_HR attribute values in the CHARTER table. Hint: Use either an updatable view or a stored procedure. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Wa
> Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_WAIT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Hint: Use either an updatable view or a stored procedure. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Wait
> Modify the CHARTER table to add the attributes shown in the following table. Table P8.34 The New Attributes for the CHARTER Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for each model (copied from the MOD
> Write the queries to update the MOD_WAIT_CHG attribute values based on problem 32. Details from problem 32: Table P8.32 The New Attribute for the MODEL Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type Attribute Values MOD_WAIT_CHG Waitin
> Modify the MODEL table to add the following attribute and insert the values shown in Table P8.23. Table P8.32 The New Attribute for the MODEL Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type Attribute Values MOD_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge p
> Create a procedure named prc_cus_balance_update that will take the invoice number as a parameter and update the customer balance. (Hint: You can use the DECLARE section to define a TOTINV numeric variable that holds the computed invoice total.) Use the C
> Write the SQL code required to list all employees whose last names start with Smith. In other words, the rows for both Smith and Smithfield should be included in the listing. Assume case sensitivity. EMP NUM EMP LNAME EMP FNAME EMP INITIAL EMP HIRED
> Create a stored procedure named prc_inv_amounts to update the INV_SUBTOTAL, INV_TAX, and INV_TOTAL. The procedure takes the invoice number as a parameter. The INV_SUBTOTAL is the sum of the LINE_TOTAL amounts for the invoice, the INV_TAX is the product o
> Write the query that will generate a combined list of customers (from tables CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_2) that do not include the duplicate customer records. Only the customer named Juan Ortega shows up in both customer tables. (Figure P8.3) Figure P8.3 Comb
> Create a trigger named trg_line_prod that will automatically update the product quantity on hand for each product sold after a new LINE row is added. Use the Ch08_SaleCo2 database Database name: Ch08_SaleCo2 Table name: CUSTOMER CUS CODE CUS_LNAME C
> Create a trigger named trg_line_total to write the LINE_TOTAL value in the LINE table every time you add a new LINE row. (The LINE_TOTAL value is the product of the LINE_UNITS and the LINE_PRICE values.) Use the Ch08_SaleCo2 database Database name:
> The purchasing manager is still concerned about the impact of price on sales. Write a query to display the brand name, brand type, product SKU, product description, and price of any products that are not a premium brand, but that cost more than the most