Questions from Electronics

Q: What frequency range results in the circuit of Fig. 13

What frequency range results in the circuit of Fig. 13.23 for

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Q: Determine the capacitor needed in the circuit of Fig. 13.

Determine the capacitor needed in the circuit of Fig. 13.22 to obtain a 200-kHz output.

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Q: If a transistor amplifier has more than one dc source, can

If a transistor amplifier has more than one dc source, can the superposition theorem be applied to obtain the response of each dc source and algebraically add the results?

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Q: a. Compare levels of R' = RC + RE to RF

a. Compare levels of R' = RC + RE to RF> for the network of Fig. 4.131. b. Is the approximation ICQ ÷ V'>R' valid?

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Q: Sketch the output waveform for the circuit of Fig. 13.

Sketch the output waveform for the circuit of Fig. 13.40.

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Q: Calculate the VCO free-running of Fig. 13. frequency

Calculate the VCO free-running of Fig. 13. frequency for the circuit 26b with

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Q: What value of capacitor C1 is required in the circuit of Fig

What value of capacitor C1 is required in the circuit of Fig. 13.26b to obtain a center frequency of 100 kHz?

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Q: What is the lock range of the PLL circuit in Fig.

What is the lock range of the PLL circuit in Fig. 13.26b for

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Q: Describe the signal conditions for current-loop and RS-232C

Describe the signal conditions for current-loop and RS-232C interfaces.

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Q: What is a data bus?

What is a data bus?

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