Questions from Business Research Methods

Q: Define individual differences and explain how individual differences between groups and confounding

Define individual differences and explain how individual differences between groups and confounding from environmental variables can threaten the internal validity of a between-subjects design.

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Q: Identify the three primary techniques for limiting confounding by individual differences in

Identify the three primary techniques for limiting confounding by individual differences in between-subjects experiments (random assignment, matched assignment, and holding variables constant) and exp...

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Q: Describe how individual differences influence variability within-treatments and explain how

Describe how individual differences influence variability within-treatments and explain how variance within treatments can influence the interpretation of research results.

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Q: Identify the options for reducing or controlling the variance within treatment condition

Identify the options for reducing or controlling the variance within treatment condition and explain how each option works.

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Q: Describe how differential attrition and communication between participants can threaten the internal

Describe how differential attrition and communication between participants can threaten the internal validity of between-subjects designs and identify these problems when they appear in a research stu...

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Q: Describe how between-subjects designs are used to compare means and

Describe how between-subjects designs are used to compare means and proportions for two or more groups, identify the statistical techniques that are appropriate for each application, and explain each...

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Q: Describe the process of conducting a literature search, including using an

Describe the process of conducting a literature search, including using an online database such as PsycINFO, and conduct a search to locate current published research related to a specific topic.

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Q: Describe the general characteristics of a within-subjects experimental design and

Describe the general characteristics of a within-subjects experimental design and identify these designs when they appear in a research report.

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Q: Describe how time-related factors such as history, maturation,

Describe how time-related factors such as history, maturation, instrumentation, statistical regression, and order effects can threaten the internal validity of some within-subjects experiments.

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Q: For a within-subjects experiment, explain how the time delay

For a within-subjects experiment, explain how the time delay between treatments can influence time-related threats to internal validity and why it may be better to switch to a between-subjects design....

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