Questions from Business Research Methods

Q: Describe how correlations are used for prediction, measuring reliability and validity

Describe how correlations are used for prediction, measuring reliability and validity of measurement, and evaluating theories.

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Q: Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the correlational research strategy including the

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the correlational research strategy including the third-variable problem and the directionality problem and identify these problems when they appear in a resea...

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Q: Describe the purpose of the descriptive research strategy, explain how it

Describe the purpose of the descriptive research strategy, explain how it differs from the purpose of other research strategies, and identify this strategy when it is used in a research study.

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Q: Describe the two general problems (observer influence and subjectivity) that

Describe the two general problems (observer influence and subjectivity) that can exist with behavioral observation, and explain how researchers attempt to minimize them.

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Q: Describe the three techniques used to quantify behavioral observations and the three

Describe the three techniques used to quantify behavioral observations and the three techniques used for sampling observations.

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Q: Define content analysis and archival research.

Define content analysis and archival research.

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Q: Describe the general characteristics of the observational research design; explain its

Describe the general characteristics of the observational research design; explain its strengths and weaknesses; and differentiate between natural observation, participant observation, and contrived o...

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Q: Describe the general characteristics of the survey research design.

Describe the general characteristics of the survey research design.

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Q: Define open-ended, restricted, and rating-scale questions

Define open-ended, restricted, and rating-scale questions; identify examples of these three types of questions; and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each.

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Q: Describe the four methods for administering a survey (mail, phone

Describe the four methods for administering a survey (mail, phone, Internet, and in person) and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each, including the problems of nonresponse bias and interviewer...

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