Definition of Differential Centrifugation

Differential centrifugation is one of the common procedures that are employed in the field of biochemistry and cell biology to separate the organelles and other sub-cellular particles. This separation is done on the basis of the rate of sedimentation. It can also be used for the crude separation and purification of the non-living suspended entities like nano-particles, viruses etc.


In order to separate the biological constituents, the sample tissue first undergoes lysis which breaks the plasma membrane. In this way, the cytoplasm is released. This lysate is then allowed to undergo repetitive centrifugations and the supernatant, the non-pelleted solution is removed after each centrifugation.


This is done till a compact structure that is the pellet has settled down in the tube. Hence, the successive pelleting of the particles from the supernatant by employing higher centrifugal forces is the principle of differential centrifugation.


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