Electron impact ionization is also known as electron ionization is defined as a method of ionization in which the energized electrons tend to interact with the atoms or molecules of a solid or a gas phase to produce ions. It was the first-ever technique developed to produce ions in mass spectrometry. It is considered a high fragmentation technique since very energetic electrons are employed to produce the ions.
These ions are then used to determine the structure of unknown compounds. This method is very much useful for those organic molecules which have a molecular weight of less than 600. Furthermore, many volatile, as well as thermally stable compounds, can also be detected with the aid of this technique.
Draw and name four terminal alkynes with the molecular formula C6H10.
Report the result of the following addition to the proper number of
Scorzocreticin (S)-1 was isolated from a plant that is
Write an equation for the proton transfer reaction that occurs when each
87. What is the major product of this reaction?
Propose a stepwise mechanism for the following transformation: /
Identify the sole product of the following reaction: /
Draw the condensation product that is expected when each of the following
Draw a mechanism for each of the following transformations: /
Draw each of the following using condensed formulas and line formulas: