Definition of Homodimer

Homodimer is a structure that is formed by the combination of two polypeptides. These polypeptides are identical to each other as they are being encoded by the same gene. These polypeptide chains have similar order, number and kind of amino acid residues in them. It is a macromolecular complex and the monomers (single protein) are bound to one another by non-covalent linkages.


These homodimers exhibit the quaternary structure. Some of the proteins in a homodimer have certain specialized domains that are responsible for ensuring dimerization and specificity. Cyclooxygenase, an enzyme responsible for the formation of prostaglandins is an example of a homodimer. On the other hand, a structure that is formed by the two different polypeptides is known as a heterodimer. These polypeptides are encoded by different genes.


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