2.99 See Answer

Question: A small rock with mass 0.20

A small rock with mass 0.20 kg is released from rest at point A, which is at the top edge of a large, hemispherical bowl with radius R = 0.50 m (Fig. E7.9). Assume that the size of the rock is small compared to R, so that the rock can be treated as a particle, and assume that the rock slides rather than rolls. The work done by friction on the rock when it moves from point A to point B at the bottom of the bowl has magnitude 0.22 J. (a) Between points A and B, how much work is done on the rock by (i) the normal force and (ii) gravity? (b) What is the speed of the rock as it reaches point B? (c) Of the three forces acting on the rock as it slides down the bowl, which (if any) are constant and which are not? Explain. (d) Just as the rock reaches point B, what is the normal force on it due to the bottom of the bowl? Fig. E7.9:
A small rock with mass 0.20 kg is released from rest at point A, which is at the top edge of a large, hemispherical bowl with radius R = 0.50 m (Fig. E7.9). Assume that the size of the rock is small compared to R, so that the rock can be treated as a particle, and assume that the rock slides rather than rolls.  The work done by friction on the rock when it moves from point A to point B at the bottom of the bowl has magnitude 0.22 J.
(a) Between points A and B, how much work is done on the rock by
(i) the normal force and
(ii) gravity?
(b) What is the speed of the rock as it reaches point B?
(c) Of the three forces acting on the rock as it slides down the bowl, which (if any) are constant and which are not? Explain.
(d) Just as the rock reaches point B, what is the normal force on it due to the bottom of the bowl?

Fig. E7.9:

Transcribed Image Text:

Figure E7.9 R- A- B

> A closed container is partially filled with water. Initially, the air above the water is at atmospheric pressure (1.01 × 105 Pa) and the gauge pressure at the bottom of the water is 2500 Pa. Then additional air is pumped in, increasing the pressure of th

> A cylindrical disk of wood weighing 45.0 N and having a diameter of 30.0 cm floats on a cylinder of oil of density 0.850 g /cm3 (Fig. E12.21). The cylinder of oil is 75.0 cm deep and has a diameter the same as that of the wood. (a) What is the gauge pres

> A tall cylinder with a cross-sectional area 12.0 cm2 is partially filled with mercury; the surface of the mercury is 8.00 cm above the bottom of the cylinder. Water is slowly poured in on top of the mercury, and the two fluids don’t mix. What volume of w

> A cube 5.0 cm on each side is made of a metal alloy. After you drill a cylindrical hole 2.0 cm in diameter all the way through and perpendicular to one face, you find that the cube weighs 6.30 N. (a) What is the density of this metal? (b) What did the cu

> An electrical short cuts off all power to a submersible diving vehicle when it is 30 m below the surface of the ocean. The crew must push out a hatch of area 0.75 m2 and weight 300 N on the bottom to escape. If the pressure inside is 1.0 atm, what downwa

> The lower end of a long plastic straw is immersed below the surface of the water in a plastic cup. An average person sucking on the upper end of the straw can pull water into the straw to a vertical height of 1.1 m above the surface of the water in the c

> The liquid in the open-tube manometer in Fig. 12.8a is mercury, y1 = 3.00 cm, and y2 = 7.00 cm. Atmospheric pressure is 980 millibars. What is (a) the absolute pressure at the bottom of the U-shaped tube; (b) the absolute pressure in the open tube at a d

> If the force on the tympanic membrane (eardrum) increases by about 1.5 N above the force from atmospheric pressure, the membrane can be damaged. When you go scuba diving in the ocean, below what depth could damage to your eardrum start to occur? The eard

> You are designing a diving bell to withstand the pressure of seawater at a depth of 250 m. (a) What is the gauge pressure at this depth? (You can ignore changes in the density of the water with depth.) (b) At this depth, what is the net force due to the

> Two identical masses are attached to frictionless pulleys by very light strings wrapped around the rim of the pulley and are released from rest. Both pulleys have the same mass and same diameter, but one is solid and the other is a hoop. As the masses fa

> Does a rigid object in uniform rotation about a fixed axis satisfy the first and second conditions for equilibrium? Why? Does it then follow that every particle in this object is in equilibrium? Explain.

> What is the momentum of one drop of water immediately after it leaves the fish’s mouth? (a) 7.5 × 10-4 kg . m/s; (b) 1.5 × 10-4 kg.m/s; (c) 7.5 × 10-3 kg.m/s; (d) 1.5 × 10-3 kg.m/s.

> A thin, light wire is wrapped around the rim of a wheel as shown in Fig. E9.45. The wheel rotates about a stationary horizontal axle that passes through the center of the wheel. The wheel has radius 0.180 m and moment of inertia for rotation about the a

> The pulley in Fig. P9.76 has radius 0.160 m and moment of inertia 0.380 kg . m2. The rope does not slip on the pulley rim. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of the 4.00-kg block just before it strikes the floor. Fig. P9.76: Figure P9.76 4.0

> A physics student of mass 43.0 kg is standing at the edge of the flat roof of a building, 12.0 m above the sidewalk. An unfriendly dog is running across the roof toward her. Next to her is a large wheel mounted on a horizontal axle at its center. The whe

> Starting at t = 0, a horizontal net force

> A radio-controlled model airplane has a momentum given by [(-0.75 kg. m/s3)t2 +(3.0 kg. m/s)]

> (a) Derive Eq. (9.12) by combining Eqs. (9.7) and (9.11) to eliminate t. (b) The angular velocity of an airplane propeller increases from 12.0 rad/s to 16.0 rad/s while turning through 7.00 rad. What is the angular acceleration in rad/s2?

> The rotating blade of a blender turns with constant angular acceleration 1.50 rad/s2. (a) How much time does it take to reach an angular velocity of 36.0 rad/s, starting from rest? (b) Through how many revolutions does the blade turn in this time interva

> An electric fan is turned off, and its angular velocity decreases uniformly from 500 rev/min to 200 rev/min in 4.00 s. (a) Find the angular acceleration in rev/s2 and the number of revolutions made by the motor in the 4.00-s interval. (b) How many more s

> (a) What angle in radians is subtended by an arc 1.50 m long on the circumference of a circle of radius 2.50 m? What is this angle in degrees? (b) An arc 14.0 cm long on the circumference of a circle subtends an angle of 128°. What is the radius of the c

> A 0.160-kg hockey puck is moving on an icy, frictionless, horizontal surface. At t = 0, the puck is moving to the right at 3.00 m/s. (a) Calculate the velocity of the puck (magnitude and direction) after a force of 25.0 N directed to the right has been a

> A baseball has mass 0.145 kg. (a) If the velocity of a pitched ball has a magnitude of 45.0 m/s and the batted ball’s velocity is 55.0 m>s in the opposite direction, find the magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball and of the impulse applied to i

> A 0.0450-kg golf ball initially at rest is given a speed of 25.0 m/s when a club strikes it. If the club and ball are in contact for 2.00 ms, what average force acts on the ball? Is the effect of the ball’s weight during the time of contact significant?

> The mass of a regulation tennis ball is 57 g (although it can vary slightly), and tests have shown that the ball is in contact with the tennis racket for 30 ms. (This number can also vary, depending on the racket and swing.) We shall assume a 30.0-ms con

> One 110-kg football lineman is running to the right at 2.75 m/s while another 125-kg lineman is running directly toward him at 2.60 m/s. What are (a) the magnitude and direction of the net momentum of these two athletes, and (b) their total kinetic energ

> Two vehicles are approaching an intersection. One is a 2500-kg pickup traveling at 14.0 m/s from east to west (the -x-direction), and the other is a 1500-kg sedan going from south to north (the +y-direction) at 23.0 m/s. (a) Find the x- and y-components

> You are testing a new amusement park roller coaster with an empty car of mass 120 kg. One part of the track is a vertical loop with radius 12.0 m. At the bottom of the loop (point A) the car has speed 25.0 m/s, and at the top of the loop (point B) it has

> A 1050-kg sports car is moving westbound at 15.0 m/s on a level road when it collides with a 6320-kg truck driving east on the same road at 10.0 m/s. The two vehicles remain locked together after the collision. (a) What is the velocity (magnitude and dir

> In July 2005, NASA’s “Deep Impact” mission crashed a 372-kg probe directly onto the surface of the comet Tempel 1, hitting the surface at 37,000 km>h. The original speed of the comet at that time was about 40,000 km>h, and its mass was estimated to be

> Two fun-loving otters are sliding toward each other on a muddy (and hence frictionless) horizontal surface. One of them, of mass 7.50 kg, is sliding to the left at 5.00 m/s, while the other, of mass 5.75 kg, is slipping to the right at 6.00 m/s. They hol

> A 15.0-kg fish swimming at 1.10 m/s suddenly gobbles up a 4.50-kg fish that is initially stationary. Ignore any drag effects of the water. (a) Find the speed of the large fish just after it eats the small one. (b) How much mechanical energy was dissipate

> Two skaters collide and grab on to each other on frictionless ice. One of them, of mass 70.0 kg, is moving to the right at 4.00 m/s, while the other, of mass 65.0 kg, is moving to the left at 2.50 m/s. What are the magnitude and direction of the velocity

> Two asteroids of equal mass in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter collide with a glancing blow. Asteroid A, which was initially traveling at 40.0 m/s, is deflected 30.0° from its original direction, while asteroid B, which was initiall

> An astronaut in space cannot use a conventional means, such as a scale or balance, to determine the mass of an object. But she does have devices to measure distance and time accurately. She knows her own mass is 78.4 kg, but she is unsure of the mass of

> Objects A, B, and C are moving as shown in Fig. E8.3. Find the x- and y-components of the net momentum of the particles if we define the system to consist of (a) A and C, (b) B and C, (c) all three objects. Fig. E8.3: Figure E8.3 10.0 m/s A 5.0 kg

> You (mass 55 kg) are riding a frictionless skateboard (mass 5.0 kg) in a straight line at a speed of 4.5 m/s. A friend standing on a balcony above you drops a 2.5-kg sack of flour straight down into your arms. (a) What is your new speed while you hold th

> You are standing on a large sheet of frictionless ice and holding a large rock. In order to get off the ice, you throw the rock so it has velocity 12.0 m/s relative to the earth at an angle of 35.0° above the horizontal. If your mass is 70.0 kg and the r

> A 25.0-kg child plays on a swing having support ropes that are 2.20 m long. Her brother pulls her back until the ropes are 42.0° from the vertical and releases her from rest. (a) What is her potential energy just as she is released, compared with the pot

> Two ice skaters, Daniel (mass 65.0 kg) and Rebecca (mass 45.0 kg), are practicing. Daniel stops to tie his shoelace and, while at rest, is struck by Rebecca, who is moving at 13.0 m/s before she collides with him. After the collision, Rebecca has a veloc

> An atomic nucleus suddenly bursts apart (fissions) into two pieces. Piece A, of mass mA, travels off to the left with speed vA. Piece B, of mass mB, travels off to the right with speed vB. (a) Use conservation of momentum to solve for vB in terms of mA,

> A hunter on a frozen, essentially frictionless pond uses a rifle that shoots 4.20-g bullets at 965 m/s. The mass of the hunter (including his gun) is 72.5 kg, and the hunter holds tight to the gun after firing it. Find the recoil velocity of the hunter i

> Block A in Fig. E8.24 has mass 1.00 kg, and block B has mass 3.00 kg. The blocks are forced together, compressing a spring S between them; then the system is released from rest on a level, frictionless surface. The spring, which has negligible mass, is n

> Two identical 0.900-kg masses are pressed against opposite ends of a light spring of force constant 1.75 N/cm, compressing the spring by 20.0 cm from its normal length. Find the speed of each mass when it has moved free of the spring on a frictionless, h

> When cars are equipped with flexible bumpers, they will bounce off each other during low-speed collisions, thus causing less damage. In one such accident, a 1750-kg car traveling to the right at 1.50 m/s collides with a 1450-kg car going to the left at 1

> On a frictionless, horizontal air table, puck A (with mass 0.250 kg) is moving toward puck B (with mass 0.350 kg), which is initially at rest. After the collision, puck A has a velocity of 0.120 m/s to the left, and puck B has a velocity of 0.650 m/s to

> You are standing on a sheet of ice that covers the football stadium parking lot in Buffalo; there is negligible friction between your feet and the ice. A friend throws you a 0.600-kg ball that is traveling horizontally at 10.0 m/s. Your mass is 70.0 kg.

> In a certain track and field event, the shotput has a mass of 7.30 kg and is released with a speed of 15.0 m/s at 40.0° above the horizontal over a competitor’s straight left leg. What are the initial horizontal and vertical components of the momentum of

> Squids and octopuses propel themselves by expelling water. They do this by keeping water in a cavity and then suddenly contracting the cavity to force out the water through an opening. A 6.50-kg squid (including the water in the cavity) at rest suddenly

> Two figure skaters, one weighing 625 N and the other 725 N, push off against each other on frictionless ice. (a) If the heavier skater travels at 1.50 m/s, how fast will the lighter one travel? (b) How much kinetic energy is “created” during the skaters’

> The expanding gases that leave the muzzle of a rifle also contribute to the recoil. A .30-caliber bullet has mass 0.00720 kg and a speed of 601 m>s relative to the muzzle when fired from a rifle that has mass 2.80 kg. The loosely held rifle recoils at a

> A 68.5-kg astronaut is doing a repair in space on the orbiting space station. She throws a 2.25-kg tool away from her at 3.20 m/s relative to the space station. With what speed and in what direction will she begin to move?

> To warm up for a match, a tennis player hits the 57.0-g ball vertically with her racket. If the ball is stationary just before it is hit and goes 5.50 m high, what impulse did she impart to it?

> A 2.00-kg stone is sliding to the right on a frictionless, horizontal surface at 5.00 m/s when it is suddenly struck by an object that exerts a large horizontal force on it for a short period of time. The graph in Fig. E8.13 shows the magnitude of this f

> Experimental tests have shown that bone will rupture if it is subjected to a force density of 1.03 × 108 N/m2. Suppose a 70.0-kg person carelessly roller skates into an overhead metal beam that hits his forehead and completely stops his forward motion. I

> At time t = 0 a 2150-kg rocket in outer space fires an engine that exerts an increasing force on it in the +x-direction. This force obeys the equation Fx = At2, where t is time, and has a magnitude of 781.25 N when t = 1.25 s. (a) Find the SI value of th

> A bat strikes a 0.145-kg baseball. Just before impact, the ball is traveling horizontally to the right at 40.0 m/s; when it leaves the bat, the ball is traveling to the left at an angle of 30° above horizontal with a speed of 52.0 m/s. If the ball and ba

> (a) What is the magnitude of the momentum of a 10,000-kg truck whose speed is 12.0 m/s? (b) What speed would a 2000-kg SUV have to attain in order to have (i) the same momentum? (ii) the same kinetic energy?

> Obviously, we can make rockets to go very fast, but what is a reasonable top speed? Assume that a rocket is fired from rest at a space station in deep space, where gravity is negligible. (a) If the rocket ejects gas at a relative speed of 2000 m/s and yo

> The maximum energy that a bone can absorb without breaking depends on characteristics such as its cross-sectional area and elasticity. For healthy human leg bones of approximately 6.0 cm2 cross-sectional area, this energy has been experimentally measured

> A small rocket burns 0.0500 kg of fuel per second, ejecting it as a gas with a velocity relative to the rocket of magnitude 1600 m/s. (a) What is the thrust of the rocket? (b) Would the rocket operate in outer space where there is no atmosphere? If so, h

> A 70-kg astronaut floating in space in a 110-kg MMU (manned maneuvering unit) experiences an acceleration of 0.029 m/s2 when he fires one of the MMU’s thrusters. (a) If the speed of the escaping N2 gas relative to the astronaut is 490 m/s, how much gas i

> To keep the calculations fairly simple but still reasonable, we model a human leg that is 92.0 cm long (measured from the hip joint) by assuming that the upper leg and the lower leg (which includes the foot) have equal lengths and are uniform. For a 70.0

> A system consists of two particles. At t = 0 one particle is at the origin; the other, which has a mass of 0.50 kg, is on the y-axis at y = 6.0 m. At t = 0 the center of mass of the system is on the y-axis at y = 2.4 m. The velocity of the center of mass

> In Example 8.14 (Section 8.5), Ramon pulls on the rope to give himself a speed of 1.10 m/s. What is James’s speed?

> At one instant, the center of mass of a system of two particles is located on the x-axis at x = 2.0 m and has a velocity of (5.0 m/s)

> A machine part consists of a thin, uniform 4.00-kg bar that is 1.50 m long, hinged perpendicular to a similar vertical bar of mass 3.00 kg and length 1.80 m. The longer bar has a small but dense 2.00-kg ball at one end (Fig. E8.55). By what distance will

> A 1200-kg SUV is moving along a straight highway at 12.0 m>s. Another car, with mass 1800 kg and speed 20.0 m/s, has its center of mass 40.0 m ahead of the center of mass of the SUV (Fig. E8.54). Find (a) the position of the center of mass of the syst

> Pluto’s diameter is approximately 2370 km, and the diameter of its satellite Charon is 1250 km. Although the distance varies, they are often about 19,700 km apart, center to center. Assuming that both Pluto and Charon have the same composition and hence

> Find the position of the center of mass of the system of the sun and Jupiter. (Since Jupiter is more massive than the rest of the solar planets combined, this is essentially the position of the center of mass of the solar system.) Does the center of mass

> For its size, the common flea is one of the most accomplished jumpers in the animal world. A 2.0-mm-long, 0.50-mg flea can reach a height of 20 cm in a single leap. (a) Ignoring air drag, what is the takeoff speed of such a flea? (b) Calculate the kineti

> Three odd-shaped blocks of chocolate have the following masses and center-of-mass coordinates: (1) 0.300 kg, (0.200 m, 0.300 m); (2) 0.400 kg, (0.100 m, -0.400 m); (3) 0.200 kg, (-0.300 m, 0.600 m). Find the coordinates of the center of mass of the syst

> You are at the controls of a particle accelerator, sending a beam of 1.50 × 107 m/s protons (mass m) at a gas target of an unknown element. Your detector tells you that some protons bounce straight back after a collision with one of the nuclei of the un

> Canadian nuclear reactors use heavy water moderators in which elastic collisions occur between the neutrons and deuterons of mass 2.0 u (see Example 8.11 in Section 8.4). (a) What is the speed of a neutron, expressed as a fraction of its original speed,

> A 10.0-g marble slides to the left at a speed of 0.400 m>s on the frictionless, horizontal surface of an icy New York sidewalk and has a head-on, elastic collision with a larger 30.0-g marble sliding to the right at a speed of 0.200 m/s (Fig. E8.48).

> Blocks A (mass 2.00 kg) and B (mass 6.00 kg) move on a frictionless, horizontal surface. Initially, block B is at rest and block A is moving toward it at 2.00 m/s. The blocks are equipped with ideal spring bumpers, as in Example 8.10 (Section 8.4). The c

> A 0.150-kg glider is moving to the right with a speed of 0.80 m/s on a frictionless, horizontal air track. The glider has a head-on collision with a 0.300-kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.20 m/s. Find the final velocity (magnitude a

> A 0.800-kg ornament is hanging by a 1.50-m wire when the ornament is suddenly hit by a 0.200-kg missile traveling horizontally at 12.0 m/s. The missile embeds itself in the ornament during the collision. What is the tension in the wire immediately after

> A 15.0-kg block is attached to a very light horizontal spring of force constant 500.0 N/m and is resting on a frictionless horizontal table (Fig. E8.44). Suddenly it is struck by a 3.00-kg stone traveling horizontally at 8.00 m/s to the right, whereupon

> A 12.0-g rifle bullet is fired with a speed of 380 m/s into a ballistic pendulum with mass 6.00 kg, suspended from a cord 70.0 cm long (see Example 8.8 in Section 8.3). Compute (a) the vertical height through which the pendulum rises, (b) the initial kin

> A 5.00-g bullet is fired horizontally into a 1.20-kg wooden block resting on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface is 0.20. The bullet remains embedded in the block, which is observed to slide 0.310 m along t

> A crate of mass M starts from rest at the top of a frictionless ramp inclined at an angle a above the horizontal. Find its speed at the bottom of the ramp, a distance d from where it started. Do this in two ways: Take the level at which the potential ene

> At the intersection of Texas Avenue and University Drive, a yellow subcompact car with mass 950 kg traveling east on University collides with a red pickup truck with mass 1900 kg that is traveling north on Texas and has run a red light (Fig. E8.41). The

> To protect their young in the nest, peregrine falcons will fly into birds of prey (such as ravens) at high speed. In one such episode, a 600-g falcon flying at 20.0 m/s hit a 1.50-kg raven flying at 9.0 m/s. The falcon hit the raven at right angles to it

> Jack (mass 55.0 kg) is sliding due east with speed 8.00 m>s on the surface of a frozen pond. He collides with Jill (mass 48.0 kg), who is initially at rest. After the collision, Jack is traveling at 5.00 m/s in a direction 34.0° north of east. What is J

> Two cars collide at an intersection. Car A, with a mass of 2000 kg, is going from west to east, while car B, of mass 1500 kg, is going from north to south at 15 m/s. As a result, the two cars become enmeshed and move as one. As an expert witness, you ins

> The maximum height a typical human can jump from a crouched start is about 60 cm. By how much does the gravitational potential energy increase for a 72­kg person in such a jump? Where does this energy come from?

> In one day, a 75­kg mountain climber ascends from the 1500­m level on a vertical cliff to the top at 2400 m. The next day, she descends from the top to the base of the cliff, which is at an elevation of 1350 m. What is her change in gravitational potenti

> What is the average force the fish exerts on the drop of water? (a) 0.00015 N; (b) 0.00075 N; (c) 0.075 N; (d) 0.15 N.

> What is the speed of the archerfish immediately after it expels the drop of water? (a) 0.0025 m/s; (b) 0.012 m/s; (c) 0.75 m/s; (d) 2.5 m/s.

> On a very muddy football field, a 110-kg linebacker tackles an 85-kg halfback. Immediately before the collision, the linebacker is slipping with a velocity of 8.8 m/s north and the halfback is sliding with a velocity of 7.2 m/s east. What is the velocity

> A field researcher uses the slow-motion feature on her phone’s camera to shoot a video of an eel spinning at its maximum rate. The camera records at 120 frames per second. Through what angle does the eel rotate from one frame to the next? (a) 1°; (b) 10°

> When calculating the moment of inertia of an object, can we treat all its mass as if it were concentrated at the center of mass of the object? Justify your answer.

> In part (d) of Table 9.2, the thickness of the plate must be much less than a for the expression given for I to apply. But in part (c), the expression given for I applies no matter how thick the plate is. Explain. Table 9.2: TABLE 9.2 Moments of In

> A hollow spherical shell of radius R that is rotating about an axis through its center has rotational kinetic energy K. If you want to modify this sphere so that it has three times as much kinetic energy at the same angular speed while keeping the same m

> The potential ­ energy function for a force

> A cylindrical body has mass M and radius R. Can the mass be distributed within the body in such a way that its moment of inertia about its axis of symmetry is greater than MR2? Explain.

> In Example 8.4 (Section 8.2), consider the system consisting of the rifle plus the bullet. What is the speed of the system’s center of mass after the rifle is fired? Explain. Example 8.4: A marksman holds a rifle of mass mR = 3.00 kg loosely, so it can

> A woman stands in the middle of a perfectly smooth, frictionless, frozen lake. She can set herself in motion by throwing things, but suppose she has nothing to throw. Can she propel herself to shore without throwing anything?

> For a system of two particles we often let the potential energy for the force between the particles approach zero as the separation of the particles approaches infinity. If this choice is made, explain why the potential energy at non infinite separation


See Answer