Draw the alkene products of the dehydration of the following alcohols:
a. 2-Butanol
b. 1-Butanol
c. 2-Propanol
d. 4-Bromo-2-hexanol
> Write a balanced equation for the hydrogenation of each of the following aldehydes: a. 3-Methylbutanal b. 4-Bromopentanal c. Propanal
> Write a balanced equation for the hydrogenation of each of the following ketones: a. 2-Methyl-3-pentanone b. 3-Hexanone c. 5-Nonanone d. 7-Tetradecanone
> Draw the generalized equation for the oxidation of a secondary alcohol.
> Draw the structure of each of the following alcohols. Then draw and name the product you would expect to produce by the oxidation of each. a. 1-Nonanol b. 4-Methyl-1-heptanol c. 4,6-Diethyl-3-methyl-3-octanol d. 5-Bromo-4-octanol
> Write a general equation representing the addition of two alcohol molecules to an aldehyde or a ketone.
> Provide an example of an addition reaction involving an aldehyde or ketone.
> Explain what is meant by reduction in organic reactions and provide an example of a reduction reaction involving an aldehyde or ketone.
> How are the common names of esters derived?
> List several uses for formaldehyde.
> Draw the structure of each of the following compounds: a. Propanone b. 2-Pentanone c. 3-Heptanone d. 2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanone
> Give the common name for each of the following compounds: CH;CH,CCH,CH; b. CH,CH,CH,CHCH ČH, CH,CH,CH,CH3 с.
> Give the IUPAC name for each of the following compounds: CH3 a. CH,CH,CHCH,CH b. CI CI
> Give the IUPAC name for each of the following compounds: ÇH-CH3 a. CH,ČCH,CCH,CH, ČH-CH, b. CH;CCH,CHCH,CH3 ČI
> Name each of the following using the IUPAC Nomenclature System: CH,CH,CH,CH c. CH;CHCH,CH Br CH, O || Br b. CH;CCH,CH;CH d. CH;CCH,CCH,CH;CH; Cl CH3
> Name each of the following using the IUPAC Nomenclature System: CI O b. a. Cl--C-CH, CI
> Draw each of the following using condensed formulas and line formulas: a. 2-Nonanone b. 4-Methyl-2-heptanone c. 4,6-Diethyl-3-octanone d. 5-Bromo-4-octanone
> Briefly describe how to determine the common name of a ketone.
> Classify the matter represented in the following diagram by state and by composition. DO000000000 DO0000000000 = atom
> Distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. What are some sources of complex carbohydrates?
> Rank the following from highest to lowest water solubility: a. b. ОН он он H H H H
> Draw the polar interactions that occur between acetone molecules.
> Which member in each of the following pairs will be more water-soluble? CH3 H-C=0 а. or 00 b. НОСН,CH,Oн HÖCH or
> Explain briefly why simple (containing fewer than five carbon atoms) aldehydes and ketones exhibit appreciable solubility in water.
> Explain the dipole-dipole interactions that occur between molecules containing carbonyl groups.
> Identify each of the following structures as a hemiacetal or acetal. a. b. c. d. CH,CH3 H-C-OH ÓCH, ОСН CH3 CH;CH,-C-OH ÓCH; CH3 H-C-OCH,CH3- Н ОСН CH3 H;C–Ċ-OCH, ÓCH,CH3 ОСН
> Write an equation for each of the reactions in Question 13.11. Question 13.11: Label each of the following as an oxidation or a reduction reaction. a. Ethanal to ethanol b. Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde c. Cyclohexanone to cyclohexanol d. 2-Propanol to
> What biological molecules contain purine rings?
> Draw all of the products that could be formed in a reaction of benzene with each of the following: a. 2Cl2 in the presence of FeCl3 b. 2SO3 in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid c. 2HNO3 in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
> Draw the structure of a ketone that is an important, versatile solvent for organic compounds.
> Why is myoglobinuria associated with genetic disorders of the enzymes of the citric acid cycle?
> Provide the common names for each of the following ethers: a. CH3CH2—O—CH2CH2CH3 b. CH3—O—CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 c. CH3CH2CH2CH2—O—CH2CH2CH2CH3 d. CH3CH2—O—CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3
> Write an equation showing the condensation reaction that would produce each of the following ethers: a. Diethyl ether b. Ethyl propyl ether c. Dibutyl ether d. Heptyl hexyl ether
> Name each of the isomers drawn for Question 12.79. Question 12.79: Draw all of the alcohols and ethers of molecular formula C4H10O.
> Explain why a tertiary alcohol cannot undergo oxidation. When ethanol is metabolized in the liver, it is oxidized to ethanal (acetaldehyde). If too much ethanol is present in the body, an overabundance of ethanal is formed, which causes many of the adver
> Compare the water solubility of ethers and alcohols.
> Why must a dilute solution of phenol be used for disinfecting environmental surfaces?
> Name the following aromatic compounds using the IUPAC system: a. b. c. d. OH NO CH CH; ÇH OH HO Br ČI OH Br CH
> Describe the water solubility of phenols.
> What is the role of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in enzyme-catalyzed oxidation reduction reactions?
> How do we recognize oxidation and reduction in organic compounds?
> Describe how an increase in the temperature of reactants increases the rate of a reaction.
> Write a balanced equation for the hydrogenation of each of the following: a. Propanal (a three-carbon aldehyde) b. Propanone (a three-carbon ketone) c. 2,3-Dimethylheptanal (an aldehyde with a seven-carbon parent chain) d. 3-Methyl-4-heptanone (a ketone
> Give the oxidation product for cholesterol. CH CH CH, CH, CH Но Cholesterol
> Write a general equation for the preparation of an alcohol from an aldehyde or ketone. What type of reaction is involved?
> Write the reaction, occurring in the liver, that causes the oxidation of methanol. What is the product of this reaction, and what is the possible result of the accumulation of the product in the body?
> Name each of the reactant alcohols and product aldehydes in Practice Problem 12.7, at the end of Example 12.7, using the IUPAC Nomenclature System. Hint: Refer to Example 12.7, as well as to Section 13.2, to name the aldehyde products. Practice Problem
> Write an equation demonstrating each of the following chemical transformations: a. Oxidation of an alcohol to an aldehyde b. Oxidation of an alcohol to a ketone c. Dehydration of a cyclic alcohol to a cycloalkene d. Hydrogenation of an alkene to an alkan
> We have seen that ethanol is metabolized to ethanal (acetaldehyde) in the liver. What would be the product formed, under the same conditions, from each of the following alcohols? a. CH3OH b. CH3CH2CH2OH c. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH
> Write an equation showing the dehydration of each of the following alcohols. Name each of the reactants and products using the IUPAC Nomenclature System. a. b. CH;CHCH,CH, ÓH OH CH
> Write a general equation representing the oxidation of a 38 alcohol.
> Why would a deficiency of a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase cause chronic lactic acidosis?
> Write a general equation representing the oxidation of a 18 alcohol.
> Write a general equation representing the preparation of an alcohol by hydrogenation of an aldehyde or a ketone.
> If a bottle of distilled alcoholic spirits—for example, scotch whiskey—is labeled as 80 proof, what is the percentage of alcohol in the scotch?
> Why do wines typically have an alcohol concentration of 12–13%?
> Describe what is meant by a trans-isomer of an alkene.
> Classify the alcohol product in Practice Problem 12.5, at the end of Example 12.5, as a primary (18), secondary (28), or tertiary (38) alcohol, and provide the IUPAC name. Practice Problem 12.5: Write an equation representing the reduction of butanone.
> Name each of the following alcohols using the IUPAC Nomenclature System: a. b. c. d. ОН CH; ОН Br CH,CHCH,CHCH,CHCH, Он он он ÓH CH;CH,CHCHCHCH; ÓH ОН
> Draw the structure of each of the following compounds: a. Pentyl alcohol b. Isopropyl alcohol c. Octyl alcohol d. Propyl alcohol
> Draw each of the following alcohols: a. 1-Iodo-2-butanol b. 1,2-Butanediol c. Cyclobutanol
> Draw each of the following, using condensed formulas and line formulas: a. 3-Methyl-4-ethyl-3-hexanol b. 1-Bromo-2-methyl-3-pentanol c. 2,4-Dimethylcyclohexano
> Calculate the number of g of solute that would be needed to make each of the following solutions: a. 2.50 × 102 mL of 0.100 M NaBr b. 2.50 × 102 mL of 0.200 M KOH
> Give the IUPAC name for each of the following compounds: a. CH3C(CH2CH3)2CH(CH3) CH2CH2CH2OH b. CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2CH2CH3 c. CH3CH2CHClCHBrCH2CH2OH
> Briefly describe the rules for determining the common names for alcohols.
> Why do alcohols have higher boiling points than alkanes?
> Classify each of the following as a primary, secondary, or tertiary alcohol: a. 2-Methyl-2-butanol b. 1,2-Dimethylcyclohexanol c. 2,3,4-Trimethylcyclopentanol d. 3,3-Dimethyl-2-pentanol
> Classify each of the following as a primary, secondary, or tertiary alcohol: CH,CH, CH;CH,COH ĆH b. CH,CHCH,CHCH, ОН Br CH,CH,CH,OH CH, d. CH,CCH,CH,CH, ÓH
> Give the common name and the IUPAC name for each of the following compounds. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH b. CH3CHCH3|OH c. d. OH Br Cl Br OH H;C CH3
> 1-Heptanol has a pleasant aroma and is sometimes used in cosmetics to enhance the fragrance. Draw the condensed formula for 1-heptanol. Is this a primary, secondary, or tertiary alcohol?
> Using the IUPAC Nomenclature System, name each of the products and reactants in the reactions described in Question 11.15. The following equation represents the bromination of 1-pentene: Question 11.15: Write balanced equations for the complete chlori
> Explain the relationship between the water solubility of alcohols and the number of hydroxyl groups in the molecule.
> Describe the structure of ether molecules.
> Describe the relationship between the formation of ketone bodies and β -oxidation.
> What is carbolic acid? How did Joseph Lister use carbolic acid?
> Name each of the following compounds, using the IUPAC system. d. ÇH, CH, а. Br CH, ÇH, b. NO, NO, e. O,N NO2 Br CH,CH, с.
> What chemical characteristic of the aromatic hydrocarbons is most distinctive?
> Draw the structure of each of the following compounds and write a balanced equation for the bromination of each: a. 3-Methyl-1,4-hexadiene b. 4-Bromo-1,3-pentadiene c. 3-Chloro-2,4-hexadiene d. 3-Bromo-1,3-cyclohexadiene
> Write an equation for the addition reaction that produced each of the following molecules: a. CH3CH2CHOHCH(CH3) CH2CH3 b. CH3CHOHCH2CH3 -с. НО. CH, CH3
> Provide the IUPAC name for each of the following molecules. Write equations for the hydration of each. a. b. CH3CH = CHCH2CH = CHCH2CH = CHCH3 c. CH3CH = CHC(CH3)2CH2CH3 -CH,CH,
> Write an equation representing the synthesis of polypropylene from propene. What are some uses for polypropylene?
> Name each of the following compounds, using the IUPAC system. Be sure to indicate cis or trans where applicable. a. CH3, CH3 с. СН. H. C=C' `CH,C(CH3)3 C=C H CH3 H b. CH3CH2 CH,CH3 C=C CH3 H
> What is meant by the term monomer?
> Bromine is often used as a laboratory spot test for unsaturation in an aliphatic hydrocarbon. Bromine in CCl4 is red. When bromine reacts with an alkene or alkyne, the alkyl halide formed is colorless; hence, a disappearance of the red color is a positiv
> List the general types of information that a chemical equation provides.
> Triple bonds react in a manner analogous to that of double bonds. The extra pair of electrons in the triple bond, however, generally allows 2 mol of a given reactant to add to the triple bond in contrast to 1 mol with the double bond. The “rich get riche
> Write a balanced equation for each of the following reactions: a. Hydrogenation of 3,4-dichlorocycloheptene b. Halogenation of 3-methylcyclopentene c. Hydration of cyclobutene d. Hydrohalogenation of cyclohexene
> Predict the major product in each of the following reactions. Name the alkene reactant and the product, using IUPAC nomenclature. a. CH3. Ni. ? + H, `CH, H b. (CH;),C=CHCH,CH,CH, + H,0 H, ? (CH,), C=CHCH, + Br2 d. CH,C(CH3,CH=CH2 + HCI – ? ?
> Write a balanced equation for each of the following reactions: a. Hydration of 1-butyne b. Hydration of 2-butyne
> Draw and name the product in each of the following reactions: a. Cyclopentene + H2O (H+) b. Cyclopentene + HCl c. Cyclopentene + H2 d. Cyclopentene + HI
> Write a balanced equation for each of the following reactions: a. 1,4-Pentadiene + H2 b. 3-Methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene + Cl2 c. 2,4-Heptadiene + Br2 d. 3-Methylcyclopentene + H2O (H+)
> What is the major difference between the hydration of an alkene and the hydration of an alkyne?
> Write a general equation representing the hydration of an alkyne.
> Draw each of the cis-trans isomers in Question 11.5, and provide the complete names using the IUPAC Nomenclature System. Question 11.5: Which of the following molecules can exist as both cis- and transisomers? Explain your reasoning. CH,CH,CCI= C(
> Write a general equation representing the halogenation of an alkyne.
> Use examples of specific amino acids to show the variety of weak interactions that maintain tertiary protein structure.
> Write a general equation representing the hydrogenation of an alkyne.
> Provide the IUPAC name for each of the following molecules: a. CH3CBr = CHCH(CH3) CH = CBrCH3 b. CH2 = CHCH(CH3) CH = CHCH(CH2CH3) CH2CH3 c. CH2 = CHC(CH3)2CH = CHCH2CH = CHCH(CH3)2 d. CH3CH(CH3) CH(CH2CH3) CH = CHCH2CH = CHCH(CH3) CH2CH3
> Draw and name all the cis- and trans-isomers in Question 11.51. Question 11.51: Which of the following can exist as cis- and trans-isomers? a. H2C——CH2 b. CH3CH——CHCH3 c. Cl2C——CBr2 d. ClBrC——CClBr e. (CH3)2C——C(CH3)2
> Based on intermolecular forces, rank the following compounds from highest to lowest melting points: a. decane propane methane ethane b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3(CH2)8CH3 CH3(CH2)6CH3
> Draw the line formula for each of the alkenes in Question 11.47. Question 11.47: Which of the following alkenes can exist as cis-trans isomers? Explain your reasoning. a. 1-Heptene b. 2-Heptene c. 3-Heptene d. 2-Methyl-2-hexene e. 3-Methyl-2-hexene