2.99 See Answer

Question: If the gain of an amplifier changes

If the gain of an amplifier changes from a value of —1000 by 10%, calculate the gain change if the amplifier is used in a feedback circuit having b = —1/20.

> a. Consult Fig.  Compare the dynamic resistances of the diodes in the forward-bias regions. b. How do the levels of Is and VZ compare?

> a. For the solar cell of Fig. 16.14, determine the ratio ΔIVOC>Δfc for the range of 20 fc to 100 fc if fc1 = 40fc. b. Using the results of part (a), determine the expected level of VOC at a light intensity of 60 fc.

> a. For the solar cell of Fig. , determine the ratio ΔISC>Δfc if fc1 = fc. b. Using the results of part (a), find the level of ISC resulting from a light intensity of  foot candles.

> If the power rating of a solar cell is determined on a very rough scale by the product VOC ISC, is the greatest rate of increase obtained at lower or higher levels of illumination? Explain your reasoning.

> A 1-cm by -cm solar cell has a conversion efficiency of %. Determine the maximum power rating of the device.

> Referring to Fig. 16.11, if VDD = V for the varactor of Fig find the resonant frequency of the tank circuit if CC =  pF and LT = mH.

> For the network of Fig. 4.136, determine: a. IB. b. IC. c. VCE. d. VC.

> Using Figa, compare the Q levels at a reverse bias potential of V and V. What is the ratio between the two? If the resonant frequency is 10 MHz, what is the bandwidth for each bias voltage? Compare the bandwidths obtained and compare their ra

> What region of VR would appear to have the greatest change in capacitance per change in reverse voltage for the diode of Fig. ? Be aware that it is a log-log scale. Then, for this region, determine the ratio of the change in capacitance to the chang

> Determine T1 for a varactor diode if C0 = 22 pF, TCC = 0.02%/ °C, and ΔC = 0.11 pF due to an increase in temperature above T0 = 25°C.

> At a reverse-bias potential of 4 V, determine the total capacitance for the varactor from Fig. a and calculate the Q value from Q = 1> (pf RS Ct) using a frequency of 10 MHz and Rs = Ω. Compare to the Q value determined from the chart of Fig

> Using Fig. a, determine the total capacitance at a reverse potential of  V and 8 V and find the tuning ratio between these two levels. How does it compare to the tuning ratio for the ratio between reverse bias potentials of  V and V?

> A full-wave rectifier (operating from a-Hz supply) drives a capacitor-filter circuit (C = mF), which develops  V dc when connected to a -kΩ load. Calculate the output voltage ripple.

> A full-wave rectifier operating from the Hz ac supply produces a-V peak rectified voltage. If a-mF capacitor is used, calculate the ripple at a load of  mA.

> A full-wave rectified voltage of V peak is connected to a@mF filter capacitor. What are the ripple and dc voltages across the capacitor at a load of mA?

> A full-wave rectified signal of V peak is fed into a capacitor filter. What is the voltage regulation of the filter if the output is V dc at full load?

> A simple capacitor filter fed by a full-wave rectifier develops  V dc at  ripple factor. What is the output ripple voltage (rms)?

> For the emitter follower network of Fig. 4.135 a. Find IB, IC, and IE. b. Determine VB, VC, and VE. c. Calculate VBC and VCE.

> What is the rms ripple voltage of a full-wave rectifier with output voltage 8 V dc?

> A half-wave rectifier develops  V dc. What is the value of the ripple voltage?

> Determine the regulated output voltage from the circuit of Fig. 

> Determine the regulated voltage in the circuit of Fig.  with R1 =  Ω and R2 = ï&#128

> Determine the maximum value of load current at which regulation is maintained for the circuit of Fig. 

> Calculate the minimum input voltage of the full-wave rectifier and filter capacitor network in Fig. when connected to a load drawing ï&#12

> Draw the circuit of a voltage supply comprised of a full-wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filter, and IC regulator to provide an output of + V.

> Determine the regulated voltage and circuit currents for the shunt regulator of Fig. .

> Calculate the regulated output voltage in the circuit of Fig. 

> What regulated output voltage results in the circuit of Fig. ?

> Determine the level of VE and IE for the network of Fig. 4.134.

> A filter circuit provides an output of  V unloaded and V under full-load operation. Calculate the percentage voltage regulation.

> Calculate the output voltage and Zener diode current in the regulator circuit of Fig. 

> If the no-load output voltage for Problem 17 is V, calculate the percentage voltage regulation with a -kΩ load.

> Calculate the rms ripple voltage at the output of an RC filter section that feeds a @kΩ load when the filter input is V dc with -V rms ripple from a full-wave rectifier and capacitor filter. The RC filter section components are R =  Ω and C =

> A simple capacitor filter has an input of  V dc. If this voltage is fed through an RC filter section (R =  Ω, C =  mF), what is the load current for a load resistance of Ω?

> An RC filter stage (R = Ω, C = mF) is used to filter a signal of  V dc with V rms operating from a full-wave rectifier. Calculate the percentage ripple at the output of the RC section for a-mA load. Also calculate the ripple of the filtere

> An RC filter stage is added after a capacitor filter to reduce the percentage of ripple to Calculate the ripple voltage at the output of the RC filter stage providing  V dc.

> Calculate the percentage ripple for the voltage developed across a -mF filter capacitor when providing a load current of  mA. The full-wave rectifier operating from the -Hz supply develops a peak rectified voltage of  V.

> Calculate the size of the filter capacitor needed to obtain a filtered voltage with % ripple at a load of  mA. The full-wave rectified voltage is V dc and the supply is  Hz.

> A -mF capacitor provides a load current of  mA at 8% ripple. Calculate the peak rectified voltage obtained from the -Hz supply and the dc voltage across the filter capacitor.

> Given VB = 4 V for the network of Fig. 4.133, determine: a. VE. b. IC. c. VC. d. VCE. e. IB. f. 

> Calculate the size of the filter capacitor needed to obtain a filtered voltage having % ripple at a load of  mA. The full-wave rectified voltage is  V dc, and the supply is  Hz.

> What is the ripple factor of a sinusoidal signal having peak ripple of 2 V on an average of 50 V?

> For an FET Colpitts oscillator as in Fig. 14.26 and the following circuit values determine the circuit oscillation frequency:

> Calculate the frequency of a Wien bridge oscillator circuit (as in Fig. 14.23) when R = 10 kΩ and C = 2400 pF.

> Calculate the operating frequency of a BJT phase-shift oscillator as in Fig. 14.21b for R = 6 kΩ, C = 1500 pF, and RC = 18 kΩ.

> An FET phase-shift oscillator having gm = 6000 mS, rd = 36 kΩ, and feedback resistor R = 12 kΩ is to operate at 2.5 kHz. Select C for specified oscillator operation.

> For a circuit as in Fig. 14.11 and the following circuit values, calculate the circuit gain and the input and output impedances with and without feedback: RB = 600 kΩ, RE = 1.2 kΩ, RC = 4.7 kΩ, and b = 75. Use VCC = 16 V.

> Calculate the gain with and without feedback for an FET amplifier as in Fig. 14.7 for circuit values R1 = 800 kΩ, R2 = 200 Ω, Ro = 40 kΩ, RD = 8 kΩ, and gm = 5000 mS.

> Calculate the gain, input, and output impedances of a voltage-series feedback amplifier having A = - 300, Ri = 1.5 kΩ, Ro = 50 kΩ, and b = —1/15.

> Determine the range of possible values for VC for the network of Fig. 4.132 using the 1-MΩ potentiometer.

> Design a unijunction oscillator circuit for operation at (a) 1 kHz and (b) 150 kHz.

> Draw circuit diagrams of (a) a series-operated crystal oscillator and (b) a shunt-excited crystal oscillator.

> Calculate the oscillation frequency for the transistor Hartley circuit of Fig. 14.30 and the following circuit values:

> Calculate the oscillator frequency for an FET Hartley oscillator as in Fig. 14.29 for the following circuit values:

> For the transistor Colpitts oscillator of Fig. 14.27 and the following circuit values, calculate the oscillation frequency:

> Calculate the gain of a negative-feedback amplifier having A = —2000 and b = —1/10.

> For a reference voltage of 16 V, calculate the output voltage for an input of 11010 to the circuit of Problem 8.

> Sketch a five-stage ladder network using 15-kΩ and 30-kΩ resistors.

> Describe the operation of the circuit in Fig. 13.43.

> Sketch the output waveform for the circuit of Fig. 13.42.

> a. Determine the levels of IC and VCE for the network of Fig. 4.131. b. Change  to 135 (50% increase), and calculate the new levels of IC and VCE. c. Determine the magnitude of the percentage change in IC and VCE using the following equ

> Draw the circuit diagram of a zero-crossing detector using a 339 comparator stage with {12-V supplies.

> Draw the resulting output waveform for the circuit of Fig. 13.41.

> Draw a circuit diagram of a 311 op-amp showing an input of 10 V rms applied to the inverting input and the plus input to ground. Identify all pin numbers.

> What is the difference between open-collector and tri-state output?

> What is a data bus?

> Describe the signal conditions for current-loop and RS-232C interfaces.

> What is the lock range of the PLL circuit in Fig. 13.26b for

> What value of capacitor C1 is required in the circuit of Fig. 13.26b to obtain a center frequency of 100 kHz?

> Calculate the VCO free-running of Fig. 13. frequency for the circuit 26b with

> Sketch the output waveform for the circuit of Fig. 13.40.

> a. Compare levels of R' = RC + RE to RF> for the network of Fig. 4.131. b. Is the approximation ICQ ÷ V'>R' valid?

> If a transistor amplifier has more than one dc source, can the superposition theorem be applied to obtain the response of each dc source and algebraically add the results?

> Determine the capacitor needed in the circuit of Fig. 13.22 to obtain a 200-kHz output.

> What frequency range results in the circuit of Fig. 13.23 for

> Calculate the center frequency of a VCO using a 566 IC as in Fig. 13.22 for

> Sketch the input and output waveforms for a one-shot using a 555 timer triggered by a 10-kHz clock for

> Draw the circuit of a one-shot using a 555 timer to provide one time period of 20ms. If What value of C is needed?

> Sketch the circuit of a 555 timer connected as an astable multivibrator for operation at 350 kHz. Determine the value of capacitor C needed using

> What is the maximum count interval using a 12-stage counter operated at a clock rate of 20 MHz?

> How many count steps occur using a 12-stage digital counter at the output of an ADC?

> For a dual-slope converter, describe what occurs during the fixed time interval and the count interval.

> What voltage resolution is possible using a 12-stage ladder network with a 10-V reference voltage?

> For the voltage feedback network of Fig. 4.130, determine: a. IC. b. VC. c. VE. d. VCE.

> Draw the diagram of a 741 op-amp operated from {15-V supplies with Vi (-) = V and Vi (+) = + 5 V. Include terminal pin connections.

> Calculate the efficiency of the circuit of Problem 8 if the bias current is ICQ = 150 mA.

> A transformer-coupled class A amplifier drives a 16-Ω speaker through a 3.87:1 transformer. Using a power supply of VCC = 36 V, the circuit delivers 2 W to the load. Calculate: a. P(ac) across transformer primary. b. VL (ac). c. V(ac) at transformer prim

> Calculate the transformer turns ratio required to connect four parallel 16-Ω speakers so that they appear as an 8-kΩ effective load.

> What turns ratio transformer is needed to couple to an 8-Ω load so that it appears as an 8-kΩ effective load?

> A class A transformer-coupled amplifier uses a 25:1 transformer to drive a 4-Ω load. Calculate the effective ac load (seen by the transistor connected to the larger turns side of the trans- former).

> If the circuit of Fig. 12.35 is biased at its center voltage and center collector operating point, what is the input power for a maximum output power of 1.5 W?

> What maximum output power can be delivered by the circuit of Fig. 12.35 if RB is changed to 1.5 kΩ?

> What maximum power can a silicon transistor (TJmax = 200°C) dissipate into free air at an ambient temperature of 80°C?

> A 160-W silicon power transistor operated with a heat sink (uSA = 1.5°C>W) has uJC = 0.5°C>W and a mounting insulation of uCS = 0.8°C>W. What maximum power can be handled by the transistor at an ambient temperature of 80°C? (The junction temperature shou

> For the network of problem 27 a. Determine ICQ using the equation ICQ b. Compare with the results of problem 27 for ICQ. c. Compare R’ to RF/. d. Is the statement valid that the larger R’ is compa

> Determine the maximum dissipation allowed for a 100-W silicon transistor (rated at 25°C) for a derating factor of 0.6 W>°C at a case temperature of 150°C.

> For distortion readings of D2 = 0.15, D3 = 0.01, and D4 = 0.05, with I1 = 3.3 A and RC = 4 Ω, calculate the total harmonic distortion fundamental power component and total power.

> Calculate the second harmonic distortion for an output waveform having measured values of VCEmin = 2.4 V, VCEQ = 10 V, and VCEmax = 20 V.

> Calculate the total harmonic distortion for the amplitude components of Problem 19.

> Calculate the input power dissipated by the circuit of Fig. 12.35 if RB is changed to 1.5 kΩ.


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