Steam is to be condensed on the shell side of a one-shell pass and eight-tube-passes condenser, with 50 tubes in each pass, at 30°C (hfg = 2431 kJ/kg). Cooling water (cp = 4180 J/kgâ
K) enters the tubes at 18°C at a rate of 2200 kg/h. The tubes are thin-walled and have a diameter of 1.5 cm and a length of 2 m per pass. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 3000 W/m2â
K, determine (a) the rate of heat transfer and (b) the rate of condensation of steam.
> A single-pass crossflow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed has water entering at 16°C and exiting at 33°C, while oil (cp = 1.93 kJ/kgâ‹…K and ρ = 870 kg/m3) flowing at 0.19 m3/min enters at 38Â&
> Determine the four view factors associated with an enclosure formed by two very long concentric cylinders of radii r1 and r2. Neglect the end effects.
> In a chemical plant, a certain chemical is heated by hot water supplied by a natural gas furnace. The hot water (cp = 4180J/kg⋅K) is then discharged at 60°C at a rate of 8 kg/min. The plant operates 8 h a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. The furnace
> Consider a conical enclosure of height h and base diameter D. Determine the view factor from the conical side surface to a hole of diameter d located at the center of the base.
> A crossflow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed has an overall heat transfer coefficient of 200 W/m2⋅K, and a heat transfer surface area of 400 m2. The hot fluid has a heat capacity of 40,000 W/K, while the cold fluid has a heat capacity of 80,000 W/
> Consider a hemispherical furnace with a flat circular base of diameter D. Determine the view factor from the dome of this furnace to its base.
> Geothermal water (cp = 4250 J/kg⋅K) at 75°C is to be used to heat fresh water (cp = 4180 J/kg⋅K) at 17°C at a rate of 1.2 kg/s in a double-pipe counterflow heat exchanger. The heat transfer surface area is 25 m2, the overall heat transfer coefficient is
> Consider an enclosure consisting of 13 surfaces. How many view factors does this geometry involve? How many of these view factors can be determined by the application of the reciprocity and the summation rules?
> Consider a water-to-water counterflow heat exchanger with these specifications. Hot water enters at 90°C while cold water enters at 20°C. The exit temperature of the hot water is 15°C greater than that of the cold water,
> Is it true that it takes more energy to vaporize 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 100°C than it would at 120°C?
> Cylindrical heaters are spaced equally at 5 cm apart in a row, and the heaters are positioned between two large parallel plates. If the diameter of the cylinders is 35 mm, determine the view factors between the plate and the row of cylinders, F12 and F32
> Under what conditions can the overall heat transfer coefficient of a heat exchanger be determined from U =(1/hi + 1/ho)−1?
> Consider two coaxial parallel circular disks of equal diameter D that are spaced apart by a distance L. If the view factor is F12 = 0.1, without altering the diameter of the disks, determine a solution that would increase the view factor F12 by a factor
> Oil in an engine is being cooled by air in a crossflow heat exchanger, where both fluids are unmixed. Oil (cph = 2047 J/kg⋅K) flowing with a flow rate of 0.026 kg/s enters the tube side at 75°C, while air (cpc = 1007 J/kg&aci
> Consider two coaxial parallel circular disks of equal diameter D = 1 m spaced apart by 1 m, and two aligned parallel square plates (1 m × 1 m) also spaced apart by 1 m. Determine the view factors F12 between the circular disks and the square
> A single-pass crossflow heat exchanger uses hot air (mixed) to heat water (unmixed), flowing with a mass flow rate of 3 kg/s, from 30°C to 80°C. The hot air enters and exits the heat exchanger at 220°C and 100°
> What is the crossed-strings method? For what kinds of geometries is the crossed-strings method applicable?
> Saturated water vapor at 100°C condenses in the shell side of a one-shell and two-tube heat exchanger with a surface area of 0.5 m2 and an overall heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/m2â‹…K. If cold water (cpc = 4179 J/kgâ
> What are the summation rule and the superposition rule for view factors?
> A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with two shell passes and four tube passes is used for cooling oil (cp = 2.0 kJ/kg⋅K) from 125°C to 55°C. The coolant is water, which enters the shell side at 25°C and leaves at 46°C. The overall heat transfer coefficient
> Does hfg change with pressure? How?
> How can you determine the view factor F12 when the view factor F21 and the surface areas are available?
> A two-shell-pass and four-tube-pass heat exchanger is used for heating a hydrocarbon stream (cp = 2.0 kJ/kg⋅K) steadily from 20°C to 50°C. A water stream enters the shell side at 80°C and leaves at 40°C. There are 160 thin-walled tubes, each with a diame
> What is visible light? How does it differ from the other forms of electromagnetic radiation?
> A shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used for cooling 47 kg/s of a process stream flowing through the tubes from 160°C to 100°C. This heat exchanger has a total of 100 identical tubes, each with an inside diameter of 2.5 cm and negligible wall thickness. T
> What does the view factor represent? When is the view factor from a surface to itself not zero?
> Cold water (cp = 4180 J/kg⋅K) enters the tubes of a heat exchanger with two shell passes and 20 tube passes at 15°C at a rate of 4 kg/s, while hot oil (cp = 2200 J/kg⋅K) enters the shell at 130°C
> A horizontal plate is experiencing uniform irradiation on both upper and lower surfaces. The ambient air temperature surrounding the plate is 290 K with a convection heat transfer coefficient of 30 W/m2â‹…K. Both upper and lower surfaces
> Hot water at 60°C is cooled to 36°C through the tube side of a one-shell-pass and two-tube-passes heat exchanger. The coolant is also a water stream, for which the inlet and outlet temperatures are 7°C and 31°C, respectively. The overall heat transfer co
> Consider an opaque plate that is well insulated on the edges and heated at the bottom with an electric heater. The plate has an emissivity of 0.67 and is situated in an ambient surrounding temperature of 7°C where the natural convection heat transfer coe
> A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one shell pass and 14 tube passes is used to heat water in the tubes with geothermal steam condensing at 120°C (hfg = 2203 kJ/kg) on the shell side. The tubes are thin-walled and have a diameter of 2.4 cm a
> What is the physical significance of hfg? Can it be obtained from a knowledge of hf and hg? How?
> What is the value of the engineering software packages in (a) engineering education and (b) engineering practice?
> Consider an opaque horizontal plate that is well insulated on the edges and the lower surface. The plate is uniformly irradiated from above while air at T∞ = 300 K flows over the surface, providing a uniform convection heat transfer coe
> Water (cp = 1.0 Btu/lbm⋅°F) is to be heated by solar heated hot air (cp = 0.24 Btu/lbm⋅°F) in a double-pipe counterflow heat exchanger. Air enters the heat exchanger at 190°F at a rate of 0.7 lbm/s and leaves at 135°F. Water enters at 70°F at a rate of 0
> Irradiation on a semitransparent medium is at a rate of 520 W/m2. If 160 W/m2 of the irradiation is reflected from the medium and 130 W/m2 is transmitted through the medium, determine the medium’s absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, and emissivit
> What are the common causes of fouling in a heat exchanger? How does fouling affect heat transfer and pressure drop?
> An opaque horizontal plate is well insulated on the edges and the lower surface. The irradiation on the plate is 3000 W/m2, of which 500 W/m2 is reflected. The plate has a uniform temperature of 700 K and has an emissive power of 5000 W/m2. Determine the
> By taking the limit as ΔT2 → ΔT1, show that when ΔT1 = ΔT2 for a heat exchanger, the ΔTlm relation reduces to ΔTlm = ΔT1 = ΔT2.
> The reflectivity of aluminum coated with lead sulfate is 0.35 for radiation at wavelengths less than 3 μm and 0.95 for radiation greater than 3 μm. Determine the average reflectivity of this surface for solar radiation (T ≈ 5800 K) and radiation coming f
> Consider a water-to-water double-pipe heat exchanger whose flow arrangement is not known. The temperature measurements indicate that the cold water enters at 20°C and leaves at 50°C, while the hot water enters at 80°C and leaves at 45°C. Do you think thi
> The variation of the spectral absorptivity of a surface is as given in Fig. P21–42. Determine the average absorptivity and reflectivity of the surface for radiation that originates from a source at T = 2500 K. Also, determine the averag
> Consider the flow of saturated steam at 270.1 kPa that flows through the shell side of a shell-and tube heat exchanger while the water flows through four tubes of diameter 1.25 cm at a rate of 0.25 kg/s through each tube. The water enters the tubes of th
> Does the reference point selected for the properties of a substance have any effect on thermodynamic analysis? Why?
> The emissivity of a surface coated with aluminum oxide can be approximated to be 0.15 for radiation at wavelengths less than 5 μm and 0.9 for radiation at wavelengths greater than 5 μm. Determine the average emissivity of this surface at (a) 5800 K and (
> Consider a closed-loop heat exchanger that carries exit water (cp = 1 Btu/lbm⋅°F and ρ = 62.4 lbm/ft3) of a condenser side initially at 100°F. The water flows through a 500-ft long stainless steel pipe of 1 in inner diameter immersed in a large lake. The
> The variations of the spectral emissivity of two surfaces are as given in Fig. P21–40. Determine the average emissivity of each surface at T = 3000 K. Also, determine the average absorptivity and reflectivity of each surface for radiati
> Reconsider Prob. 22–104. Using appropriate software, investigate the effects of the condensing steam temperature and the tube diameter on the rate of heat transfer and the rate of condensation of steam. Let the steam temperature vary fr
> How does microwave cooking differ from conventional cooking?
> Saturated water vapor at 100°C condenses in a one-shell and two-tube heat exchanger with a surface area of 0.5 m2 and an overall heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/m2⋅K. Cold water (cpc = 4179 J/kg⋅K) flowi
> The emissivity of a tungsten filament can be approximated to be 0.5 for radiation at wavelengths less than 1 μm and 0.15 for radiation at greater than 1 μm. Determine the average emissivity of the filament at (a) 1500 K and (b) 2500 K. Also, determine th
> Ethanol is vaporized at 78°C (hfg = 846 kJ/kg) in a double-pipe parallel-flow heat exchanger at a rate of 0.04 kg/s by hot oil (cp = 2200 J/kg⋅K) that enters at 115°C. If the heat transfer surface area and the over
> The spectral emissivity function of an opaque surface at 1000 K is approximated as; Determine the average emissivity of the surface and the rate of radiation emission from the surface, in W/m2.
> Steam at 400°C has a specific volume of 0.02 m3/kg. Determine the pressure of the steam based on (a) the ideal-gas equation, (b) the generalized compressibility chart, and (c) the steam tables.
> Water (cp = 4180 J/kg⋅K) enters the 2.5-cm-internal diameter tube of a double-pipe counterflow heat exchanger at 20°C at a rate of 2.2 kg/s. Water is heated by steam condensing at 120°C (hfg = 2203 kJ/kg) in the shell. If the overall heat transfer coeffi
> A furnace that has a 40-cm × 40-cm glass window can be considered to be a blackbody at 1200 K. If the transmissivity of the glass is 0.7 for radiation at wavelengths less than 3 μm and zero for radiation at wavelengths greater than 3 μm, determine the fr
> Consider the operation of a single-pass crossflow heat exchanger with water (cp = 4193 J/kg⋅K) (mixed) and methanol (cp = 2577 J/kg⋅K) (unmixed). Water entering and exiting the heat exchanger at 90°C and 60°C, respectively is used to heat the methanol, w
> What is the greenhouse effect? Why is it a matter of great concern among atmospheric scientists?
> In a thin-walled double-pipe heat exchanger, when is the approximation U = hi a reasonable one? Here U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and hi is the convection heat transfer coefficient inside the tube.
> Define the properties reflectivity and transmissivity, and discus the different forms of reflection.
> Classify heat exchangers according to flow type, and explain the characteristics of each type.
> Define the properties emissivity and absorptivity. When are these two properties equal to each other?
> What is a gray body? How does it differ from a blackbody? What is a diffuse gray surface?
> Consider the sun, which is considered to be a blackbody with a surface temperature of roughly 5800 K. Determine the percentage of solar energy (a) in the visible range, (b) at wavelengths shorter than the visible range, and (c) at wavelengths longer than
> Ethane at 10 MPa and 100°C is heated at constant pressure until its volume has increased by 60 percent. Determine the final temperature using (a) the ideal-gas equation of state and (b) the compressibility factor. Which of these two results is the more a
> A 3-mm-thick glass window transmits 90 percent of the radiation between λ = 0.3 and 3.0 μm and is essentially opaque for radiation at other wavelengths. Determine the rate of radiation transmitted through a 3-m × 3-m glass window from blackbody sources a
> The sun can be treated as a blackbody at an effective surface temperature of 10,400 R. Determine the rate at which infrared radiation energy (λ = 0.76 − 100 μm) is emitted by the sun, in Btu/h⋅ft2.
> What is thermal radiation? How does it differ from the other forms of electromagnetic radiation?
> It is desired that the radiation energy emitted by a light source reach a maximum in the blue range (λ = 0.47 μm). Determine the temperature of this light source and the fraction of radiation it emits in the visible range (λ = 0.40 − 0.76 μm).
> Reconsider Prob. 21–27. Using appropriate software, investigate the effect of temperature on the fraction of radiation emitted in the visible range. Let the surface temperature vary from 1000 K to 4000 K, and plot the fraction of radiation emitted in the
> The temperature of the filament of an incandescent lightbulb is 2800 K. Treating the filament as a blackbody, determine the fraction of the radiant energy emitted by the filament that falls in the visible range. Also, determine the wavelength at which th
> The temperature of the filament of an incandescent lightbulb is 2500 K. Assuming the filament to be a blackbody, determine the fraction of the radiant energy emitted by the filament that falls in the visible range. Also, determine the wavelength at which
> We wish an incandescent lightbulb to emit at least 15 percent of its energy at wavelengths shorter than 0.8 μm. Determine the minimum temperature to which the filament of the lightbulb must be heated.
> A circular ceramic plate that can be modeled as a blackbody is being heated by an electrical heater. The plate is 30 cm in diameter and is situated in a surrounding ambient temperature of 15°C where the natural convection heat transfer coeffic
> A thin vertical copper plate is subjected to a uniform heat flux of 1000 W/m2 on one side, while the other side is exposed to ambient surroundings at 5°C. The surface of the plate is oxidized black and can be treated as a blackbody. The heat t
> On the property diagrams indicated below, sketch (not to scale) with respect to the saturated liquid and saturated vapor lines and label the following processes and states for refrigerant 134a. Use arrows to indicate the direction of the process, and lab
> Consider a black spherical ball, with a diameter of 25 cm, that is suspended in air. Determine the surface temperature of the ball that should be maintained in order to heat 10 kg of air from 20 to 30°C in 5 minutes.
> A small body is placed inside a spherical stainless steel chamber with a diameter of 3 m. The chamber is evacuated and has a constant surface temperature of 500 K. Determine the radiation incident on the surface of the small body inside the chamber if th
> The sun can be treated as a blackbody at 5780 K. Using appropriate software, calculate and plot the spectral blackbody emissive power Ebλ of the sun versus wavelength in the range of 0.01 μm to 1000 μm. Discuss the results.
> By what properties is an electromagnetic wave characterized? How are these properties related to each other?
> At a wavelength of 0.7 μm, the blackbody emissive power is equal to 108 W/m3. Determine (a) the temperature of the blackbody and (b) the total emissive power at this temperature.
> A flame from a match may be approximated as a black body at the effective surface temperature of 1700 K, while moonlight may be approximated as a blackbody at the effective surface temperature of 4000 K, respectively. Determine the peak spectral blackbod
> Consider a surface at a uniform temperature of 1000 K. Determine the maximum rate of thermal radiation that can be emitted by this surface, in W/m2.
> Why did we define the blackbody radiation function? What does it represent? For what is it used?
> Define the total and spectral blackbody emissive powers. How are they related to each other? How do they differ?
> What is a blackbody? Does a blackbody actually exist?
> A tank contains helium at 37°C and 140 kPa gage. The helium is heated in a process by heat transfer from the surroundings such that the helium reaches a final equilibrium state at 200°C. Determine the final gage pressure of the helium. Assume atmospheric
> The electromagnetic spectrum that lies between 0.40 and 0.76 μm is what we call visible light. Within this spectrum, the color violet has the shortest wavelength while the color red has the longest wavelength. Determine which of these colors, violet (λ =
> A furnace is of cylindrical shape with a diameter of 1.2 m and a length of 1.2 m. The top surface has an emissivity of 0.60 and is maintained at 450 K. The bottom surface has an emissivity of 0.50 and is maintained at 800 K. The side surface has an emiss
> Consider a cubical furnace with a side length of 3 m. The top surface is maintained at 700 K. The base surface has an emissivity of 0.90 and is maintained at 950 K. The side surface is black and is maintained at 450 K. Heat is supplied from the base surf
> Two concentric spheres of diameters D1 = 15 cm and D2 = 25 cm are separated by air at 1 atm pressure. The surface temperatures of the two spheres enclosing the air are T1 = 350 K and T2 = 275 K, respectively, and their emissivities are 0.75. Determine th
> A 2-m-internal-diameter double-walled spherical tank is used to store iced water at 0°C. Each wall is 0.5 cm thick, and the 1.5-cm-thick airspace between the two walls of the tank is evacuated in order to minimize heat transfer. The surfaces s
> An electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of 0.5 μm is being propagated in different media: air, water, and glass. The refractive index of air, water, and glass are 1, 1.33, and 1.5, respectively. Determine the photon energy, in eV, of the electromagnet
> A solar collector consists of a horizontal aluminum tube of outer diameter 5 cm enclosed in a concentric thin glass tube of 7 cm diameter. Water is heated as it flows through the aluminum tube, and the annular space between the aluminum and glass tubes i
> A vertical 2-m-high and 5-m-wide double-pane window consists of two sheets of glass separated by a 3-cm-thick air gap. In order to reduce heat transfer through the window, the air space between the two glasses is partially evacuated to 0.3 atm pressure.
> A solar collector consists of a horizontal copper tube of outer diameter 5 cm enclosed in a concentric thin glass tube of 9 cm diameter. Water is heated as it flows through the tube, and the annular space between the copper and glass tube is filled with
> A large number of long tubes, each of diameter D, are placed parallel to each other and at a center to-center distance of s. Since all of the tubes are geometrically similar and at the same temperature, these could be treated collectively as one surface
> Does the amount of heat absorbed as 1 kg of saturated liquid water boils at 100°C have to be equal to the amount of heat released as 1 kg of saturated water vapor condenses at 100°C?
> Consider a 1.2-m-high and 2-m-wide double-pane window consisting of two 3-mm-thick layers of glass (k = 0.78W/m⋅K) separated by a 2.5-cm-wide airspace. Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through this window and the temperature of its inner surfac
> A dryer is shaped like a long semicylindrical duct of diameter 1.5 m. The base of the dryer is occupied by water-soaked materials to be dried, and it is maintained at a temperature of 370 K and emissivity of 0.5. The dome of the dryer is maintained at 1