The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects data on the total energy used per capita in transportation for each state and the District of Columbia. The data show the per capita consumption in the year 2015 in millions of BTU per person. Write a report on the transportation energy usage by states in the year 2015, being sure to include appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.
State Transportation State Transportation Alabama 99.9 Montana 107.7 Alaska 232.5 Nebraska 106.1 Arizona 69.5 Nevada 13 Arkansas 92.4 New Hampshire New Jersey 75.1 California 77.4 95.3 Colorado 74.8 New Mexico 101.7 Connecticut 63.5 New York 54.5 Delaware 69.7 North Carolina 69.6 District of Columbia 31 North Dakota 180.1 Florida 74.9 Ohio 80.7 Georgia 81.1 Oklahoma 122.8 Hawaii 101.9 Oregon Pennsylvania 74.5 Idaho 90.3 69.6 Illinois 81.6 Rhode Island 58.2 Indiana 95.6 South Carolina 94.8 lowa 96.4 South Dakota 116.7 Kansas 95.9 Tennessee 93.1 Kentucky 104.7 Texas 114.9 Louisiana 148.1 Utah 83.1 Maine 96.9 Varmont 78.4 Maryland 71.6 Virginia Washington West Virginia 83.2 Massachusetts 65.8 87 Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 74.5 98.1 80.4 Wisconsin 757 129 Wyoming 193.1 90.6
> Quarterback performance 2017. The average salary for 30 top NFL quarterbacks in 2017 was just over $13,000,000. A linear model to predict Salary from Total QBR (an overall measure of performance based on game statistics) found the following: a) What i
> A linear model fit to predict weekly Sales of frozen pizza (in pounds) from the average Price ($/unit) charged by a sample of stores in the city of Dallas in 39 recent weeks is: (Data in Pizza prices) a) What is the explanatory variable? b) What is t
> Here are several scatterplots. The calculated correlations are -0.977, -0.021, 0.736, and 0.951. Which is which? (a) (b) (c) (d)
> Here are several scatterplots. The calculated correlations are -0.923, -0.487, 0.006, and 0.777. Which is which? (a) (b) (c) (d)
> Owners of a new coffee shop tracked sales for the first 20 days and displayed the data in a scatterplot a) Make a histogram of the daily sales since the shop has been in business. b) State one fact that is obvious from the scatterplot, but not from the
> A ceramics factory can fire eight large batches of pottery a day. Sometimes a few of the pieces break in the process. In order to understand the problem better, the factory records the number of broken pieces in each batch for three days and then creates
> A cable provider wants to contact customers in a particular telephone exchange to see how satisfied they are with the new digital TV service the company has provided. All numbers are in the 452 exchange, so there are 10,000 possible numbers from 452-0000
> Which of the scatterplots show: a) Little or no association? b) A negative association? c) A linear association? d) A moderately strong association? e) A very strong association? (1) [:.. (3) (4)
> Which of the scatterplots show: a) Little or no association? b) A negative association? c) A linear association? d) A moderately strong association? e) A very strong association? (1) (3) (4)
> Suppose you were to collect data for each pair of variables. You want to make a scatterplot. Which variable would you use as the explanatory variable and which as the response variable? Why? What would you expect to see in the scatterplot? Discuss the li
> Suppose you were to collect data for each pair of variables. You want to make a scatterplot. Which variable would you use as the explanatory variable and which as the response variable? Why? What would you expect to see in the scatterplot? Discuss the li
> The Toy Association tracks sales of toys using a tracking survey that represents approximately 80% of U.S. toy sales. Projected to the entire industry, the following table breaks down U.S. toy sales by category. a) Create an appropriate graphical display
> In 2014, Pew Research Center released the results of a survey among U.S. adults that asked nearly 2000 people how satisfied they are with their current financial situation (www.pewsocialtrends .org/datasets/). Responses were collected by gender, using a
> An insurance company is updating its payouts and cost structure for their insurance policies. Of particular interest to them is the risk analysis for customers currently on heart or blood pressure medication. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventio
> Here’s a pie chart of the data in Exercise 16. a) Which display of these data is best for comparing the market value of these brands? Explain. b) Does Pepsi or Red Bull have a larger market value? Is that comparison easier to make wit
> Here’s a bar chart of the data in Exercise 15. a) Compared to the pie chart in Exercise 15, which is better for displaying the relative portions of market share? Explain. b) What is missing from this display that might make it somewha
> An Olympic archer is able to hit the bull’seye 80% of the time. Assume each shot is independent of the others. If she shoots 6 arrows, what’s the probability of each of the following results? a) Her first bull’s-eye comes on the third arrow. b) She mis
> Tuition 2016. In 2016, the mean tuition of private colleges and universities was $18,230, with a standard deviation of $7272. The mean tuition for public colleges and universities was $9624, with a standard deviation of $4669. The distribution of tuition
> The 1057 houses described in Exercise 44 have a mean price of $167,900, with a standard deviation of $77,158. The mean living area is 1819 sq. ft., with a standard deviation of 663 sq. ft. Which is more unusual, a house in that market that sells for $400
> A second report by the National Center for Productivity analyzed the relationship between productivity and wages. They used the graph from Exercise 67, with the x-axis labeled “wages.” Comment on any problems you see with their analysis.
> The National Center for Productivity releases information on the efficiency of workers. In a recent report, they included the following graph showing a rapid rise in productivity. What questions do you have about this? 3.5 2.5 Productivity
> The claims about climate change suggest two possible effects: more storms and bigger, stronger storms. Here are plots similar to those of Exercise 65, but for major hurricanes. (Data in Hurricane history) a) Describe the distribution. Here is the time
> The North Atlantic hurricane database, or HURDAT, is a database of all tropical storms and hurricanes for the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, reporting numbers of storms each year since 1850. The older portion of the database reflects
> Holes-R-Us, an Internet company that sells piercing jewelry, keeps transaction records on its sales. At a recent sales meeting, one of the staff presented the following histogram and summary statistics of the ZIP codes of the last 500 customers, so that
> Each house listed on the multiple listing service (MLS) is assigned a sequential ID number. A recently hired real estate agent decided to examine the MLS numbers in a recent random sample of homes for sale by one real estate agency in nearby towns. To be
> The discounts negotiated by the car buyers in Exercise 32 are classified by whether the buyer was Male 1code = 02 or Female 1code = 12. Compare the discounts of men vs. women using an appropriate display and write a brief summary of the differences.
> The 70 mutual funds of Exercise 31 are classified into four types: U.S. Domestic Equity Funds, Bond Funds, International Funds, and Other Funds. Compare the 12 month returns of the four types of funds using an appropriate display and write a brief summar
> A manufacturer of game controllers is concerned that their controller may be difficult for left-handed users. They set out to find lefties to test. About 13% of the population is left-handed. If they select a sample of five customers at random in their s
> For each CEO, a code is listed that corresponds to the industry of the CEO’s company. Here are a few of the codes and the industries to which they correspond: A recently hired investment analyst has been assigned to examine the indust
> A philanthropic organization has a database of millions of donors that they contact by mail to raise money for charities. One of the variables in the database, Title, contains the title of the person or persons printed on the address label. The most comm
> A real estate agent notices that houses with fireplaces often fetch a premium in the market and wants to assess the difference in sales price of 60 homes that recently sold. The data and summary are shown in the table. Write a report summarizing the fi
> Engineers at a computer production plant tested two methods for accuracy in drilling holes into a PC board. They tested how fast they could set the drilling machine by running 10 boards at each of two different speeds. To assess the results, they measure
> Look again at the histograms of test scores for the three statistics classes in Exercise 55. a) Overall, which class do you think performed better on the test? Why? b) How would you describe the shape of each distribution? c) Match each class with the co
> Three statistics classes all took the same test. Here are histograms of the scores for each class. a) Which class had the highest mean score? b) Which class had the highest median score? c) For which class are the mean and median most different? Which
> Here is an ogive of the distribution of monthly returns for a group of aggressive (or high growth) mutual funds over a period of 25 years. (Recall from Exercise 53 that an ogive, or cumulative relative frequency graph, shows the percent of cases at or be
> How fast do horses run? Kentucky Derby winners top 30 mph, as shown in the graph. This graph shows the percentage of Kentucky Derby winners that have run slower than a given speed. Note that few have won running less than 33 mph, but about 95% of the win
> Historic ozone levels (in parts per billion, ppb) were recorded at sites in New Jersey monthly. Here are boxplots of the data for each month (over 46 years) lined up in order ( January = 1). a) In what month was the highest ozone level ever recorded? b
> The boxplots display bottle prices (in dollars) of dry Riesling wines produced by vineyards along three of the Finger Lakes in upstate New York. a) Which lake region produced the most expensive wine? b) Which lake region produced the cheapest wine? c)
> During the 18 years from 2000 through 2017, there were 128 major hurricanes in the Atlantic basin. Assume that hurricanes are independent and the mean has not changed. a) What is the mean number of major hurricanes per year? b) What is the standard dev
> An Internet sale site randomly sent customers to one of three versions of its welcome page. It recorded how long each visitor stayed in the site. Here is a diagram of that experiment. Fill in the parts of the experiment.
> American automobile companies are becoming more motivated to improve the fuel efficiency of the automobiles they produce. It is well known that fuel efficiency is impacted by many characteristics of the car. Describe what these boxplots tell you about th
> A driver has recorded and posted on the Internet ( the price he paid for gasoline at every purchase from 1979 to 2012. Since 1984 all purchases were self-serve and all were for premium (92–9
> The data set provided contains 2016 (4th quarter) unemployment rates for 38 developed countries ( Produce an appropriate graphical display and brief ly describe the distribution of unemployment rates. Report and comment on any outliers you
> In the early days of the iPod, MacInTouch ( surveyed readers about reliability. Of the 8926 iPods owned at that time, 7510 were problem-free while the other 1416 failed. From the data, compute the failure
> Insurance companies don’t know whether a policy they’ve written is profitable until the policy matures (expires). To see how they’ve performed recently, an analyst looked at mature policies and investigated the net profit to the company (in $). a) Make
> Sales (in $) for one week were collected for 18 stores in a food store chain in the northeastern United States. The stores and the towns they are located in vary in size. a) Make a suitable display of the sales from the data provided. b) Summarize the ce
> A real estate agent has surveyed houses in 20 nearby ZIP codes in an attempt to put together a comparison for a new property that she would like to put on the market. She knows that the size of the living area of a house is a strong factor in the price,
> A startup company is planning to build a new golf course. For marketing purposes, the company would like to be able to advertise the new course as one of the more difficult courses in the state of Vermont. One measure of the difficulty of a golf course i
> Established in Paris in 1961, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ( collects information on many economic and social aspects of countries around the world. Here are the 2016 GDP growth rates (in percentages) of 3
> An insurance company needs to assess the risks associated with providing hurricane insurance. During the 18 years from 2000 to 2017, Florida has been affected by 29 hurricanes. If hurricanes are independent and the mean has not changed, what is the proba
> The weekly prices of one brand of frozen pizza over a three-year period in Chicago are provided in the data file. Use the price data to answer the following questions. a) Find the five-number summary for these data. b) Find the range and IQR for these da
> The weekly prices of one brand of frozen pizza over a three-year period in Dallas are provided in the data file. Use the price data to answer the following questions. a) Find the five-number summary for these data. b) Find the range and IQR for these dat
> Look once more at data of home runs hit by Mark McGwire during his 16-year career as seen in Exercise 36. a) Would you use the mean or the median to summarize the center of this distribution? Why? b) Find the median. c) Without actually finding the mean,
> Look once more at data of hockey games played each season by Wayne Gretzky, seen in Exercise 35. a) Would you use the mean or the median to summarize the center of this distribution? Why? b) Without actually finding the mean, would you expect it to be lo
> McGwire. In his 16-year career as a player in major league baseball, Mark McGwire hit 583 home runs, placing him eighth on the all-time home run list (as of 2008). Here are the number of home runs that McGwire hit for each year from 1986 through 2001: 3,
> During his 20 seasons in the National Hockey League, Wayne Gretzky scored 50% more points than anyone else who ever played professional hockey. He accomplished this amazing feat while playing in 280 fewer games than Gordie Howe, the previous record holde
> Use the data set of Exercise 32 to answer the following questions. a) Find the five-number summary for these data. b) Create a boxplot for these data. c) What can you see, if anything, in the histogram of Exercise 32 that isn’t clear in
> Use the data set of Exercise 31 to answer the following questions. a) Find the five-number summary for these data. b) Find appropriate measures of center and spread for these data. c) Create a boxplot for these data. d) What can you see, if anything, in
> A researcher, interested in studying gender differences in negotiations, collects data on the prices that men and women pay for new cars. Here is a histogram of the discounts (the amount in $ below the list price) that men and women received at one car d
> On December 30, 2016, the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 index hit an all-time high. During 2016, the S&P returned 12.25%. Here is a histogram of the 2016 net returns (total return – annual expenses) for Money M
> Cellophane that is going to be formed into bags for items such as dried beans or bird seed is passed over a light sensor to test if the alignment is correct before it passes through the heating units that seal the edges. Small adjustments can be made by
> The website has current gasoline prices all over the United States. In the week of September 10, 2017, the following histogram shows the gas prices at 44 stations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Describe the shape of this distribut
> A clothing manufacturer wants to study men’s neck sizes to plan how many shirts of different sizes to produce (shirt sizes are generally one-half inch larger than measured neck sizes and rounded to the nearest half inch). The following
> In the same survey as that discussed in Exercise 27, GfK Roper Consulting also asked “How important is having control over people and resources to you?” The percent who responded that it was of more than average import
> GfK Roper Reports Worldwide surveyed people, asking them “How important is acquiring wealth to you?” The percent who responded that it was of more than average importance were: 71.9% China, 59.6% France, 76.1% India, 4
> In the history of the modern Olympics, the United States has won more medals than any other country. But the United States has a large population. Perhaps a better measure of success is the number of medals won per capita—that is the nu
> Data from the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (www give the cause of spillage for 460 large oil tanker accidents from 1970 to 2016. Here are the displays. Write a brief report interpreting what the displays show. Is a
> The Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index survey from Exercise 23 also asked 604 small businesses about their cash f low over the next 12 months. 13% responded “Very Good,” 37% “Somewhat good,” 21% “Neither good nor poor,” 20% “Somewhat poor,” and 7% “
> Pew Research published a study on Americans’ satisfaction with their current job ( jobs/). They found that 49% of American workers say they are very satisfied with their current job, 30% are so
> For the following examples in Exercises 31 to 34, indicate whether the data are time series or cross-sectional. Attendance at the third World Series game recording the age of each fan.
> For the following examples in Exercises 31 to 34, indicate whether the data are time series or cross-sectional. Average diameter of trees brought to a sawmill in each week of a year.
> A company that manufactures large LCD screens knows that not all pixels on their screen light, even if they spend great care when making them. In a sheet 6 ft by 10 ft (72 in. by 120 in.) that will be cut into smaller screens, they find an average of 4.7
> For the following examples in Exercises 31 to 34, indicate whether the data are time series or cross-sectional. Number of motorcycles sold by a dealership in each month of 2014.
> For the following examples in Exercises 31 to 34, indicate whether the data are time series or cross-sectional. Number of cars sold by each salesperson in a dealership in September.
> When you organize data in a spreadsheet, it is important to lay it out as a data table. For each of these examples in Exercises 27 to 30, show how you would lay out these data. Indicate the headings of columns and what would be found in each row. Data co
> When you organize data in a spreadsheet, it is important to lay it out as a data table. For each of these examples in Exercises 27 to 30, show how you would lay out these data. Indicate the headings of columns and what would be found in each row. Data co
> When you organize data in a spreadsheet, it is important to lay it out as a data table. For each of these examples in Exercises 27 to 30, show how you would lay out these data. Indicate the headings of columns and what would be found in each row. Data co
> When you organize data in a spreadsheet, it is important to lay it out as a data table. For each of these examples in Exercises 27 to 30, show how you would lay out these data. Indicate the headings of columns and what would be found in each row. For a s
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> College students are a major target for advertisements for credit cards. At a university, 65% of students surveyed said they had opened a new credit card account within the past year. If that percentage is accurate, how many students would you expect to
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> For each description of data in Exercises 7 to 26, identify the W’s, name the variables, specify for each variable whether its use indicates it should be treated as categorical or quantitative, and for any quantitative variable identify the units in whic
> Develop your own table of data that is a business example of Simpson’s Paradox. Explain the conflict between the conclusions made from the conditional and marginal distributions.
> A 1975 article in the magazine Science examined the graduate admissions process at Berkeley for evidence of gender bias. The following table shows the number of applicants accepted to each of four graduate programs. a) What percent of total applicants
> Researchers testing a new medication find that 7% of users have side effects. To how many patients would a doctor expect to prescribe the medication before finding the first one who has side effects?
> A company must decide which of two delivery services they will contract with. During a recent trial period, they shipped numerous packages with each service and have kept track of how often deliveries did not arrive on time. Here are the data. a) Compa
> An insurance company that provides medical insurance is concerned with recent data. They suspect that patients who undergo surgery at large hospitals have their discharges delayed for various reasons— which results in increased medical
> A company that distributes a variety of pet foods is planning their next advertising campaign. Since different publications are read by different market segments, they would like to know how pet ownership is distributed across different income segments.
> Look back at the table in Exercise 43 concerning desires for success and a high-paying career. That table presented only the percentages, but Pew Research reported the numbers of respondents in the major categories: With this additional information you
> A department store is planning its next advertising campaign. Since different publication are read by different market segments, they would like to know if they should be targeting specific age segments. The results of a marketing survey are summarized i
> The Motion Picture Association of America studies the ethnicity of moviegoers to understand changes in the demographics of moviegoers over time. Here are the numbers of moviegoers (in millions) classified as to whether they were Hispanic, African- Americ