Time (in seconds) to serve an early-morning customer at a fast-food restaurant is normally distributed. Set up a control chart for the mean serving time, assuming that serving times were sampled in random subgroups of 4 customers. Note: Use this sample of 36 observations to estimate μ and σ.
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9 65 56 84 69 75 87 87 99 102 51 87 67 81 80 84 90 61 61 94 84 71 59 76 80 65 84 88 79 70 85 75 88 52 61 79 78 ఏ వే శ
> Chances are that the school you are attending is currently undergoing some sort of change to adapt more closely with its environment. Discuss the external forces that are driving the change. What internal drivers for change also exist?
> In Chapter 2, we discussed “values across cultures,” including individualism, collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and achievement orientation. How are these national cultures different from and similar to an organization’s culture?
> Is it possible to have a knowledge of what an organizational culture is before you become a part of the organization? How important is it for you to align yourself with your organizational culture?
> Suppose you are asked by senior officers of a city government to identify ways to reinforce a new culture of teamwork and collaboration. The senior executive group clearly supports these values, but it wants everyone in the organization to embrace them.
> Vêtements Ltée is a chain of men’s retail clothing stores located throughout the province of Quebec, Canada. Two years ago, the company introduced new incentive systems for both store managers and sales employees. Store managers receive a salary with ann
> “Organizations are more likely to succeed when they have an adaptive culture.” What can an organization do to foster an adaptive culture?
> Identify at least two artifacts you have observed in your department or school from each of the four broad categories: (a) organizational stories and legends, (b) rituals and ceremonies, (c) language, (d) physical structures and symbols.
> The CEO of a manufacturing firm wants everyone to support the organization’s dominant culture of lean efficiency and hard work. The CEO has introduced a new reward system to reinforce this culture and personally interviews all professional and managerial
> Some people suggest that the most effective organizations have the strongest cultures. What do we mean by the “strength” of organizational culture, and what possible problems are there with a strong organizational culture?
> Superb Consultants has submitted a proposal to analyze your organization’s culture. The proposal states that Superb has developed a revolutionary new survey to tap the company’s true culture. The survey takes just 10 minutes to complete, and the consulta
> Suppose you have been hired as a consultant to diagnose the environmental characteristics of your college or university. How would you describe the school’s external environment? Is the school’s existing structure appropriate for this environment?
> From an employee perspective, what are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a matrix structure?
> Mechanistic and organic structures are two organizational forms. How do the three types of coordination mechanisms operate through these forms?
> Diversified Technologies, Inc. (DTI), makes four types of products, each type to be sold to different types of clients. For example, one product is sold exclusively to automobile repair shops, whereas another is used mainly in hospitals. Expectations wit
> Leaders of large organizations struggle to identify the best level and types of centralization and decentralization. What should companies consider when determining the degree of decentralization?
> For the past five years, I have been working at McKay, Sanderson, and Smith Associates, a mid-sized accounting firm in Boston that specializes in commercial accounting and audits. My particular specialty is accounting practices for shipping companies, ra
> A team of psychologists at Moscow’s Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP) wanted to learn more about the dynamics of long-term isolation in space. This knowledge would be applied to the International Space Station, a joint project of several countries
> In a random experiment with 50 independent trials with constant probability of success .30, find the mean and standard deviation of the number of successes.
> Which statement is correct concerning one-factor ANOVA? Why not the others? a. The ANOVA is a test to see whether the variances of c groups are the same. b. In ANOVA, the k groups are compared two at a time, not simultaneously. c. ANOVA depends on the a
> (a) Interpret the slope of the fitted regression CarTheft = 1,667 - 35.3 MedianAge, where CarTheft is the number of car thefts per 100,000 people by state, and MedianAge is the median age of the population. (b) What is the prediction for CarTheft if Medi
> (a) Interpret the slope of the fitted regression Sales = 842 - 37.5 Price. (b) If Price = 20, what is the prediction for Sales? (c) Would the intercept be meaningful if this regression represents DVD sales at Blockbuster?
> An estimated regression for a random sample of observations on an assembly line is Defects = 3.2 + 0.045 Speed, where Defects is the number of defects per million parts and Speed is the number of units produced per hour. The estimated standard error is s
> To print 8.5 × 5.5 note pads, a copy shop uses standard 8.5 × 11 paper, glues the long edge, then cuts the pads in half so that the pad width is 5.5 inches. However, there is variation in the cutting process. Set up a control ch
> Which is the correct z value for a two-tailed test at α = .05? a. z = ±1.645 b. z = ±1.960 c. z = ±2.326
> Find the Cp and Cpk indexes for a process with μ = 55.4, σ = 0.1, LSL = 55.2, USL = 55.9. How would you rate the capability of this process? Explain.
> Find the Cp and Cpk indexes for a process with μ = 0.426, σ = 0.001, LSL = 0.423, USL = 0.432. How would you rate the capability of this process? Explain.
> Find the Cp and Cpk indexes for a process with μ = 720, σ = 1.0, LSL = 715, USL = 725. How would you rate the capability of this process? Explain.
> Create control limits for a p chart for a process with π = .90 and subgroup size n = 40. Is it safe to assume normality? Explain.
> Create control limits for a p chart for a process with π = .50 and subgroup size n = 20. Is it safe to assume normality? Explain.
> Create control limits for a p chart for a process with π = .02 and subgroup size n = 500. Is it safe to assume normality? Explain.
> For an chart, what percent of sample means should be (a) within 1 sigma of the centerline; (b) within 2 sigmas of the centerline; (c) within 3 sigmas of the centerline; (d) outside 2 sigmas of the centerline; (e) outside 3 sigmas of the centerline? Not
> Set up limits for the R chart, given = 12 and n = 3.
> Set up limits for the R chart, given = 0.82 and n = 6.
> Consider the following data on 20 chemical reactions, with Y = chromatographic retention time (seconds) and X = molecular weight (gm/mole). (a) Make a scatter plot. (b) Use Excel to fit the regression, with fitted equation and R2. (c) In your own words,
> Assuming independent arrivals with a mean of 2.5 arrivals per minute, find the probability that in a given minute there will be (a). exactly 2 arrivals; (b). at least 3 arrivals; (c). fewer than 4 arrivals. (d). Which probability distribution did you
> Below are recent financial ratios for a random sample of 20 integrated health care systems. Operating Margin is total revenue minus total expenses divided by total revenue plus net operating profits. Equity Financing is fund balance divided by total asse
> (a) Use Excel to make a scatter plot of the data. (b) Select the data points, right-click, select Add Trendline, select the Options tab, and choose Display equation on chart and Display R-squared value on chart. (c) Interpret the fitted slope. (d) Is the
> Each gum drop in two bags of Sathers Gum Drops was weighed (to the nearest .001 g) on a sensitive Mettler PE 360 Delta Range scale. After removing one outlier (to improve normality), there were 84 gum drops in the sample, yielding an overall mean = 11.9
> Refer to the Wheat Chex problem 17.56 with μ = 465 and σ = 3. During production, samples of three boxes are weighed every 5 minutes. Problem 17.56: A box of Wheat Chex cereal is to be filled to a mean weight of 466 grams. The
> Refer to the paint problem 17.49 with μ = 1.00 and σ = .07. With n = 5, LCL = .906 and UCL = 1.094. Below are five sets of 20 sample means using n = 5. Test each set of means for the pattern suggested in the column heading. This
> Refer to the bolt strength problem 17.47. Assuming μ = 6,050 and σ = 100 with n = 3, then LCL = 5,876.8 and UCL 5 6,223.2. Below are five sets of 20 sample means using n = 3. Test each set of means for the pattern suggested in th
> Referring to Charts A–F, which Rules (1, 2, 3, 4) are violated in each chart? Make a photocopy and circle the points that violate each rule. Chart A Chart B X-Bar Chart of Sample Means (18 centerline crossings) X-Bar Chart of Sampl
> Which abnormal pattern (cycle, instability, level shift, oscillation, trend, mixture), if any, exists in each of the charts shown above? If you see none, say so. If you see more than one possibility, say so. Explain your reasoning. Chart A Chart B
> A large retail toy store finds that, on average, a certain cheap (under $20) electronic toy has a = percent damage rate during shipping. From each incoming shipment, a sample of 100 is inspected. (a). Find the control limits for a p chart. (b). Plot
> Past experience indicates that the probability of a post-surgical complication in a certain procedure is 6 percent. A hospital typically performs 200 such surgeries per month. (a). Find the control limits for the monthly p chart. (b). Would it be reaso
> If the payoff of a risky investment has three possible outcomes ($1,000, $2,000, $5,000) with probabilities .60, .30, and .10 respectively, find the expected value. a. $1,500 b. $2,300 c. $1,700
> Regression analysis of free throws by 29 NBA teams during the 2002–2003 season revealed the fitted regression Y = 55.2 + .73X (R2 = .874, syx = 53.2), where Y = total free throws made and X = total free throws attempted. The observed range of X was from
> Refer to the Wheat Chex box fill problem 17.56 with μ = 465 and σ = 3. Below are 30 individual observations on box fill. Problem 17.56: A box of Wheat Chex cereal is to be filled to a mean weight of 466 grams. The lower speci
> A study of the role of spreadsheets in planning in 55 small firms defined Y = “satisfaction with sales growth” and X = “executive commitment to planning.” Analysis yielded an overall correlation of r = .3043. Do a two-tailed test for zero correlation at
> Set up control limits for an chart, given μ = 400, σ = 2, and n = 4.
> Set up control limits for an chart, given = 12.50, = .42, and n = 5.
> Use MINITAB’s Stat > Basic Statistics > Normality Test or other software to obtain a probability plot for the Ashoka Curry House carry-out order data (see Exercise 15.16). Interpret the probability plot and Anderson-Darling statis
> Refer to the freezer problem 17.51 with μ = 23 and σ = 2. Temperature measurements are recorded four times a day (at midnight, 0600, 1200, and 1800). Twenty samples of four observations are shown below. Problem 17.51: The tem
> Refer back to the regression equation in exercise 12.14: Credits = 15.4 - .07 Work. (a) Calculate the residual for the x, y pair (14, 18). Did the regression equation underestimate or overestimate the credits? (b) Calculate the residual for the x, y pair
> Refer to the paint thickness problem 17.49. Assume μ = 1.00 and σ = 0.07. Use the following 35 individual observations on paint thickness to answer the questions posed. Problem 17.49: In painting an automobile at the factory,
> Concerning confidence intervals, which statement is most nearly correct? Why not the others? a. We should use z instead of t when n is large. b. We use the Student’s t distribution when σ is unknown. c. Using the Student’s t distribution instead of z na
> In painting an automobile at the factory, the thickness of the color coat has a process mean of 1.00 mil and a process standard deviation of 0.07 mil. Twenty samples of five cars were tested, resulting in the mean paint thicknesses shown below. (a). C
> Refer to the bolt strength problem 17.47. Assume μ = 6,050 and σ = 100. Use the following 24 individual bolt strength observations to answer the questions posed. Problem 17.47: The yield strength of a metal bolt has a mean of
> The yield strength of a metal bolt has a mean of 6,050 pounds with a standard deviation of 100 pounds. Twenty samples of three bolts were tested, resulting in the means shown below. (a). Construct upper and lower control limits for the chart, using th
> Refer back to the regression equation in exercise 12.12: NetIncome = 2,277 + .0307 Revenue. Recall that the variables are both in millions of dollars. (a) Calculate the residual for the x, y pair ($41,078, $8,301). Did the regression equation underestima
> A regression model to predict the price of a condominium for a weekend getaway in a resort community included the following predictor variables: number of nights needed, number of bedrooms, whether the condominium complex had a swimming pool or not, and
> An agribusiness performed a regression of wheat yield (bushels per acre) using observations on 25 test plots with four predictors (rainfall, fertilizer, soil acidity, hours of sun). The standard error was 1.17 bushels. Find the approximate width of a 95
> A regression of accountants’ starting salaries in a large firm was estimated using 40 new hires and five predictors (college GPA, gender, score on CPA exam, years’ prior experience, size of graduating class). The standard error was $3,620. Find the appro
> (a) Interpret the slope of the fitted regression Computer power dissipation = 15.73 + 0.032 Microprocessor speed, where Power dissipation is measured in watts and Microprocessor speed is measured in MHz. (b) What is the prediction for Power dissipation i
> Define (a) productivity, (b) quality control, and (c) process control.
> Why are the control limits for an R chart asymmetric, while those of an chart are symmetric?
> Which statement is false? Explain. a. If P(A) = .05, then the odds against event A’s occurrence are 19 to 1. b. If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then P (A ∪ B) = 0. c. The number of permutations of 5 things taken 2 at a time is 20.
> Bob said, “They must not be using quality control in automobile manufacturing. Just look at the J.D. Power data showing that new cars all seem to have defects.” (a) Discuss Bob’s assertion, focusing on the concept of variation. (b) Can you think of proce
> Define three quality metrics that might be used to describe quality and performance in the following consumer products: (a) your personal vehicle (e.g., car, SUV, truck, bicycle, motorcycle); (b) the printer on your computer; (c) the toilet in your bathr
> (a) Plot the data on lightning deaths. (b) Describe the trend (if any) and discuss possible causes. (c) Fit an exponential trend to the data. Interpret the fitted equation. (d) Make a forecast for 2015, using a trend model of your choice (or a judgment f
> (a) Plot the data on leisure and hospitality employment. (b) Describe the trend (if any) and discuss possible causes. (c) Fit the linear and exponential trends. Would these trend models give credible forecasts? Explain. (d) Make a forecast for 2008, usin
> For each of the following fitted trends, make a prediction for period t = 17: a. yt = 2286 e.076t b. yt = 1149 + 12.78t c. yt = 501 + 18.2t - 7.1t2
> In a test of the regression model Y = β0 + β1X with 27 observations, what is the critical value of t to test the hypothesis that β1 = 0 using α = .05 in a two-tailed test? a. 1.960 b. 2.060 c. 1.708
> Based on the information in this ANOVA table, the coefficient of determination R2 is a. 0.499 b. 0.501 c. 0.382 ANOVA Table Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-Value 158.3268 Regression Residual 1 158.3268 24.88 0.00004 159.0806 25 6.3632 To
> Which statement is incorrect? Explain. a. Correlation uses a t-test with n - 2 degrees of freedom. b. Correlation analysis assumes that X is independent and Y is dependent. c. Correlation analysis is a test for the degree of linearity between X and Y.
> Given a sample correlation coefficient r = .373 with n = 30, can you reject the hypothesis ρ = 0 for the population at α = .01? Explain, stating the critical value you are using in the test.
> Given the following ANOVA: (a). How many ATM locations were there? (b). What was the sample size? (c). At α = .05, is there a significant effect due to Day of Week? (d). At α = .05, is there a significant interaction?
> If P (A) = .30, P (B) = .70, and P (A ∩ B) = .25, are A and B independent events? Explain.
> Given the following ANOVA table, find the F statistic and the critical value of F.05. Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Treatment 744.00 4. Error 751.50 15 Total 1,495.50 19
> Which statement is incorrect? Explain. a. We need a Tukey test because ANOVA doesn’t tell which group means differ. b. Hartley’s test is needed to determine whether the means of the groups differ. c. ANOVA assumes equal variances in the k groups being c
> In this regression with n = 40, which predictor differs significantly from zero at α = .01? a. X2 b. X3 c. X5 Coefficients Std. Error Intercept 3.210610 0.918974 X1 -0.034719 0.023283 X2 0.026794 0.039741 X3 -0.048533 0.000272 0.009
> Which predictors differ significantly from zero at α = .05? a. X3 only b. X4 only c. both X3 and X4 Coefficients Std. Error p-Value Intercept X1 23.3015 4.1948 0.0000 0.2100 -0.227977 0.178227 X2 0.218970 0.300784 0.4719 X3 -0.34365
> Which predictor coefficients differ significantly from zero at α = .05? a. X3 and X5 b. X5 only c. all but X1 and X3 Coefficients Std. Error Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 22.47427 6.43282 9.40122 35.54733 X1 -0.243035 0.162983 -0.57
> For a multiple regression, which statement is false? Explain. a. If R2 = .752 and R2 adj = .578, the model probably has at least one weak predictor. b. R2 adj can exceed R2 if the model contains some very strong predictors. c. Deleting a predictor could
> (a) Plot the data on skier/snowboard visits. (b) Would a fitted trend be helpful? Explain. (c) Make a forecast for 2007–2008, using a trend model of your choice (or a judgment forecast). U.S. Skier/Snowboarder Visits, 1984-2007 (mi
> The process that produces Sonora Bars (a type of candy) is intended to produce bars with a mean weight of 56 grams (g). The process standard deviation is known to be 0.77 g. A random sample of 49 candy bars yields a mean weight of 55.82 g. (a). State t
> Given H0: μ > 18 and H1: μ < 18, we would commit Type I error if we a. conclude that μ > 18 when the truth is that μ < 18. b. conclude that μ < 18 when the truth is that μ > 18. c. fail to reject μ > 18 when the truth is that μ < 18.
> Given n1 = 8, s1 = 14, n2 = 12, s2 = 7. (a). Find the test statistic for a test for equal population variances. (b). At α = .05 in a two-tailed test, state the critical value and degrees of freedom.
> For the following contingency table, find (a) P (H ∩ T); (b) P (S | G); (c) P(S) R Row Total 10 50 30 90 H 20 50 40 110 Col Total 30 100 70 200
> Which statement is correct concerning the normal approximation? Why not the others? a. The normal Poisson approximation is acceptable when λ > 10. b. The normal binomial approximation is better when n is small and π is large. c. Normal approximations are
> In a random sample of 200 Colorado residents, 150 had skied at least once last winter. A similar sample of 200 Utah residents revealed that 140 had skied at least once last winter. At α = .025, is the percentage significantly greater in Colorado? Explain
> Which of the following Excel formulas would be a correct way to calculate P(X < 450) given that X is N(500, 60)? a. =NORM.DIST(450, 500, 60, 1) b. =NORM.S.DIST(450, 60) c. =1–NORM.DIST(450, 500, 60, 0)
> A consulting firm used a random sample of 12 CIOs (chief information officers) of large businesses to examine the relationship (if any) between salary (in thousands) and years of service in the firm. (a). Make a scatter plot and describe it. (b). Calc
> Five students in a large lecture class compared their scores on two exams. “Looks like the class mean was higher on the second exam,” Bob said. (a). What kind of test would you use? (b). At α = .10, w
> Find the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for X = 5, 10, 20, 10, 15.
> Which statement is incorrect? Explain. a. If p = .50 and n = 100, the estimated standard error of the sample proportion is .05. b. In a sample size calculation for estimating π, it is conservative to assume π = .50. c. If n = 250 and p = .07 it is not s
> Which statement is false? Explain. a. To find probabilities in a continuous distribution, we add up the probabilities at each point. b. A uniform continuous model U(5,21) has mean 13 and standard deviation 4.619. c. A uniform PDF is constant for all valu
> A sample of 9 customers in the “quick” lane in a supermarket showed a mean purchase of $14.75 with a standard deviation of $2.10. (a) Find the 95 percent confidence interval for the true mean. (b) Why should you use t instead of z in this case?
> A sample of 16 ATM transactions shows a mean transaction time of 67 seconds with a standard deviation of 12 seconds. (a). State the hypotheses to test whether the mean transaction time exceeds 60 seconds. (b). Find the test statistic. (c). At α = .02
> Which statement is not correct? Explain. a. The sample data x1, x2, . . . , xn will be approximately normal if the sample size n is large. b. For a skewed population, the distribution of / is approximately normal if n is large. c. The expected value of /