What does it mean to “profile” customers or prospects? Why would a company need this information?
> What is the basic problem in measuring consumers’ intentions about future behaviors?
> What are three ways to assess awareness? What is the basic difference between measures of recall and measures of recognition?
> How might a researcher combine different methods of communication in the same project? Give an example.
> How do personal interviews, telephone interviews, paper-based surveys, and online surveys differ with respect to the following: a. sampling control b. information control c. administrative control
> What is validity? What are two contributing factors to decreases in validity?
> What is reliability? What information does it contribute to determining if a measure is accurate?
> What are some factors that may produce systematic errors? What factors may produce random errors?
> What are the major ways that have been used to measure attitudes? How do they differ?
> Why are online surveys such a popular choice for collecting communication data?
> How do in-bound surveys work? When are they especially useful?
> What is the difference between regression analysis and correlation analysis?
> What are two situations in which the use of disguise would be advisable?
> What is a disguised questionnaire? What are the ethical considerations in using disguise?
> What are the general advantages and disadvantages of obtaining data by communication? By observation?
> What is an attitude? Why do marketers care about attitudes?
> What are some of the available types of mechanical observation?
> What are the primary advantages and disadvantages of working in a natural setting as contrasted with a contrived setting?
> What is the key ethical issue with the use of disguise in observation research? How this issue is typically remedied in disguised marketing research projects?
> What are mystery shoppers? What is their purpose?
> What does a high degree of structure look like in an observational study?
> What types of primary data interest marketing researchers most? What are the differences between the types of data?
> What is the proper procedure for testing the influences of two different independent variables on a single continuous dependent variable simultaneously?
> What is a sample survey? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
> What are the two basic forms of panels? How do they differ?
> What are the main types of descriptive studies, and what do their differences mean?
> What are the six specifications of a descriptive study?
> What are the basic uses of descriptive research?
> What is market testing? What are the three basic types of test markets?
> What is an A/B test? What is the general structure for performing such a test?
> What is the difference between internal validity and external validity? Which form of validity is more important?
> What is the difference between a lab study and a field study?
> What is an experiment?
> What is a pictogram?
> Is it possible to establish that one thing causes another? Why or why not?
> What is the general sequence in which the three basic types of research are employed?
> Why is exploratory research considered to be a basic type of primary data research?
> What are the three basic types of research used to collect primary data? What is the basic purpose of each?
> How might a company assess the success of its online advertising?
> How are portable people meters used to assess radio listenership?
> How are people meters used to assess television viewership?
> Why can the effect of scanners on standardized marketing information be described as “profound”?
> How does a diary panel work?
> Given that companies know their revenues, why do they also need standardized information about product sales and market share?
> What is a bar chart? For what kinds of problems is it effective?
> What is the purpose of geodemography?
> What is “standardized” about standardized marketing information?
> Why should researchers look for published sources of secondary data before searching for standardized marketing information?
> What is the basic point of projective methods? What are some popular approaches?
> What are two common approaches to the use of case analyses?
> In what types of situations would data mining be useful?
> How might focus groups be misused?
> What are the three main challenges marketing managers face when attempting to integrate “big data” into the firm?
> What are the main differences between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analyses?
> What is a stratum chart? For what kinds of information is it particularly appropriate?
> In terms of marketplace sources of “big data,” what is social data? Mobile data? Omni-channel transactional data?
> Compare and contrast structured versus unstructured data. Using Facebook as an example, would data available from Facebook to a marketer be structured, unstructured, or both?
> How might a marketing manager obtain value from “big data” that is different from value obtained from traditional data sources?
> Which of the four Vs—volume, velocity, variety, or veracity—creates the biggest challenge to marketing managers intent on “finding a needle in a haystack”?
> What are the necessary skills for employment in a junior or entry-level marketing research position? Do the skills change as one changes job levels?
> In a large research department, who would be responsible for specifying the objective of a research project? For deciding on specific procedures to be followed? For designing the questionnaire? For analyzing the results? For reporting the results to top
> What characteristics should a good focus group moderator possess? Why is each important?
> How does knowledge management expand the concept of an information system? What additional kinds of marketing intelligence can it provide?
> In a decision support system, what is a data system? A model system? A dialog system? Which of these is most important? Why?
> What are the main differences between a marketing information system and a decision support system?
> What content appears in each of the following parts of the research report? a. Title page b. Table of contents c. Executive summary d. Introduction e. Method f. Results g. Conclusions and recommendations h. Appendices
> What are the main advantages and disadvantages of secondary data? Do these apply equally to internal and external secondary data?
> How does a project emphasis in marketing research differ from a systems emphasis?
> How does a focus group with 8 to 12 people differ from a series of depth interviews with 8 to 12 people? How does a focus group differ from a nominal group?
> What are the characteristics of a depth interview? Who should be interviewed?
> What is a literature search? What kinds of literature might be searched?
> What are the key characteristics of exploratory research?
> What are the basic uses for exploratory research?
> What are the benefits of using a request-for-proposal?
> What factors should be considered when choosing a research supplier?
> How does the research proposal differ from the research request agreement?
> On the one hand, we argued that the research report must be complete and, on the other hand, that it must be clear. Are these two objectives incompatible? If so, how do you reconcile them?
> What is involved in a research request agreement? What is included in the written statement?
> What is a research problem? Why is it important to develop the full range of possible research problems?
> What are the fundamental characteristics of the two types of decision problems?
> What is the basic nature of a decision problem?
> What is “normal thinking”? Why is it a problem when defining the marketing problem/opportunity?
> What are the sources of marketing problems or opportunities? Are different sources typically associated with different research objectives? Explain.
> What does it mean when we say that problems and opportunities are two sides of the same coin?
> Why is it important to consider marketing research ethics?
> What are the main differences between the utility, justice, and rights approaches to ethical reasoning?
> What is the most important error in research? Explain.
> What is meant by the written report standards of completeness, accuracy, and clarity?
> What are the various forms of data capture?
> What is the research process?
> What is a line chart? For what kinds of information is it generally used?
> Why did marketing research begin to experience real growth after World War II?
> What is a pie chart? For what kinds of information is it particularly effective?
> What are the two rules for presenting the oral report?
> What are the key considerations in preparing an oral report?
> If two continuous measures are positively correlated with one another, does that mean that one of them caused the other? Why or why not?
> What does the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient measure? When is it appropriate to use?
> Why do analysts often construct confidence intervals? What is their purpose?
> What would be the appropriate test to determine if men differed from women in their satisfaction with a meal served in a fast-food restaurant?
> How do you determine which set of percentages (i.e., row versus column percentages) to use on a cross-tab analysis?
> What technique is typically used to investigate relationships between two categorical variables?