Questions from Database Systems

Q: Write a query to display the movie title and the movie cost

Write a query to display the movie title and the movie cost divided by the price rental fee for each movie that has a price to determine the number of rentals it will take to break even on the purchas...

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Q: Write a query to display the movie title and movie year for

Write a query to display the movie title and movie year for all movies that have a price code (result shown in Figure P7.118). P7.118 Movies with a price

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Q: Write a query to display the movie title, movie genre,

Write a query to display the movie title, movie genre, and movie cost for all movies that have a cost between $44.99 and $49.99 (result shown in Figure P7.119). Figure P7.119 Movies costs within a ran...

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Q: What is the relationship between a database and an information system,

What is the relationship between a database and an information system, and how does this relationship have a bearing on database design?

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Q: Write a query to display the movie title, price description,

Write a query to display the movie title, price description, and price rental fee for all movies that are in the genres Family, Comedy, or Drama (result shown in Figure P7.120). Figure P7.120 Movies w...

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Q: Write a query to display the membership number, first name,

Write a query to display the membership number, first name, last name, and balance of the memberships that have a rental (result shown in Figure P7.121). Figure P7.121 Balances of memberships with ren...

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Q: Write a query to display the minimum balance, maximum balance,

Write a query to display the minimum balance, maximum balance, and average balance for memberships that have a rental (result shown in Figure P7.122). Figure P7.122 Minimum, maximum, and average balan...

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Q: Write a query to display the rental number, rental date,

Write a query to display the rental number, rental date, video number, movie title, due date, and return date for all videos that were returned after the due date. Sort the results by rental number a...

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Q: Write a query to display the rental number, rental date,

Write a query to display the rental number, rental date, movie title, and detail fee for each movie that was returned on or before the due date (result shown in Figure P7.124). Figure P7.124 Actua...

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Q: Write a query to display the movie number, movie genre,

Write a query to display the movie number, movie genre, average movie cost of movies in that genre, movie cost of that individual movie, and the percentage difference between the average movie cost an...

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