Questions from Database Systems

Q: Create the tables. (Use the MS Access example shown in

Create the tables. (Use the MS Access example shown in Figure P8.1 to see what table names and attributes to use.) Figure P8.1 Ch08_SimpleCo Database Tables

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Q: Modify the CUSTOMER table to included two new attributes: CUST_

Modify the CUSTOMER table to included two new attributes: CUST_DOB and CUST_AGE. Customer 1000 was born on March 15, 1979, and customer 1001 was born on December 22, 1988.

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Q: Assuming you completed problem 10, write the query that will list

Assuming you completed problem 10, write the query that will list the names and ages of your customers.

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Q: Assuming the CUSTOMER table contains a CUST_AGE attribute, write

Assuming the CUSTOMER table contains a CUST_AGE attribute, write the query to update the values in that attribute.

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Q: Write the two SQL command sequences required to: a.

Write the two SQL command sequences required to: a. Create a temporary table named TEMP_1 whose structure is composed of the EMP_2 attributes EMP_NUM and EMP_PCT. b. Copy the matching EMP_2 values int...

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Q: Write the query that will list the average age of your customers

Write the query that will list the average age of your customers. (Assume that the CUSTOMER table has been modified to include the CUST_DOB and the derived CUST_AGE attribute.)

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Q: Write the trigger to update the CUST_BALANCE in the CUSTOMER

Write the trigger to update the CUST_BALANCE in the CUSTOMER table when a new invoice record is entered. (Assume that the sale is a credit sale.) Test the trigger using the following new INVOICE recor...

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Q: Write a procedure to add a new customer to the CUSTOMER table

Write a procedure to add a new customer to the CUSTOMER table. Use the following values in the new record: 1002, ‘Rauthor’, ‘Peter’, 0.00 Name the procedure prc_cust_add. Run a query to see if the rec...

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Q: Write a procedure to add a new invoice record to the INVOICE

Write a procedure to add a new invoice record to the INVOICE table. Use the following values in the new record: 8006, 1000, ’30-APR-16’, 301.72 Name the procedure prc_invoice_add. Run a query to see i...

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Q: Write a trigger to update the customer balance when an invoice is

Write a trigger to update the customer balance when an invoice is deleted. Name the trigger trg_updatecustbalance2.

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