Q: The Fast and Efficient (FAC) transport Group is reviewing its
The Fast and Efficient (FAC) transport Group is reviewing its fleet maintenance operations. âOur lease on our current maintenance and repair facilities site will expire in a year, an...
See AnswerQ: How could universities adopt the practice of outsourcing more?
How could universities adopt the practice of outsourcing more?
See AnswerQ: Here are two examples of how operations try to reduce the negative
Here are two examples of how operations try to reduce the negative effects of having to cope with high levels of variety. Research each of them (there is plenty of information on the web) and answer t...
See AnswerQ: Globalization is very much a “mixed blessing”. There is little
Globalization is very much a “mixed blessing”. There is little doubt that it has lifted millions out of poverty, but it has also led to the destruction of traditional cultures in developing countries...
See AnswerQ: Visit a branch of a retail bank and consider the following questions
Visit a branch of a retail bank and consider the following questions: (a) What categories of service does the bank seem to offer? (b) To what extent does the bank design separate processes for each of...
See AnswerQ: Revisit the ‘Operations in practice’ example that examines some of the
Revisit the ‘Operations in practice’ example that examines some of the principles behind supermarket process design. Then visit a supermarket and observe peoples’ behaviour. You may wish to try and ob...
See AnswerQ: One of the examples at the beginning of the chapter described ‘
One of the examples at the beginning of the chapter described ‘drive-through’ fast food processes. Think about (or better still, visit) a drive-through service and try mapping what you can see of the...
See AnswerQ: It is a real problem for us’, said Angnyeta Larson,
It is a real problem for us’, said Angnyeta Larson, ‘We now have only ten working days between all the expense claims coming from the departmental coordinators and authorizing payments on the next mon...
See AnswerQ: The headquarters of a major creative agency offered a service to all
The headquarters of a major creative agency offered a service to all its global subsidiaries that included the preparation of a budget estimate that was submitted to potential clients when making a &a...
See AnswerQ: At the theatre, the interval during a performance of ‘King
At the theatre, the interval during a performance of ‘King Lear’ lasts for 20 minutes and in that time 86 people need to use the toilet cubicles. On average, a person spends 3 minutes in the cubicle....
See Answer