2.99 See Answer

Question: Explain the principles of replication,

Explain the principles of replication, randomization, and blocking and discuss their roles in experimental design in a semiconductor manufacturing company.

> Is accomplishing registration to ISO 9001 standards similar to undergoing an audit process? What are the differences?

> Use a flowchart to develop an advertising campaign for a new product that you will present to top management.

> An insurance company is interested in determining whether life insurance coverage is influenced linearly by disposable income. A randomly chosen sample of size 20 produced the data shown in Table 3-14. Construct a scatterplot. What conclusions can you dr

> In a printing company, data from the previous month show the following types of errors, with the unit cost (in dollars) of rectifying each error, in Table 3-13. (a) Construct a Pareto chart and discuss the results. (b) If management has a monthly allocat

> Discuss the role of established standards and third-party auditors in quality auditing. What is the role of ISO 9000 standards in this context?

> Discuss the challenges and the contributions that could be derived from development of a health care decision support system in the current century.

> For the hardware company in Exercise 1-15, suppose that setup and testing costs are different for CPUs and monitors. Annual costs for setup and testing are $0.4 million and $0.7 million for CPUs and monitors, respectively. However, between two types of C

> What are some of the challenges faced by the health care industry in the twenty-first century?

> Discuss the importance of health care analytics and its possible contributions.

> Consider Exercise 3-24. Through consolidation of activities, the number of operations has now been reduced to 10, with the first-pass yield of each operation being 98%. What is the percentage improvement in rolled throughout yield relative to that in Exe

> Consider Exercise 3-23. Suppose, through a quality improvement effort, that the first pass yield of each operation is improved to 98%. What is the percentage improvement in rolled throughput yield? Data from Exercise 3-23: A product goes through 20 inde

> A product goes through 20 independent operations. For each operation, the first-pass yield is 95%. What is the rolled throughput yield for the process?

> What are some reasons for failure of total quality management in organizations? Discuss.

> In the context of a health care organization, explain why it is important to know not only the needs of the customers but also their relative importance.

> Customer satisfaction is of importance to management. Discuss customer needs in the context of internet service providers (ISPs) and their degree of importance.

> American Express has access to the spending habits of its cardholders. How may it use this information to improve customer satisfaction? How may its retail customers use this information?

> American Airlines, through the use of its SABRE reservation system, realized the potential of yield management. Through such a system, it monitored the status of its upcoming flights and competitors’ flights continuously to make pricing and allocation de

> The development of new drugs has to undergo stringent regulations resulting in long lead times and high research and development costs. Suppose that you are in charge of the federal agency that grants drug approvals and you wish to be convinced that a ne

> What are some organizational culture issues that management must address as they strive for long-run stability and growth?

> Explain Deming’s system of profound knowledge with specifics in the following industries: (a) Hospital (b) Software company

> Discuss the dilemma management faces when they sacrifice short-term profits for long-run stability. What approach is recommended?

> Explain the drawbacks of a bottom-line management approach.

> Discuss the five deadly diseases in the context of Deming’s philosophy of management. What remedial actions would you take?

> What is the difference between quality control and quality improvement? Discuss the role of management in each of these settings.

> What are the drawbacks of some traditional performance appraisal systems and how may they be modified?

> Discuss the organizational structure in a typical health care facility. What barriers might this create and what are some remedial measures?

> Explain the organizational barriers that prevent a company from adopting the quality philosophy. Describe some specific action plans to remove such barriers.

> Describe some characteristics for selecting vendors in the following organizations and the selection process to be followed: (a) Supermarket (b) Physician’s office (c) Fast-food restaurant

> Discuss the processes through which supply chain quality may be monitored.

> What are the reasons for mass inspection not being a feasible alternative for quality? improvement?

> Explain the notion of the extended process and its significance. Discuss this in the context of the following organizations: (a) Hardware vendor (such as for computers and printers) (b) Hospital (c) Software company (d) Entertainment industry

> The following companies are interested in conducting a market survey of their products/ services. Explain the possible sampling techniques that they might choose. (a) High-end automobiles (b) Cooking range (c) Cell phones (d) Boutique clothes (e) City mu

> Consider the price of homes in a large metropolitan area. What kind of distribution would you expect in terms of skewness and kurtosis? As an index, would the mean or median price be representative? What would the interquartile range indicate?

> Refer to Exercise 4-7. For each situation, define a type I and a type II error in the appropriate context. Consider the costs of such errors and discuss the implications. Data from Exercise 4-7: State the null and alternative hypotheses in the following

> You are interested in developing a regression model to predict monthly sales of a departmental store. Discuss the independent variables that you might select. How would you select the functional form for these independent variables?

> A health care facility is exploring the relationship between annual costs based on the number of patients seen and the number of emergency cases. (a) Explain what an outlier means in this context. How would you statistically test for the presence of an o

> A marketing company wants to determine if the combined years of experience of its staff who worked on a proposal have an impact on the chance of winning a contract. What is the equation of an appropriate model?

> A financial institution wants to explore the relationship between a loan application approval time and the independent variables of annual salary of the applicant and years of employment. (a) What is the equation of a regression model? (b) In order to sa

> Refer to Exercises 13-1 and 13-2. Suppose you believe that the impact of contract cost on web development time is dependent on the type of industry that the company is from. (a) What is the model equation in this context? (b) What null hypothesis would y

> As natural resources become scarce, discuss the role of ISO 14000 in promoting good environmental management practices.

> (a) Refer to Exercise 13-1. Based on historical information, the company believes that the type of industry that the customer belongs to influences web development time. Suppose that there are four industry types: manufacturing, banking, airlines, and he

> Refer to Exercise 13-1. What null hypothesis would you test to determine if contract cost is significant in the presence of the other independent variables? What null hypothesis would you test to determine if the number of projects undertaken could be dr

> An information technology company that specializes in website development is interested in modelling development time as a function of the contract cost, number of available developers, and number of projects undertaken. (a) Write down the equation of th

> Explain why it does not make sense to test for the main effects in a factorial experiment if the interaction effects are significant.

> Distinguish between a randomized block design and a Latin square design. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Latin square design?

> Explain the difference between the completely randomized design and the randomized block design. Discuss in the context of a gasoline refining process. Under what conditions would you prefer to use each design?

> What is the difference between a fixed effects model and a random effects model? Give some examples in the logistics area.

> What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative variables? Give examples of each in the transportation industry. Which of these two classes permit interpolation of the response variable?

> Explain the concept of interaction between factors and give some examples in the entertainment industry.

> Discuss the impact of technological breakthrough on the prevention and appraisal cost and failure cost functions.

> Explain the importance of experimental design in quality control and improvement for a financial institution.

> Discuss the signal-to-noise ratio. How is it used in the Taguchi method? What is an adjustment parameter and how is it used?

> Compare and contrast Taguchi’s loss functions for the situations target is best, smaller is better, and larger is better. Give examples in the hospitality industry.

> Discuss Taguchi’s philosophy for quality improvement. Discuss his loss function and its contributions.

> What is the role of a defining contrast, or generator, in fractional factorial experiments? Distinguish between a principal fraction and an alternate fraction.

> Clearly distinguish between the principles of confounding and fractionalization.

> What are the features of a 2k factorial experiment? What are the features of a 2k–2 fractional factorial experiment and how is it constructed?

> What is the utility of contrasts in experimental design? What are orthogonal contrasts and how are they helpful?

> Distinguish between factor, treatment, and treatment levels in the context of a health care facility.

> Distinguish between failure-, time-terminated, and sequential tests for reliability and life testing.

> Explain why it is possible for external failure costs to go up even if the first-pass quality level of a product made by a company remains the same.

> Explain procedures that might improve the reliability of a system. How would you increase the availability of a system? Distinguish between a system with components in parallel and another with standby components.

> Describe the life cycle of a product. What probability distributions would you use to model each phase?

> Define reliability. Explain its role in quality control and improvement.

> Discuss the context in which minimizing the average sample number would be a feasible criterion. Which type of sampling plan (single, double, or multiple) would be preferable and what factors would influence your choice?

> If rectification inspection is used, discuss possible criteria to sampling plans.

> Explain the difference between average sample number and average total inspection. State any assumptions made.

> If you were interested in protection for acceptance of a single lot from a vendor with whom you do not expect to conduct much business, what criteria would you select and why?

> Distinguish between average outgoing quality and acceptable quality level. Explain the meaning and importance of the average outgoing quality limit.

> Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of single, double, and multiple sampling plans.

> What is the importance of the OC curve in the selection of sampling plans? Describe the impact of the sample size and the acceptance number on the OC curve. What is the disadvantage of having an acceptance number of zero?

> For a regional hospital in a metropolitan area, what are some of the internal failure and external failure costs? How might they be reduced?

> Consider the following organizations. How would you define quality in each context? Specify attributes/variables that may measure quality. How do you integrate these measures? Discuss the ease or difficulties associated with obtaining values for the vari

> If astronauts could travel at v = 0.950c, we on Earth would say it takes (4.20/0.950) = 4.42 years to reach Alpha Centauri, 4.20 light - years away. The astronauts disagree. (a) How much time passes on the astronauts’ clocks? (b) What is the distance to

> Protons in an accelerator at the Fermi National Laboratory near Chicago are accelerated to a total energy that is 400 times their rest energy. (a) What is the speed of these protons in terms of c? (b) What is their kinetic energy in MeV?

> A proton moves with a speed of 0.950c. Calculate (a) Its rest energy, (b) Its total energy, and (c) Its kinetic energy.

> A rocket moves with a velocity of 0.92c to the right with respect to a stationary observer A. An observer B moving relative to observer A finds that the rocket is moving with a velocity of 0.95c to the left. What is the velocity of observer B relative to

> A pulsar is a stellar object that emits light in short bursts. Suppose a pulsar with a speed of 0.950c approaches Earth, and a rocket with a speed of 0.995c heads toward the pulsar. (Both speeds are measured in Earth’s frame of reference.) If the pulsar

> Spaceship A moves away from Earth at a speed of 0.800c (Fig. P26.25). Spaceship B pursues at a speed of 0.900c relative to Earth. Observers on Earth see B overtaking A at a relative speed of 0.100c. With what speed is B overtaking A as seen by the crew o

> Two identical spaceships with proper lengths of 175 m are launched from Earth. Spaceship A is launched in one direction at 0.500c and spaceship B is launched in the opposite direction at 0.750c. (a) What is the speed of spaceship B relative to spaceship

> A spaceship is moving away from Earth at 0.900c when it fires a small rocket in the forward direction at 0.500c relative to the spaceship. Calculate the rocket’s speed relative to Earth.

> A spaceship travels at 0.750c relative to Earth. If the spaceship fires a small rocket in the forward direction, how fast (relative to the ship) must it be fired for it to travel at 0.950c relative to Earth?

> An electron moves to the right with a speed of 0.90c relative to the laboratory frame. A proton moves to the left with a speed of 0.70c relative to the electron. Find the speed of the proton relative to the laboratory frame.

> True or False: People traveling near the speed of light relative to Earth would measure their lifespans and find them, on the average, longer than the average human lifespan as measured on Earth.

> Spaceship R is moving to the right at a speed of 0.70c with respect to Earth. A second spaceship, L, moves to the left at the same speed with respect to Earth. What is the speed of L with respect to R?

> A spaceship moves past Earth with a speed of 0.900c. As it is passing, a person on Earth measures the spaceship’s length to be 75.0 m. (a) Determine the spaceship’s proper length. (b) Determine the time required for the spaceship to pass a point on Earth

> An unstable particle at rest breaks up into two fragments of unequal mass. The mass of the lighter fragment is equal to 2.50 x 10-28 kg and that of the heavier fragment is 1.67 x 10-27 kg. If the lighter fragment has a speed of 0.893c after the breakup,

> Calculate the classical momentum of a proton traveling at 0.990c, (a) Neglecting relativistic effects. (b) Repeat the calculation while including relativistic effects. (c) Does it make sense to neglect relativity at such speeds?

> An electron has a momentum with magnitude three times the magnitude of its classical momentum. (a) Find the speed of the electron. (b) How would your result change if the particle were a proton?

> At what speed do the classical and relativistic values of a particle’s momentum differ by 10.0%?

> (a) What is the momentum of a proton moving at 0.900c? (b) At what speed will a particle’s relativistic momentum equal twice its classical momentum?

> A box is cubical with sides of proper lengths L1 = L2 = L3, as shown in Figure P26.14, when viewed in its own rest frame. If this block moves parallel to one of its edges with a speed of 0.80c past an observer, (a) What shape does it appear to have to th

> A supertrain of proper length 1.00 x 102 m travels at a speed of 0.95c as it passes through a tunnel having proper length 50.0 m. As seen by a trackside observer, is the train ever completely within the tunnel? If so, by how much?

> A car traveling at 35.0 m/s takes 26.0 minutes to travel a certain distance according to the driver’s clock in the car. How long does the trip take according to an observer at rest on Earth? Hint: The following approximation is helpful: [1 – x]-1/2 ≈ 1 +

> Suppose you are observing a binary star with a telescope and are having difficulty resolving the two stars. Which color filter will better help resolve the stars? (a) Blue (b) Red (c) Neither because colored filters have no effect on resolution

> The proper length of one spaceship is three times that of another. The two spaceships are traveling in the same direction and, while both are passing overhead, an Earth observer measures the two spaceships to have the same length. If the slower spaceship

> A star is 15.0 light - years (ly) from Earth. (a) At what constant speed must a spacecraft travel on its journey to the star so that the Earth–star distance measured by an astronaut onboard the spacecraft is 3.00 ly? (b) What is the journey’s travel time

> The control panel on a spaceship contains a light that blinks every 2.00 s as observed by an astronaut in the ship. If the spaceship is moving past Earth with a speed of 0.750c, determine (a) The proper time interval between blinks and (b) The time inter

> A Boy Scout starts a fire by using a lens from his eyeglasses to focus sunlight on kindling 5.0 cm from the lens. The Boy Scout has a near point of 15 cm. When the lens is used as a simple magnifier, (a) What is the maximum magnification that can be achi

> A laboratory (astronomical) telescope is used to view a scale that is 300 cm from the objective, which has a focal length of 20.0 cm; the eyepiece has a focal length of 2.00 cm. Calculate the angular magnification when the telescope is adjusted for minim


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