1.99 See Answer

Question: Find the radius of convergence and interval

Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series.
Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series.

Transcribed Image Text:

(-1)"x" Σ n2

> Use a graphing calculator or computer to reproduce the picture. yA 3 8 4. 2.

> Use a graphing calculator or computer to reproduce the picture. YA 2- 2

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series. (-1)"4" n-

> (a) Find parametric equations for the ellipse x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1. (b) Use these parametric equations to graph the ellipse when a = 3 and b = 1, 2, 4, and 8. (c) How does the shape of the ellipse change as b varies?

> Find parametric equations for the path of a particle that moves along the circle x2 + (y - 1)2 = 4 in the manner described. (a) Once around clockwise, starting at (2, 1) (b) Three times around counterclockwise, starting at (2, 1) (c) Halfway around count

> Use a graphing device and the result of Exercise 31(a) to draw the triangle with vertices A(1, 1), B(4, 2), and C(1, 5). Data from Exercise 31: (a) Show that the parametric equations where 0 (b) Find parametric equations to represent the line segment f

> (a) Show that the parametric equations where 0 (b) Find parametric equations to represent the line segment from (22, 7) to (3, 21). x= x, + (x2 – xi)t y = yı + (y2 – yı)t

> Graph the curves y = x3 - 4x and x = y3 - 4y and find their points of intersection correct to one decimal place.

> Match the parametric equations with the graphs labeled I–VI. Give reasons for your choices. (Do not use a graphing device.) (a) x = 1ª – t + 1, y=t² (b) х — ? - 21, у — (c) x = sin 2t, y= sin(t + sin 2i) (d) x = cos 5t, y= sin 2t

> Use the graphs of x = f(t) and y = t(t) to sketch the parametric curve x = f(t), y = t(t). Indicate with arrows the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. XA 1

> Use the graphs of x = f(t) and y = t(t) to sketch the parametric curve x = f(t), y = t(t). Indicate with arrows the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. XA 1. -1 1 1

> Use the graphs of x = f(t) and y = t(t) to sketch the parametric curve x = f(t), y = t(t). Indicate with arrows the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. XA

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series. E 2"n?x" n=1

> Match the graphs of the parametric equations x = f(t) and y = t(t) in (a)–(d) with the parametric curves labeled I–IV. Give reasons for your choices. (a) I 2 1 2 x (b) II XA YA 2. y 2- 2 x (c) III y 1 2 x (d) I

> Describe the motion of a particle with position sx, yd as t varies in the given interval. x = sin 1, y = cos?t, -27 < t< 2m

> Describe the motion of a particle with position sx, yd as t varies in the given interval. x = 5 sin t, y = 2 cos t, -T<I< 5T

> Describe the motion of a particle with position sx, yd as t varies in the given interval. x = 2 + sin t, y=1 + 3 cos t, T/2<1<27

> Describe the motion of a particle with position sx, yd as t varies in the given interval. x = 5 + 2 cos T t, y=3 + 2 sin mt, 1<t<2

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. х — tan'o, у — sec 0, —п/2 <0 < п/2

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. x = sinh t, y= cosh t

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. x = /i + 1, y= vi - 1

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. x = t, y= In t

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. 21 x = e', y

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of&Acirc;&nbsp;the series. Σ n*4"

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. х — sin t, у - csc i, 0 <1< п/2

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. x =} cos 0, y = 2 sin 0, 0< 0 <

> (a) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b) Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. х — sin 0, y — сos s0, -<0 < T

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x = t', y = t .2 3. х

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x = /i, y=1 – t Vi,

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x = sin 1, y =1 - cos t, 0

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. х — 12 — 3, у—1+2, —3<1s 3

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x = 3t + 2, y = 2t + 3

> (a) Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b) Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. х — 21 — 1, у— +1 x =

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. x = e + t, y= e' – t, -2 <t< 2

> Test the series for convergence or divergence. E (-1)*-1 4" n-

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. x = t³ + t, _y= t² + 2, -2<t< 2

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. x= 1 - t, y= 2t – t°, -1 <t<2

> A cow is tied to a silo with radius r by a rope just long enough to reach the opposite side of the silo. Find the grazing area available for the cow.

> (a) Show that the curvature at each point of a straight line is / = 0. (b) Show that the curvature at each point of a circle of radius r is / = 1/r.

> Use Formula 1 to derive Formula 6 from Formula 8.2.5 for the case in which the curve can be represented in the form /

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of&Acirc;&nbsp;the series. o n! -0

> Find the surface area generated by rotating the given curve about the y-axis. x = e' – t, y= 4e?, 0<t<1 = 4e2, 0<t<1

> Find the surface area generated by rotating the given curve about the y-axis. x = 3t, y = 2t², 0<t<5

> Find the exact area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. х —а сos'0, у —asin'0, 0<0< п/2

> Find the exact area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. x = 212 + 1/1, y= 8/t, 1<t< 3

> Find the exact area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. x = t, y = t, 0<t<1

> Set up an integral that represents the area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. Then use your calculator to find the surface area correct to four decimal places. x = t² – t, y=t+ t*, 0<t<1

> Set up an integral that represents the area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. Then use your calculator to find the surface area correct to four decimal places. x=t+ e', y= e ', 0<t< 1

> Set up an integral that represents the area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. Then use your calculator to find the surface area correct to four decimal places. x = sin t, y = sin 2t, 0<t< T/2

> Set up an integral that represents the area of the surface obtained by rotating the given curve about the x-axis. Then use your calculator to find the surface area correct to four decimal places. x = t sin t, y =t cos 1, 0<1<T/2

> A curve called Cornu&acirc;&#128;&#153;s spiral is defined by the parametric equations where C and S are the Fresnel functions that were introduced in Chapter 5. (a) Graph this curve. What happens as / and as / (b) Find the length of Cornu&acirc;&#128;&#

> (a) Graph the epitrochoid with equations What parameter interval gives the complete curve? (b) Use your CAS to find the approximate length of this curve. x= 11 cos t – 4 cos(11t/2) y = 11 sin t – 4 sin(11t/2)

> Find the distance traveled by a particle with position (x, y) as t varies in the given time interval. Compare with the length of the curve. x = cos't, y = cos t, 0 I< 4T

> Find the distance traveled by a particle with position (x, y) as t varies in the given time interval. Compare with the length of the curve. x = sin?t, y = cos?t, 0<t<3T

> Use Simpson&acirc;&#128;&#153;s Rule with n = 6 to estimate the length of the curve x = t – e', y = t + e', -6 <t< 6.

> Find the length of the loop of the curve x = 3t - t3 , y = 3t2.

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of&Acirc;&nbsp;the series. x" Σ 2n – 1

> (a) Approximate f by a Taylor polynomial with degree n at the number a. (b) Use Taylor&acirc;&#128;&#153;s Inequality to estimate the accuracy of the approximation / when x lies in the given interval. (c) Check your result in part (b) by graphing / S

> Graph the curve x = sin t + sin +1.5t, y = cos t and find its length correct to four decimal places.

> Graph the curve and find its exact length. x = cos t + In(tan t), y= sin t, T/4 <t< 3/4

> Graph the curve and find its exact length. x = e' cos t, y = e' sin t, 0 <t<

> Find the exact length of the curve. х — 3 3 cos t - cos Зі, cos 31, y = 3 sin t – sin 3t, 0 <t<+

> Find the exact length of the curve. x = t sin t, y =t cos 1, 0 <1<1

> Find the exact length of the curve. x = e' – t, y = 4e"?, 0<t<2

> Find the exact length of the curve. x = 1 + 3t², y= 4 + 2t³, 0 <<t<1

> Set up an integral that represents the length of the curve. Then use your calculator to find the length correct to four decimal places. x = t + vt, y=t- Vi, 0<t<1

> Set up an integral that represents the length of the curve. Then use your calculator to find the length correct to four decimal places. x = t – 2 sin t, y=1-2 cos t, 0<t<4m

> Set up an integral that represents the length of the curve. Then use your calculator to find the length correct to four decimal places. x = t? – t, y= t“, 1<t<4

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of&Acirc;&nbsp;the series. (-1)"x" Σ 'n

> Set up an integral that represents the length of the curve. Then use your calculator to find the length correct to four decimal places. x = t + e¯', y=t – e', 0<t< 2

> Let R be the region enclosed by the loop of the curve in Example 1. (a) Find the area of R. (b) If 5 is rotated about the x-axis, find the volume of the resulting solid. (c) Find the centroid of R.

> Find the area enclosed by the x-axis and the curve x =t3 + 1, y = 2t – t2.

> Find equations of the tangents to the curve x = 3t2 + 1, y = 2t3 + 1 that pass through the point (4, 3).

> At what point(s) on the curve x = 3t2 + 1, y = t3 - 1 does the tangent line have slope 1 2 ?

> Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of&Acirc;&nbsp;the series. E(-1)"nx" 'x' -1

> Graph the curve x = 22 cos t, y = sin t + sin 2t to discover where it crosses itself. Then find equations of both tangents at that point.

> Show that the curve x = cos t, y = sin t cos t has two tangents at (0, 0) and find their equations. Sketch the curve.

> Graph the curve in a viewing rectangle that displays all the&Acirc;&nbsp;important aspects of the curve. x= 14 + 41° – 81², y=21² – t

> Graph the curve in a viewing rectangle that displays all the&Acirc;&nbsp;important aspects of the curve. x = t* – 2t3 – 2t², y=t³ – t

> Use a graph to estimate the coordinates of the lowest point and the leftmost point on the curve x = t4 - 2t, y = t + t4. Then find the exact coordinates.

> Use a graph to estimate the coordinates of the rightmost point on the curve x = t - t6, y = et. Then use calculus to find the exact coordinates.

> Find the points on the curve where the tangent is horizontal or vertical. If you have a graphing device, graph the curve to check your work. *= e sino sinº, y = e cs0 cos0

> Find the points on the curve where the tangent is horizontal or vertical. If you have a graphing device, graph the curve to check your work. x = cos 0, y= cos 30

> Find the points on the curve where the tangent is horizontal or vertical. If you have a graphing device, graph the curve to check your work. x = t³ – 31, y =t} - 3t²

> (a) What is the radius of convergence of a power series? How do you find it? (b) What is the interval of convergence of a power series? How do you find it?

> Find the points on the curve where the tangent is horizontal or vertical. If you have a graphing device, graph the curve to check your work. х — — 31, у— ? - 3 x =

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? x = cos t, y = sin 2t, 0<t<

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? x = t - In t, y = t + In t

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? х — 1? + 1, у — е' — 1

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? x = e', y=te

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? х — + 1, у—r -1

> Find dy/dx and d2y/dx2. For which values of t is the curve concave upward? x = t? + 1, y= t? + t

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the given point. Then graph the curve and the tangent. := sin mt, y= t² + t; (0, 2)

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the given point. Then graph the curve and the tangent. x = t? – 1, y=t² + t + 1; (0, 3)

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the given point by two methods: (a) without eliminating the parameter and (b) by first eliminating the parameter. x = 1 + Vi, y= e"; (2, e)

> What is a power series?

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the given point by two methods: (a) without eliminating the parameter and (b) by first eliminating the parameter. x = 1 + In t, y = t² + 2; (1, 3)

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to the given value of the parameter. х — е' sin mt, у — е"; 1— 0 ,21. t =

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to the given value of the parameter. x =t cos t, y=t sin t; t= T

> Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to the given value of the parameter. x= Vĩ, Vi, y = t? – 2t; t=4


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