Have you ever seen the movie Terminator in which machines take over the world? Do you think that scenario could ever come true? Researching the Internet of Things makes you wonder if robots can gain self-consciousness, making the possibility of them taking over the earth a reality. If these are your thoughts, you are not alone. Many prominent people in the field of science and technology are currently debating this hot topic. British physicist Stephen Hawking stated the following:
“The primitive forms of artificial intelligence we already have, have proved very useful. But I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,†Hawking told the BBC. “Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate,†he said. According to Hawking, the robots may take over the planet if artificial intelligence research is not done properly.
The debate on artificial intelligence has two sides: (1) in agreement with Hawking, stating artificial intelligence will overtake human intelligence; and (2) in disagreement with Hawking, stating that “true†AI—loosely defined as a machine that can pass itself off as a human being or think creatively—is at best decades away. The one truth about AI that is occurring today is that robots are taking over jobs in the workplace. Years ago, the horse was displaced by the automobile. In today’s workplace, human labor is being displaced by robots. Oxford University researchers have estimated that 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades. But which ones will robots take first? According to Shelly Palmer, CEO of The Palmer Group, the following are the first five jobs robots are replacing, along with the last five jobs robots will replace. (See Figures Unit 3.1 and Unit 3.2.,)
Figure 3.1:
Figure 3.2:
1. You have landed your dream job working for Steve Evert. Unfortunately, Steve doesn’t know anything about enterprise resource planning systems. Your first assignment is to help educate Steve on the business benefits associated with implementing an ERP system to gain a 360 degree view of business operations.
2. You know that measuring the success of an ERP system is difficult. Create a document explaining the difficulty in measuring the success of an ERP system and provide suggestions on how the business can ensure the success of the new ERP system.
1. Middle Management If your main job function is taking a number from one box in Excel and putting it in another box in Excel and writing a managerial report, then you are a prime target for a hostile takeover from a robot. Be ready. 2. Salespersons Robots will dramatically reduce the cost of sales by removing the person from the sales process (request for proposal, quotation, order and fulfillment system), making the entire company far more profitable. 3. Report Writers, Journalists, Authors Report writing is easy, and robots are being taught to read data, pattern match images or video, or analyze almost any kind of research materials, creating useful managerial reports. Text-to-speech systems are evolving quickly, and even commentators will be replaced by robots. 4. Accountants and Bookkeepers Machine learning accountants and bookkeepers will operate infinitely better than humans and far cheaper. Robo-accounting is in its infancy, but it is awesome at dealing with accounts payable, accounts receivable, inventory control, auditing, and several other accounting functions. 5. Doctors Robots make amazing doctors, diagnosticians, and surgeons. IBM's Watson is teaming up with a dozen U.S. hospitals to offer advice on the best treatments for a range of cancers and to help spot early stage skin cancers. And ultraprecise robo-surgeons are currently used for everything from knee replacement surgery to vision correction. This is great news because robotic doctors are going to become a necessity as the world population is expected to reach 11 billion in 2100. With that many people on the earth, even if everyone who ever wanted to be a doctor became one, we still would not have enough doctors.² 1. Preschool and Elementary School Teacher Children need to be taught by humans if we want our children to grow up to be human. A robot would be unable to teach a child to be human. 2. Professional Athlete A robot playing a sport would simply take all of the fun out of the game. Professional athletes need to be human! 3. Politician As long as fairness and equality are important topics, humans will be the only ones on the political scene. 4. Judge Judging requires both objective and subjective assessments and simply cannot be replaced by a robot. 5. Mental Health Professional It takes a great deal of human knowledge to understand mental health issues, and psychologists and psychiatrists will not be replaced by robots due to the delicate nature of humans.³
> What are the four common characteristics of big data?
> What is big data?
> What is a click-and-mortar? Provide an example.
> What is a brick-and-mortar? Provide an example.
> What is a pure-play? Provide an example.
> Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and WWW caused business disruption.
> What is the difference between a B2B and a B2C?
> What are the benefits and challenges associated with ebusiness?
> How did ebusiness change traditional business models?
> What is an ebusiness model?
> What is the difference between search engine ranking and search engine optimization?
> Why is search engine ranking important to a company?
> What are the four data-mining techniques for predictions and why are they important to a business?
> What is data-driven decision management?
> What are the four data-mining techniques? Provide examples of how you would use each one in business.
> Identify the advantages of using business intelligence to support managerial decision making.
> What are the six steps in the data-mining process and why is each important?
> What is virtualization and how has it helped drive the big data era?
> What is distributed computing and how has it helped drive the big data era?
> Slack’s business model is simple: Be Less Busy. It’s hard to imagine any busy professional not coveting those simple words. Slack’s promise is to make business professionals more productive by eliminating meetings and emails. Can you imagine a life witho
> Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin isn’t just a currency, like dollars or euros or yen. It’s a way of making payments, like PayPal or the Visa credit card network. Bitcoins ca
> Identify the four common characteristics of big data.
> Identify the four challenges associated with ebusiness.
> Describe the six ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.
> Compare the four categories of ebusiness models.
> Explain the importance of data analytics and data visualization.
> Describe the roles and purposes of data warehouses and data marts in an organization.
> Explain data mining and identify the three elements of data mining.
> Data Visualization: Stories for the Information Age At the intersection of art and algorithm, data visualization schematically abstracts information to bring about a deeper understanding of the data, wrapping it in an element of awe. While the practice
> The word gig comes from the music world; a gig is a paid appearance of limited duration. A gig economy is an environment in which temporary employment is common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. Today’s workf
> eBay is the world’s largest online marketplace, with 97 million global users selling anything to anyone at a yearly total of $62 billion—more than $2,000 every second. Of course with this many sales, eBay is collecting the equivalent of the Library of Co
> Micheal Porter is a university professor at Harvard Business School, where he leads the Institute on Strategy and Competitiveness, studying competitiveness for companies and nations—and as a solution to social problems. He is the founder of numerous nonp
> Where are the supplier’s suppliers in a typical supply chain?
> Where are the customer’s customers in a typical supply chain?
> What is the bullwhip effect and how can it impact a supply chain and a firm’s profitability?
> What are the five primary activities in a supply chain?
> What are the three different ERP implementation choices?
> Describe Web 1.0 along with ebusiness and its associated advantages.
> How does a company measure the success of an ERP system?
> At the heart of an ERP system is a database that is capturing all of the operational system data.
> The four most common extended ERP components business intelligence, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and ebusiness.
> What are the components in a core ERP system?
> What is the difference between core and extended ERP?
> What is an enterprise resource planning system?
> What is RFID’s primary purpose in the supply chain?
> What is materials management and how does it impact the supply chain?
> What is logistics and how does it impact the supply chain?
> What is procurement and how does it impact the supply chain?
> Did you know: â– Once every 3 minutes, the average company comes into contact with viruses and malware. â– One in every 291 email messages contains a virus. â– Three things hackers want most are customer
> Describe supply chain management along with its impact on business.
> Identify the core and extended areas of enterprise resource planning.
> Describe the role information plays in enterprise resource planning systems.
> Discuss the current technologies organizations are integrating in enterprise resource planning systems.
> Identify the three components of supply chain management along with the technologies reinventing the supply chain.
> Have you ever lost a beloved pet? No worries, just draw a picture of your pet and print a plastic replica from your 3D desktop printer so your cat or dog can sit on your desk forever. Can you imagine printing your drawing in 3D? Well, there is no need to
> We are currently in the middle of the connected car revolution, a vehicle equipped with smart sensors, Internet access, and a number of information systems that make driving easy, intelligent, and safe. Connected cars share information with individuals i
> The world of ERP may seem boring to those caught up in the hysteria over Twitter and iPhone applications, but there’s plenty of drama to be found: Troubled multimillion-dollar software deals that produce spectacular failures and huge spending nightmares;
> In his book The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman describes the unplanned cascade of technological and social shifts that effectively leveled the economic world and “accidentally made Beijing, Bangalore, and Bethesda next-door neighbors.&a
> Over 20 years ago a few professors at MIT began describing the Internet of Things (IoT), which is a world where interconnected Internet-enabled devices or “things” have the ability to collect and share data without human intervention. Another term for th
> What is the relationship between adware and spyware?
> What are the costs associated with downtime?
> What are the reasons a company experiences downtime?
> What is the difference between pirated software and counterfeit software?
> What is the correlation between privacy and confidentiality?
> What are ethics and why are they important to a company?
> What is business intelligence and how can it help a company achieve success?
> What are the causes of dirty data?
> What is the purpose of information cleansing (or scrubbing)?
> How does ETL help transfer data in and out of the data warehouse?
> Watson is an IBM supercomputer that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated analytical software for optimal performance as a question answering machine. The supercomputer is named for IBM’s founder, Thomas J. Watson. The Watson supercompu
> What is a data warehouse and why would a business want to implement one?
> What is the difference between a knowledge facilitator and knowledge assets?
> What is the relationship between hackers and viruses?
> What are the positive and negative effects associated with monitoring employees?
> What are the three types of analytics?
> How can a company use disintermediation to achieve a competitive advantage?
> How does system thinking support business operations?
> What type of career are you planning to pursue? How will your specific career use data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge?
> Do you agree that MIS is essential for businesses operating in the information age? Why or why not?
> What is MIS and what role does it plays in an organization?
> Why is it important for a company to operate cross-functionally?
> What is the relationship between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge?
> How can a manager turn data into information?
> What is data? Why is data important to a business?
> Why are customer relationships important to an organization? Do you agree that every business needs to focus on customers to survive in the information age?
> What is a supply chain inventory visibility system?
> How can a business use clickstream data to help improve website efficiency?
> What are the five primary activities in a supply chain?
> What is supply chain management and why is it important to a company?
> Explain how finding different ways to travel the same road relates to automation, streamlining, and business process reengineering.
> Explain the difference between customer-facing processes and business-facing processes. Which one is more important to an organization?
> Why would a manager need to review an As-Is and To-Be process model?
> Why do managers need to understand business processes? Can you make a correlation between systems thinking and business processes?
> What is an enterprise resource planning system?
> What is a business process and what role does it play in an organization?
> How can a company use Porter’s value chain analysis to measure customer satisfaction?
> What are Porter’s three generic strategies and why would a company want to follow only one?
> What are the four ebusiness advantages?
> How could a company use switching costs to lock in customers and suppliers?
> How could a company use loyalty programs to influence buyer power?