Virtual Campus (VC) is a social media firm that specializes in creating virtual meeting places for students, faculty, staff, and others associated with different college campuses. VC was started as a student project in a database class at Cyber University, an online polytechnic college, with headquarters in a research park in Dayton, Ohio. The following parts of this exercise relate to different phases in the development of the database VC now provides to client institutions to support a threaded discussion application. Your assignment is to draw an ERD to represent each phase of the development of the VC database and to answer questions that clients raised about the capabilities (business rules) of the database in each phase. The description of each phase will state specific requirements as seen by clients, but other requirements may be implied or possibly should be implemented in the design slightly differently than the clients might see them, so be careful to not limit yourself to only the specifics provided. a. The first phase was fairly simplistic. Draw an ERD to represent this initial phase, described by the following: • A client may maintain several social media sites (e.g., for intercollegiate sports, academics, local food and beverage outlets, or a specific student organization). Each site has attributes of Site Identifier, Site Name, Site Purpose, Site Administrator, and Site Creation Date. • Any person may become a participant in any public site. Persons need to register with the client’s social media presence to participate in any site, and when they do the person is assigned a Person Identifier; the person provides his or her Nickname and Status (e.g., student, faculty, staff, or friend, or possibly several such values); the Date Joined the site is automatically generated. A person may also include other information, which is available to other persons on the site; this information includes Name, Twitter Handle, Facebook Page link, and SMS Contact Number. Anyone may register (no official association with the client is necessary). • An account is created each time a person registers to use a particular site. An account is described by an Account ID, User Name, Password, Date Created, Date Terminated, and Date/Time the person most recently used that account. • Using an account, a person creates a posting, or message, for others to read. A posting has a Posting Date/Time and Content. The person posting the message may also add a Date when the posting should be made invisible to other users. • A person is permitted to have multiple accounts, each of which is for only one site. • A person, over time, may create multiple postings from an account. b. After the first phase, a representative from one of the initial clients asked if it were possible for a person to have multiple accounts on the same site. Answer this question based on your ERD from part a of this exercise. If your answer is yes, could you enforce via the ERD a business rule of only one account per site per person, or would other than a data modeling requirement be necessary? If your answer is no, justify how your ERD enforces this rule. c. The database for the first phase certainly provided only the basics. VC quickly determined that two additional features needed to be added to the database design, as follows (draw a revised ERD to represent the expanded second phase database): • From their accounts, persons might respond to postings with an additional posting. Thus, postings may form threads, or networks of response postings, which then may have other response postings and so forth. • It also became important to track not only postings but also when persons from their accounts read a posting. This requirement is needed to produce site usage reports concerning when postings are made, when they are read and by whom, frequency of reading, etc. d. Clients liked the improvements to the social media application supported by the database from the second phase. How useful the social media application is depends, in part, on questions administrators at a client organization might be able to answer from inquiries against the database using reports or online queries. For each of the example client inquiries that follow, justify for your answer to part c whether your database could provide answers to that inquiry (if you already know SQL, you could provide justification by showing the appropriate SQL query; otherwise, explain the entities, attributes, and relationships from your ERD in part c that would be necessary to produce the desired result): • How many postings has each person created for each site? • Which postings appear under multiple sites? • Has any person created a posting and then responded to his or her own posting before any other person has read the original posting? • Which sites, if any, have no associated postings? e. The third phase of database development by VC dealt with one of the hazards of social media sites—irresponsible, objectionable, or harmful postings (e.g., bullying or inappropriate language). So for the third phase, draw a revised ERD to the ERD you drew for the second phase to represent the following: • Any person from one of their accounts may file a complaint about any posting. Most postings, of course, are legitimate and not offensive, but some postings generate lots of complaints. Each complaint has a Complaint ID, Date/Time the complaint is posted, the Content of the complaint, and a Resolution Code. Complaints and the status of resolution are visible to only the person making the complaint and to the site administrator. • The administrator for the site about which a complaint has been submitted (not necessarily a person in the database, and each site may have a different administrator) reviews complaints. If a complaint is worthy, the associated offensive posting is marked as removed from the site; however, the posting stays in the database so that special reports can be produced to summarize complaints in various ways, such as by person, so that persons who make repeated objectionable postings can be dealt with. In any case, the site administrator after his or her review fills in the date of resolution and the Resolution Code value for the complaint. As stated, only the site administrator and the complaining person, not other persons with accounts on the site, see complaints for postings on the associated site. Postings marked as removed as well as responses to these postings are then no longer seen by the other persons. f. You may see various additional capabilities for the VC database. However, in the final phase you will consider in this exercise, you are to create an expansion of the ERD you drew for phase three to handle the following: • Not all sites are public, that is, open for anyone to create an account. A person may create one or more sites as well as groups and then invite other persons in a group to be part of a site he or she has created. A group has a Group ID, Group Name, Date Created, Date Terminated, Purpose, and Number of Members. • The person creating a “private” site is then, by default, the site administrator for that site. • Only the members of a group associated with a private site may then create accounts for that site, post to that site, and perform any other activities for that site.
> State the guidelines for naming entity types. Discuss why organizations customize a purchased data model.
> The chapter makes a distinction between a required attribute and an optional attribute. Illustrate a required attribute with a relevant example.
> When should an attribute be linked to an entity via a relationship?
> Discuss the main guidelines for defining relationships.
> Define each of the following terms: a. entity type b. entity-relationship model c. entity instance d. attribute e. relationship type f. strong entity type g. multivalued attribute h. associative entity i. cardinality constraint j. weak entity k. binary r
> Explain some of the advantages of large databases that organizations can benefit from considering how the amount of data processed and stored in databases will increase in the future.
> There are other extensions to ER notation than just supertype/subtype relationships. Use the Internet to search for such extensions. One mentioned in the text is aggregation. Look for its examples on the Internet. Report your findings and state the exten
> Why might Pine Valley Furniture Company need a data warehouse?
> Revisit the section titled “Developing a Database Application for Pine Valley Furniture Company.” What phase(s) of the database development process (Figure 1-9) do the activities that Chris performs in the following subsections correspond to: a. Project
> In the three-schema architecture: a. The view of a manager or other type of user is called the schema. b. The view of the data architect or data administrator is called the schema. c. The view of the database administrator is called the schema.
> Explain the differences between user views, a conceptual schema, and an internal schema as different perspectives of the same database.
> Explain why certain business environments favor specific database development methodologies. Highlight the pros and cons of each methodology and the differences in the approaches to database development. Do those differences have any impact on the design
> How does the use of an agile methodology affect decisions regarding data management?
> In which of the five phases of the SDLC do database development activities occur?
> Name the five phases of the traditional systems development life cycle and explain the purpose and deliverables of each phase.
> What differentiates data lakes from traditional data warehouses?
> Specify the difference between database solutions supporting enterprise databases and departmental multitiered databases.
> What is the purpose of designing an enterprise data model? How is it different from the design of a particular database?
> A relationship is established between any pair of entities in an enterprise data model. Explain why a relationship is necessary.
> Figure 1-5 specifies categories for Operational and Informational data management systems. Describe the main difference between these two categories.
> A database is referred to as “an organized collection of logically related data.” What does “related data” mean? Why must data be related?
> List five costs or risks associated with the database approach.
> List 10 potential benefits of the database approach over conventional file systems.
> Table 4-3 contains sample data for parts and for vendors who supply those parts. In discussing these data with users, we find that part numbers (but not descriptions) uniquely identify parts and that vendor names uniquely identify vendors. a. Convert thi
> For your answers to the following Problems and Exercises from prior chapters, transform the EER diagrams into a set of relational schemas, diagram the functional dependencies, and convert all the relations to third normal form: a. Chapter 2, Problem and
> For each of the following relations, indicate the normal form for that relation. If the relation is not in third normal form, decompose it into 3NF relations. Functional dependencies (other than those implied by the primary key) are shown where appropria
> For each of the following EER diagrams from Chapter 3: I. Transform the diagram into a relational schema that shows referential integrity constraints. II. For each relation, diagram the functional dependencies. III. If any of the relations are not in 3NF
> For each of the following E-R diagrams from Chapter 2: I. Transform the diagram to a relational schema that shows referential integrity constraints. II. For each relation, diagram the functional dependencies. III. If any of the relations are not in 3NF,
> Visit your local library and observe the library users and librarians at work. Ask a librarian how the library records and stores its information about its borrowers, books, and loans. Based on this information, determine whether the library’s business r
> What problems may be encountered when developing new programs without designing a database management system?
> Add the following to Figure 3-16: An EMPLOYMENT party relationship is further explained by the positions and assignments to positions during the time a person is employed. A position is defined by an organization unit, and a unit may define many position
> Draw an EER diagram for the following problem: A university is looking to more effectively manage lecture and student appointments. It is currently unable to determine how much time lecturers are devoting to student appointments and consultation and woul
> The description for DocIT explained that there were to be data in the database about people who are not patients but are related to patients. Also, it is possible for some staff members to be patients or to be related to patients. And, some staff members
> Based on the EER diagram constructed for Problem and Exercise 3-34, develop a sample definition for each entity type, attribute, and relationship in the diagram. Data from Problem and Exercise 3-34: Develop an EER model for the following situation using
> Develop an EER model for the following situation using the traditional EER notation, the Visio notation, or the subtypes inside supertypes notation, as specified by your instructor: Wally Los Gatos and his partner Henry Chordate have formed a new limited
> Draw an EER diagram for the following problem: AmazingMemories, a travel agency, specializes in holidays to Southeast Asia. It provides bespoke holidays that are set up and handled by an agency rep. Each rep creates a new booking, which has an ID, hotel,
> Draw an EER diagram for the following problem using this text’s EER notation, the Visio notation, or the subtypes inside supertypes notation, as specified by your instructor: In a typical university, people occupy one or more roles. There are students, e
> Refer to your answer to Problem and Exercise 3-24. Develop entity clusters for this E-R diagram and redraw the diagram using the entity clusters. Explain why you chose the entity clusters you used. Data from Problem and Exercise 3-24: Refer to Problem a
> Refer to your answer to Problem and Exercise 2-44 in Chapter 2. Develop entity clusters for the final version of this E-R diagram and redraw the diagram using the entity clusters. Explain why you chose the entity clusters you used. Data from Problem and
> An institute’s students participate in three types of sports events: long jump, discus throw, and the 100-meter race. The following attributes are recorded for each event: Long Jump: Student Roll Number, Name, House, Age, Recorded Jump Discus Throw: Stud
> Observe the kind of people who work in your college or university. Interview an official who collects data on these people. Ask about the attributes on which data is collected. Is there a supertype/subtype relationship in this scenario? Apply generalizat
> An electronics goods store has devices such as mobile phones, laptops, televisions, and refrigerators for sale. a. Is it possible to apply a supertype/subtype hierarchy to this situation? How? b. Construct an EER diagram. Which specialization rule (compl
> Refer to Problem and Exercise 2-44 in Chapter 2, Part f. Redraw the ERD for your answer to this exercise using appropriate supertypes and subtypes. Data from Problem and Exercise 2-44: Virtual Campus (VC) is a social media firm that specializes in creat
> Figure 3-13 shows the development of entity clusters for the Pine Valley Furniture E-R diagram. In Figure 3-13b, explain the following: a. Why is the minimum cardinality next to the DOES BUSINESS IN associative entity coming from CUSTOMER zero? b. What w
> Draw an ERD for the following situation. (State any assumptions you believe you have to make in order to develop a complete diagram.) Also, draw a data model for this situation using the tool you have been told to use in your course: The A. M. Honka Scho
> Draw an ERD for the following situation. (State any assumptions you believe you have to make in order to develop a complete diagram.) Also, draw a data model for this situation using the tool you have been told to use in your course: Stillwater Antiques
> Draw an ERD diagram for the following situation: The Sensing Building Company (SBC) installs wireless microsensors throughout buildings and building campuses to give building managers, maintenance personnel, and others real-time data about the status of
> Draw an ERD for the following situation, which is based on Lapowsky (2016): The Miami-Dade County, Florida, court system believes that jail populations can be reduced, reincarceration rates lowered, and court system costs lessened and, most important, th
> After completing a course in database management, you are asked to develop a preliminary ERD for a gym database. The entity types that should be included are as shown in Table 2-3. During further discussions you discover the following: •
> It was argued that the Received and Summarizes relationships and TREASURER entity were not necessary. Within the context of this explanation, this is true. Now, consider a slightly different situation. Suppose it is necessary, for compliance purposes (e.
> Consider the following statement and translate it into SQL: Show me the “First Name,” “Last Name,” and “Company Name” fields from the “Contacts” table where the “City” field contains “Kansas City” and the “First Name” field starts with “R.”
> Each semester, each student must be assigned an adviser who counsels students about degree requirements and helps students register for classes. Each student must register for classes with the help of an adviser, but if the student’s assigned adviser is
> The management department at Scholars University holds workshops annually in collaboration with two other universities. The department wishes to create a database with the following entities and attributes: • Faculty delivering the workshop: FacultyID, N
> Star Hoist is owned by Darth and his wife Ella Vader. The company has had its ups and downs since Darth and Ella built it from the ground up several years ago. The company had some initial difficulties when Darth’s brother, Tacksi, was their accountant a
> Draw an ERD for each of the following situations. (If you believe that you need to make additional assumptions, clearly state them for each situation.) Draw the same situation using the tool you have been told to use in the course. a. A company has a num
> Review Figure 2-8 and Figure 2-22. a. Identify any attributes in Figure 2-22 that might be composite attributes but are not shown that way. Justify your suggestions. Redraw the ERD to reflect any changes you suggest. b. Identify any attributes in Figure
> Modify Figure 2-11b to model the following additional information requirements: The training director decides for each employee who completes each class, what course, if any, that employee should take next. The training director needs to keep track of a
> Figure 2-28 shows two diagrams (A and B), both of which are legitimate ways to represent that a stock has a history of many prices. Which of the two diagrams do you consider a better way to model this situation and why?
> Figure 2-27 represents members of a library issuing books and returning them to the library. The members can be students, staff, or faculty, and their details are stored in the Member entity. A member can issue no more than 10 books. All the details on b
> The Is Married To relationship would seem to have an obvious answer in Problem and Exercise 2-33d—that is, until time plays a role in modeling data. Draw a data model for the PERSON entity type and the Is Married To relationship for eac
> Add minimum and maximum cardinality notation to each of the following figures, as appropriate: a. Figure 2-5 b. Figure 2-10a c. Figure 2-12 (all parts) d. Figure 2-13c e. Figure 2-14 Data from Figure 2-5: Data from Figure 2-10a: Data from Figure 2-12:
> List three additional entities that might appear in an enterprise data model for Pine Valley Furniture Company.
> Figure 2-26 shows a grade report that is mailed to students at the end of each semester. Prepare an ERD reflecting the data contained in the grade report. Assume that each course is taught by one instructor. Also, draw this data model using the tool you
> Because Visio does not explicitly show associative entities, it is not clear in Figure 2-22 which entity types are associative. List the associative entities in this figure. Why are there so many associative entities in Figure 2-22?
> Consider this situation: The faculty at a university (FACULTY entity) can also be part of Board of Studies (BOARD entity). Is there a weak entity here? Why?
> Draw an E-R diagram for the following situation: ShinyShoesForAll (SSFA) is a small shoe repair shop located in a suburban town in the Boston area. SSFA repairs shoes, bags, wallets, luggage, and other similar items. Its customers are individuals and sma
> Consider the two E-R diagrams in Figure 2-25, which represent a database of community service agencies and volunteers in two different cities (A and B). For each of the following three questions, place a check mark under City A, City B, or Canâ
> Draw an ER diagram reflecting the needs of an instructor to monitor their class performance, and include entities such as class performance, grades, and attendance. This ER model will be used by the instructor to build a database for their course in the
> Review your answer to Problem and Exercise 2-49; if necessary, change the names of the entities, attributes, and relationships to conform to the naming guidelines presented in this chapter. Then, using the definition guidelines, write a definition for ea
> Doctors Information Technology (DocIT) is an IT services company supporting medical practices with a variety of computer technologies to make medical offices more efficient and less costly to run. Medical offices are rapidly becoming automated with elect
> Wally Los Gatos, owner of Wally’s Wonderful World of Wallcoverings, Etc., has hired you as a consultant to design a database management system for his new online marketplace for wallpaper, draperies, and home decorating accessories. He would like to trac
> Consider the SQL query in Figure 1-20. a. How is Sales to Date calculated? b. How would the query have to change if Helen Jarvis wanted to see the results for all of the product lines, not just the Home Office product line? c. The part of the query start
> You are now ready to create to a proof of concept system for FAME. Create a deployment/rollout strategy for your system within FAME. Ensure that your deployment strategy includes a plan for training, conversion/loading of existing data into the new syste
> Answer the following questions concerning Figures 1-18 and 1-19: a. What will be the field size for the ProductLineName field in the Product table? Why? b. In Figure 1-19, how is the ProductID field in the Product table specified to be required? Why is i
> Consider the project data model shown in Figure 1-16. a. Create a textual description of the diagrammatic representation shown in the figure. Ensure that the description captures the rules/constraints conveyed by the model. b. In arriving at the requirem
> Consider Figure 1-15. Explain the meaning of the line that connects CUSTOMER to ORDER and the line that connects ORDER to INVOICE. What does this say about how Pine Valley Furniture Company does business with its customers?
> Consider the SQL example in Figure 1-19. a. What is the name of the table that is referred to when the SELECT statement is executed? b. How many tables are accessed when the FROM statement is executed? c. How many conditions are evaluated and met in orde
> Prototyping is an iterative process of system development in which requirements are converted into a working system that is continually revised by analysts and users. What are the circumstances under which prototyping should be used?
> There are various development approaches in organizations, and the traditional ones have now been complemented by the more innovative system development methods. Much has been said about the prototyping methodology and its radical features in the develop
> Consider Figure 1-15. While designing the attributes for the Customer table, is it necessary to designate an attribute, such as Customer ID, as a key field? Can we use an ordinary attribute, such as Customer Name, to determine the existence of a customer
> Review the example in Figure 1-2 and 1-4 regarding the differences between the file-based approach and the current database approach. Explain how these differences would impact the relationships between the different entities in the database. Data from
> Consider Figure 1-12, which depicts a hypothetical multi-tiered database architecture. Identify potential duplications of data across all the databases listed on this figure. What problems might arise because of this duplication? Does this duplication vi
> Figure 1-22 shows an enterprise data model for a music store. a. What is the relationship between Album and Store (one-to-one, many-to-many, or one-to-many)? b. What is the relationship between Artist and Album? c. Do you think there should be a relation
> You are now ready to create to a proof of concept system for FAME. Create a testing strategy (including user acceptance testing) for your proof of concept. Which stakeholders should you involve in the phase? Who do you think should sign off on the testin
> Consider a book rental system in a comic store. When a customer borrows or returns a comic book, the shopkeeper needs to note down the transaction or update the corresponding record on the transaction book. a. Draw an enterprise data model for this book
> Think of an organizational database in which some of the fields in the CUSTOMER table must have the following data types. Explain what they mean and how they are used. a. Customer ID (auto-numeric field) b. Customer Name (text field) c. Fee Paid (logical
> For each of the following pairs of related entities, indicate whether (under typical circumstances) there is a one-to many or a many-to-many relationship. Then, using the shorthand notation introduced in the text, draw a diagram for each of the relations
> There is a bulleted list associated with Figure 2-22 that describes the entities and their relationships in Pine Valley Furniture. For each of the 10 points in the list, identify the subset of Figure 2-22 described by that point.
> Answer the following questions concerning Figure 2-22: a. Where is a unary relationship, what does it mean, and for what reasons might the cardinalities on it be different in other organizations? b. Why is Includes a one-to-many relationship, and why mig
> Based on the table above as well as additional research, write a memo in support of or against the following statement: “Cloud databases will increasingly eliminate the need for data administrators/DBAs in corporations.”
> Visit the Web sites of one or more popular cloud service providers that provide cloud database services. Use the table below to map the features listed on the Web site to the major concepts covered in this chapter. If you are not sure where to start, try
> The average annual revenue per customer for the mail order firm described in Problems and Exercises 12-33 and 12-35 is $100. The organization is planning a data quality improvement program that it hopes will increase the average revenue per customer by 5
> The mail order firm described in Problem and Exercise 12-33 has about 1 million customers. The firm is planning a mass mailing of its spring sales catalog to all of its customers. The unit cost of the mailing (postage and catalog) is $6.00. The error rat
> Black Friday is one of the busiest and most profitable times for online retailers due to the traffic generated by price reductions online. On November 24, 2017, a number of Web sites belonging to major online retailers experienced a disruption of service
> You are now ready to create to a proof of concept system for FAME. Create your proof of concept using your technological recommendations (or using the environment that your instructor asks you to use).
> An e-business operates a high-volume catalog sales center. Through the use of clustered servers and mirrored disk drives, the data center has been able to achieve data availability of 99.5 percent. Although this exceeds industry norms, the organization s
> You have been asked to write a brief report on how TQM can be adopted by your organization to improve data quality. Produce a list of reasons why TQM should and should not be adopted, and recommend, with an explanation, an alternative approach to data qu
> Design an interface that would enable the capture of high-quality and error-free data.
> Referring to Problem and Exercise 12-28, rank the four candidates for the position of DBA at Metro Marketing. Again, support your rankings. Data from Problem and Exercise 12-28: Metro Marketers, Inc., wants to build a data warehouse for storing customer
> Referring to Problem and Exercise 12-28, rank the four candidates for the position of data warehouse administrator at Metro Marketing. Again, support your rankings. Data from Problem and Exercise 12-28: Metro Marketers, Inc., wants to build a data wareh