Questions from General Marketing

Q: Several online stores now sell products to consumers at different prices based

Several online stores now sell products to consumers at different prices based on the user’s information, such as geographical location—which determines your proximity to competitors and your area’s a...

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Q: In many oligopolistic industries, firms follow a price leadership strategy,

In many oligopolistic industries, firms follow a price leadership strategy, in which an accepted industry leader sets, raises, or lowers prices and the other firms follow. In what ways is this policy...

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Q: Many very successful retailers use a loss leader pricing strategy, in

Many very successful retailers use a loss leader pricing strategy, in which they advertise an item at a price below their cost and sell the item at that price to get customers into their store. They f...

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Q: Some retailers have used decoy pricing to increase the number of sales

Some retailers have used decoy pricing to increase the number of sales of a higher priced alternative. Describe decoy pricing. What are some products that would be good choices for decoy pricing? Is t...

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Q: What is price, and why is it important to a firm

What is price, and why is it important to a firm? What is digital currency, such as Bitcoin?

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Q: Describe and give examples of some of the following types of pricing

Describe and give examples of some of the following types of pricing objectives: profit, market share, competitive effect, customer satisfaction, and image enhancement.

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Q: Explain how the demand curves for normal products and for prestige products

Explain how the demand curves for normal products and for prestige products differ. What are demand shifts and why are they important to marketers? How do firms go about estimating demand? How can mar...

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Q: Explain variable costs, fixed costs, average variable costs, average

Explain variable costs, fixed costs, average variable costs, average fixed costs, and average total costs.

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Q: Explain these psychological aspects of pricing: price-quality inferences,

Explain these psychological aspects of pricing: price-quality inferences, odd-even pricing, internal reference price, price lining, and prestige pricing.

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Q: What is break-even analysis?

What is break-even analysis?

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