Questions from General Marketing

Q: How does factor analysis help marketing research obtain greater parsimony?

How does factor analysis help marketing research obtain greater parsimony?

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Q: What is the difference between a dimension and a segment? Describe

What is the difference between a dimension and a segment? Describe examples of each.

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Q: Define the term latent construct. How does factor analysis play a

Define the term latent construct. How does factor analysis play a role in understanding latent constructs?

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Q: Explain the concept of communality in factor analysis. How is it

Explain the concept of communality in factor analysis. How is it related to the concept of factor loadings?

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Q: What is PCA?

What is PCA?

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Q: Explain why SEM, originally conceptualized in the 1920s, took so

Explain why SEM, originally conceptualized in the 1920s, took so long to catch on as a widely applied multivariate data analysis tool.

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Q: Define the terms exogenous construct and endogenous construct. How does one

Define the terms exogenous construct and endogenous construct. How does one turn an exogenous construct into an endogenous construct in AMOS?

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Q: What is PLS and what are its key strengths and weaknesses?

What is PLS and what are its key strengths and weaknesses?

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Q: Why does the fact that SEM is a covariance technique reinforce its

Why does the fact that SEM is a covariance technique reinforce its role as an explanatory tool?

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Q: What is the difference between a fixed and free parameter?

What is the difference between a fixed and free parameter?

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