Questions from Human Resource Management

Q: A boring internship suddenly gets interesting when the antiquated, but common

A boring internship suddenly gets interesting when the antiquated, but common HR policies and practices of an organic grocer collide with a manager's attempt to do the right thing. Students are asked...

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Q: The employee firings in the chapter opener are examined and evaluated.

The employee firings in the chapter opener are examined and evaluated. The actual results are:

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Q: Explain how and why employee development and career development activities overlap.

Explain how and why employee development and career development activities overlap.

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Q: Identify the Holland vocational preferences and explain the importance of this model

Identify the Holland vocational preferences and explain the importance of this model in determining the best job fit.

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Q: What is a mentor and how do you go about finding one

What is a mentor and how do you go about finding one?

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Q: Explain the importance of each of the four purposes of the performance

Explain the importance of each of the four purposes of the performance management system. Suggest a fifth purpose and explain why you feel it is important.

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Q: Describe the appraisal process. Explain which step in the process is

Describe the appraisal process. Explain which step in the process is most important.

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Q: Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of evaluating employees by absolute standards and

Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of evaluating employees by absolute standards and relative standards.

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Q: Explain the concept of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Explain the concept of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) and explain how it can reduce leniency and central tendency errors.

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Q: Explain the advantages of using management by objective (MBO) as

Explain the advantages of using management by objective (MBO) as an appraisal method.

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