Questions from Total Quality Management

Q: Why is it important to segment customers? Describe some ways of

Why is it important to segment customers? Describe some ways of defining customer segments

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Q: Explain why there is a logical relationship between customer satisfaction and employee

Explain why there is a logical relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

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Q: Contrast job enlargement with job enrichment. How do they support the

Contrast job enlargement with job enrichment. How do they support the Hackman and Oldham model?

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Q: What is empowerment? How does it benefit both the organization and

What is empowerment? How does it benefit both the organization and employees?

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Q: Explain the concept of self-determination and how it differs from

Explain the concept of self-determination and how it differs from empowerment.

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Q: What is a team? Define the major types of teams found

What is a team? Define the major types of teams found in organizations today.

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Q: Contrast the differences between quality circles and self-managed teams.

Contrast the differences between quality circles and self-managed teams. What are the key characteristics of self-managed teams not found in quality circles?

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Q: Discuss the five phases that teams typically go through during their life

Discuss the five phases that teams typically go through during their life cycle.

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Q: Explain the important issues an organization must consider in developing successful teams

Explain the important issues an organization must consider in developing successful teams.

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Q: What issues must organizations consider with respect to health, safety,

What issues must organizations consider with respect to health, safety, and employee well-being in the work environment?

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