Questions from Advertising and Promotion

Q: Explain what is meant by Customer Lifetime Value. How does this

Explain what is meant by Customer Lifetime Value. How does this formula benefit the direct marketer?

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Q: A study by the Harvard Business School has shown that e-

A study by the Harvard Business School has shown that e-mail marketing is much more effective than traditional direct mail in that it provides a much greater return on investment (ROI) Explain some of...

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Q: Direct marketing has been an effective tool for marketers for a long

Direct marketing has been an effective tool for marketers for a long time. Provide some reasons why direct marketing has been so effective. Do you think this trend will continue?

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Q: Direct marketers are very good at determining the effectiveness of their programs

Direct marketers are very good at determining the effectiveness of their programs. Many direct marketers now measure the impact of the program on the consumer funnel. Explain how direct marketers meas...

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Q: Many marketers and policy makers believe the Internet and social media may

Many marketers and policy makers believe the Internet and social media may constitute a “web of deceit”. Explain what they mean by this comment. Provide examples as to why they have this feeling.

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Q: Some marketers have argued that the strength of the Internet in an

Some marketers have argued that the strength of the Internet in an IMC program is at the mid stage of the consumer funnel (knowledge, consideration, etc.) Discuss whether you agree or disagree with th...

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Q: Those responsible for most of the advertising and promotion decisions for consumer

Those responsible for most of the advertising and promotion decisions for consumer products are brand managers (client side) and account executives (agency side). These individuals are usually well pa...

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Q: The drive to go viral has resulted in some major marketing mistakes

The drive to go viral has resulted in some major marketing mistakes. Explain why marketers are seemingly obsessed with going viral. Then explain some of the consequences that might occur should these...

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Q: The new media discussed in this chapter have some distinct advantages over

The new media discussed in this chapter have some distinct advantages over traditional media, but also have some disadvantages. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and new...

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Q: Discuss the role of social media in an IMC program. What

Discuss the role of social media in an IMC program. What can these media contribute in regard to helping marketers achieve communications objectives?

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