Questions from General Marketing

Q: What services do wholesalers provide to producers and retailers?

What services do wholesalers provide to producers and retailers?

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Q: What is the difference between a full-service merchant wholesaler and

What is the difference between a full-service merchant wholesaler and a limited-service merchant wholesaler?

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Q: Drop shippers take title to products but do not accept physical possession

Drop shippers take title to products but do not accept physical possession of them, whereas commission merchants take physical possession of products but do not accept title. Defend the logic of class...

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Q: What value is added to a product by retailers? What value

What value is added to a product by retailers? What value is added by retailers for producers and ultimate consumers?

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Q: Urban Farmz wants to price the organic soap at $15.

Urban Farmz wants to price the organic soap at $15.95 per bar, while the soap maker prices the same soap at $14 per bar. What perceptions do you think consumers will have of each price? What recommend...

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Q: What are the major differences between discount stores and department stores?

What are the major differences between discount stores and department stores?

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Q: In what ways are traditional specialty stores and off-price retailers

In what ways are traditional specialty stores and off-price retailers similar? How do they differ?

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Q: What major issues should be considered when determining a retail site location

What major issues should be considered when determining a retail site location?

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Q: How is door-to-door selling a form of retailing

How is door-to-door selling a form of retailing? Some consumers believe direct-response orders bypass the retailer. Is this true?

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Q: Why are manufacturers’ sales offices and branches classified as wholesalers? Which

Why are manufacturers’ sales offices and branches classified as wholesalers? Which independent wholesalers are replaced by manufacturers’ sales branches? By sales offices?

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