Questions from Retail Management

Q: Visit the Web site of PetSmart (

Visit the Web site of PetSmart ( and then comment on its storefront, general interior, store layout, displays, and checkout counter.

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Q: 1. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “

1. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “It’s no longer bricks-and-mortar versus E-commerce — omnichannel is the path to success.” Explain your answer. 2. How has Walmart evolved over the yea...

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Q: 1. Why is omnichannel retailing a bigger challenge for food retailers

1. Why is omnichannel retailing a bigger challenge for food retailers than general merchandise retailers? 2. Apply DyShaun Muhammad’s three key steps to your favorite supermarket. 3. Comment on this s...

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Q: 1. According to the information in the case, how are

1. According to the information in the case, how are American demographics changing? 2. As a supermarket retailer, how would you address the rise in U.S. single-person households? 3. As a local gift s...

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Q: 1. What is the convenience economy? Give your own examples

1. What is the convenience economy? Give your own examples. 2. Is the convenience economy good or bad for retailers? Why? 3. What would restaurants have to do to be able to use the Ritual app efficien...

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Q: 1. What do hot retailers have in common? Explain your

1. What do hot retailers have in common? Explain your answer. 2. Why do you believe that so many supermarkets and apparel stores seem to be hot retailers? 3. Cite one retailer mentioned in this case t...

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Q: 1. What is the TNS Shopper Universe? Why is it

1. What is the TNS Shopper Universe? Why is it a valuable tool for retailers? 2. Describe the consumer segments included as experience-driven. 3. Describe the consumer segments included as task-driven...

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Q: 1. How is trading-area analysis different for a small

1. How is trading-area analysis different for a small store than a large store? Explain your answer. 2. How should a food-delivery service such as AmazonFresh define its trading area? Is it going to b...

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Q: 1. Comment on this statement: “AEO established a strategy

1. Comment on this statement: “AEO established a strategy based on what its road map would look like for the next 5 years.” 2. Explain the concept of “channel-immune” distribution centers. How does th...

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Q: 1. What is the most surprising thing that you learned from

1. What is the most surprising thing that you learned from reading this case? Explain your answer. 2. What are the implications of this case for a U.S. retailer that wants to open in Europe? 3. What a...

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