Questions from Total Quality Management

Q: Consider the following organizations. How would you define quality in each

Consider the following organizations. How would you define quality in each context? Specify attributes/variables that may measure quality. How do you integrate these measures? Discuss the ease or diff...

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Q: For a regional hospital in a metropolitan area, what are some

For a regional hospital in a metropolitan area, what are some of the internal failure and external failure costs? How might they be reduced?

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Q: What is the importance of the OC curve in the selection of

What is the importance of the OC curve in the selection of sampling plans? Describe the impact of the sample size and the acceptance number on the OC curve. What is the disadvantage of having an accep...

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Q: Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of single, double, and

Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of single, double, and multiple sampling plans.

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Q: Distinguish between average outgoing quality and acceptable quality level. Explain the

Distinguish between average outgoing quality and acceptable quality level. Explain the meaning and importance of the average outgoing quality limit.

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Q: If you were interested in protection for acceptance of a single lot

If you were interested in protection for acceptance of a single lot from a vendor with whom you do not expect to conduct much business, what criteria would you select and why?

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Q: Explain the difference between average sample number and average total inspection.

Explain the difference between average sample number and average total inspection. State any assumptions made.

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Q: If rectification inspection is used, discuss possible criteria to sampling plans

If rectification inspection is used, discuss possible criteria to sampling plans.

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Q: Discuss the context in which minimizing the average sample number would be

Discuss the context in which minimizing the average sample number would be a feasible criterion. Which type of sampling plan (single, double, or multiple) would be preferable and what factors would in...

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Q: Define reliability. Explain its role in quality control and improvement.

Define reliability. Explain its role in quality control and improvement.

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